On Nazis


New member
Mar 4, 2009
nazis , zombies , aliens in games get kinda old real fast , mesmaybe they should find something else to kill...as for hitler it is time to move on, what he did was wrong and his beliefs are bullshit ... the media at the time was censored but now the media is corrupt


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
never thought the Wehrmacht as the bad guys, only the SS.

On the other hand, the german ppl did put Hitler in power so accountability is still there.


New member
Feb 4, 2008
DTWolfwood said:
They got in trouble because they didn't tell the censor this was built into the game. DLC patching means that you can tell the censor what you have done to keep the content locked from children :p
But then again, even that might not be enough. Sims has only Barbie-doll physique models in-game, and that didn't stop Maxis from getting blamed for third-party nude patches.

Also, I bet that the censors will be quick to point out that age checks can be circumvented, and they sort of have a point. If the content exists, the kids can get someone to bypass the hurdles for them and get to the content. Thus, the censors think that the only safe option is to not to have any potentially obscene content at all.

Wayward Sean

New member
Aug 19, 2009
effilctar said:
I personally believe that Nazis believed that what they did would earn them the title of "hero" or "freedom fighter" in their respective culture, much like a religious extremist may believe when they attempt some manner of suicide mission.
I don't feel like it was so much about glory and heroism as it was fear. When Hitler shouts something and the entire gun-wielding army around you starts chanting...you don't want to be that one person who goes, "wait, this is a terrible idea!" because there's the fear that everyone around you will just kill you and keep chanting. I see it as more of a "I'll kill people to follow-the-herd for fear's sake" rather than "I can't wait to go down in history as the freedom fighter who slaughtered this helpless family."


New member
Jan 28, 2009
I actually have two questions (am quite proud of myself for thinking them up, doesn't happen every day).

1. When will the industry realize than there have been enough games about WW2 and stop making any more. At least give us a break for a few years. Give us the chance to actually miss killing Nazi's.

2. Has McDonald's sued Yahtzee and the Escapist for the comment regarding the quality of their food. If yes, for how much money.

3. How come there is no badge for watching Zero Punctuation. There seems to be a badge for everything else.

(I know this is 3 and not 2 questions, but what can you do?)


New member
Dec 27, 2009
The thing about Nazis is you completely obliterate the need for a vaguely balanced ideology for an enemy force (laziness) + they're westerners so no racism accusations either... Oh well. We can only hope for properly written, charismatic, deluded and non-reich-cloning bad guys some time far far in the future.

@Lovesfool: Probably because everyone watches ZP :)


Kid makes a post...
Jun 1, 2009
DTWolfwood said:
never thought the Wehrmacht as the bad guys, only the SS.

On the other hand, the german ppl did put Hitler in power so accountability is still there.
Hitler took power through extremely tricky political maneuvering. He pretty much manipulated Hindenburg into making him Chancellor, and then he gave himself complete power. There was no democracy in Hitler's rise. With the help of the Freikorps, who pretty much became the SA (who were later absorbed by the SS), Hitler strong-armed his way around political Germany with his own private army. He even attempted a coup.

So yeah, you can't hold the German people accountable for Hitler's rise.

Hurr Durr Derp

New member
Apr 8, 2009
<quote=Yahtzee>Censors can't complain about corrupting the children because installing the adult content becomes a choice made by responsible human beings, as alien a concept as that might be to the Australian government.

...but if the buying and playing of the game apparently aren't choices made by responsible human beings (according to the Australian government), why would downloading extra content be any different?


New member
Jun 11, 2009
I'm sick and tired of all media assuming that, by the time of Normandy, every single German soldier was a diehard, xenophobic sociopath

Most of them, towards the end, were disillusioned veterans, slightly unhinged antisematists, poor men down on their luck, or, the most COMMON background of all, a conscripted farmboy.

To say that their lack of general bloodlust can be absolved (in villany terms) by the fact they were defending a very loudly antisemite nation proves jack. hardly anyone knew about the death camps, people were too scared to disagree with the government, most of Europe at the time was antisemite anyway, and had been since, oh, ZERO ANNO DOMINI

I would give ANYTHING for a game on the German side. Starts as a farmboy, conscripted against his family's will right after D-Day, and taken to the frontlines of the German retreat, before he is either killed in Berlin in an emotional and terrifying climax, or he runs away (much like the current Pope) and returns to his family
Dec 16, 2009
Good article

i'd read an article on another site saying we should stop using Natzi's not because its lazy, but because it lessens the memory of what was endured in Natzi Germany by the people etc
interesting read, if i can find it, ill post a link


New member
Jan 7, 2008
gavinfoxx said:
What about the Nazis that attempted to assassinate Hitler? Many of them that were involved in the attempts perfectly understood the systemic evil that he was institutionalizing in the German government, and, as the war wound down, they even understood that they had to make (even an implausible attempt) in order to try to save the honor of their country in the eyes of history.


