Aaron Sylvester said:
wulf3n said:
Zeras said:
Does that change the fact that there are different standards for male and female behavior, especially in the workplace?
Does that "fact" have any bearing on the Issue of hiring female strippers to a Video Game event?
What's the problem here? People are there to talk about games and enjoy themselves and considering around 90-95% of the crowd are men [http://www.flickr.com/photos/officialgdc/collections/72157633058882769/], it fits perfectly.
Because it's a video game developers conference, what does party music and strippers have to do with that?
If the audience wanted to go to a strip club/night club, fine, go to a club, but keep the video game developers conference as a conference of video game developers conferring about video game development.
edit: And now you've raised a chicken or the egg style dilemma. Is it ok to have strippers because there aren't many female developers, or are the few female developers because of this type of attitude.