BTW, of course I know they were in the minority -- if there had been more of these people, than maybe Hitler wouldn't have survived the attempt!
What you've done here is open a whole can of worms. There is actually a difference between the Wehrmacht and the Nazi Party. Even watching Valkyrie would have given you a hint as to why removing the SS from the equation was important. Furthermore, there were 42 seperate attempts on Hitler's life, leading to this: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ptitlekz83hawz


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
noooo WW2 shooters should never die!

the old timey weapons had so much more personality than modern day guns. Who among you shooter fans can say you don't like the semi auto Garand rifle and how it made the distinctive 'PING' noise when its empty! or the Lethality on which all k98 bolt action rifles seem to be in these games. I miss the single shot rifles that dont come with a sniper scopes attached! XD

The slow chug of a MP40 or the smooth spray of your Tommy gun. The crazy recoil of a STG44 or the weighty feel of a BAR. The streaming sound of a MG42 or the rat tat tat of the good old 30 cal. Walter PPk to the Unique Luger. Lets not forget the 1911 45 cal. pistol.

Man WW2 guns are just so much more fun than all the spray'n pray weapons of today.

Incidentally my fave gun now is the FAL in MW2 and ill let yall guess y ;)

Corporal Yakob

New member
Nov 28, 2009
GrinningManiac said:
I'm sick and tired of all media assuming that, by the time of Normandy, every single German soldier was a diehard, xenophobic sociopath

Most of them, towards the end, were disillusioned veterans, slightly unhinged antisematists, poor men down on their luck, or, the most COMMON background of all, a conscripted farmboy.

To say that their lack of general bloodlust can be absolved (in villany terms) by the fact they were defending a very loudly antisemite nation proves jack. hardly anyone knew about the death camps, people were too scared to disagree with the government, most of Europe at the time was antisemite anyway, and had been since, oh, ZERO ANNO DOMINI

I would give ANYTHING for a game on the German side. Starts as a farmboy, conscripted against his family's will right after D-Day, and taken to the frontlines of the German retreat, before he is either killed in Berlin in an emotional and terrifying climax, or he runs away (much like the current Pope) and returns to his family
I completely agree.
Or perhaps it could be volunteer for the Wehrmact in the heady early days, Blitzkrieg through Poland and France before spending the next 4 years of living hell on the Eastern Front before being killed in Berlin.


New member
Jun 11, 2009
Corporal Yakob said:
GrinningManiac said:
I'm sick and tired of all media assuming that, by the time of Normandy, every single German soldier was a diehard, xenophobic sociopath

Most of them, towards the end, were disillusioned veterans, slightly unhinged antisematists, poor men down on their luck, or, the most COMMON background of all, a conscripted farmboy.

To say that their lack of general bloodlust can be absolved (in villany terms) by the fact they were defending a very loudly antisemite nation proves jack. hardly anyone knew about the death camps, people were too scared to disagree with the government, most of Europe at the time was antisemite anyway, and had been since, oh, ZERO ANNO DOMINI

I would give ANYTHING for a game on the German side. Starts as a farmboy, conscripted against his family's will right after D-Day, and taken to the frontlines of the German retreat, before he is either killed in Berlin in an emotional and terrifying climax, or he runs away (much like the current Pope) and returns to his family
I completely agree.
Or perhaps it could be volunteer for the Wehrmact in the heady early days, Blitzkrieg through Poland and France before spending the next 4 years of living hell on the Eastern Front before being killed in Berlin.

Even better if there was a contreversial scene where, in first person, you partake in the swearing of alligence to Der Fuher after Nacht der Langer Messer (sp?)


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Nazis aren't even Always Chaotic Evil (TM), look at stuff like KdF [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KdF].


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
Angerwing said:
DTWolfwood said:
never thought the Wehrmacht as the bad guys, only the SS.

On the other hand, the german ppl did put Hitler in power so accountability is still there.
Hitler took power through extremely tricky political maneuvering. He pretty much manipulated Hindenburg into making him Chancellor, and then he gave himself complete power. There was no democracy in Hitler's rise. With the help of the Freikorps, who pretty much became the SA (who were later absorbed by the SS), Hitler strong-armed his way around political Germany with his own private army. He even attempted a coup.

So yeah, you can't hold the German people accountable for Hitler's rise.
strong arm tactics or not, the german ppl cheered in glee waving their flags and doing their signature solute when Chancellor Palpatine Hitler came parading by in the early years b4 the SS struck fear into each an everyone of them.

But hey we've all been there when an idiot took power and dragged us into a war. ;)