One-Fifth of PS3 Owners Are Eyeing the Exit


New member
Jul 12, 2010
NeedAUserName said:
Sony needs to calm down, everyone knows once you go black you don't go back

Its hardly surprising, the PS3 was never looked upon as the superior console in comparison to the 360 (either equal or weaker), and so its fairly obvious PS3 owners are looking to get out. And with something as major as this destroying their customers trust they are lucky the number isn't higher.
Actually, y'know, it was in terms of specs always looked upon as the stronger console.

The online was free.

And exclusives are a matter of choice. In fact leading up to this, the PS3 was gaining steam. The 360's biggest exclusive is done getting sequels from the studio that created it. Mass Effect is now on PS3 too. All that's left is Gears.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
I was going to buy the dungeons and dragons daggerdale game that is coming out on the 4th on PS3. Now I am getting it for Xbox 360.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Frostbite3789 said:
NeedAUserName said:
Sony needs to calm down, everyone knows once you go black you don't go back

Its hardly surprising, the PS3 was never looked upon as the superior console in comparison to the 360 (either equal or weaker), and so its fairly obvious PS3 owners are looking to get out. And with something as major as this destroying their customers trust they are lucky the number isn't higher.
Actually, y'know, it was in terms of specs always looked upon as the stronger console.

The online was free.

And exclusives are a matter of choice. In fact leading up to this, the PS3 was gaining steam. The 360's biggest exclusive is done getting sequels from the studio that created it. Mass Effect is now on PS3 too. All that's left is Gears.
Gears, at least in my opinion, was and still is the most important exclusive. I just like Gears a lot. I didn't really like Halo.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
That seems like a hasty decision of course people who make such hasty decisions are no the kind of people IO want to be playing games with. Have fun with the random hate on X-box live and buying all your games over again, guys.

Those number are a little misleading. Saying that your considering switching on a survey and actually doing it are too very different things but at least it will set a fire under Sony's butt to get things rolling.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Given my past negative experiences with the 360, which was joined in my living room by a PS3... I'll get a Wii: 2 in 2012.

Okay, okay, maybe not something that drastic, but seriously, I'm not worried because I didn't put my credit info on my PSN account and I really only use the thing for movies or the potential for games. Variety is the spice of life (paprika, specifically), and it is nice having the option to play Gears, ignore Halo: Ended at 3 but this was inevitable, and play some God of War next. GoW for GoW. :)

Con Carne

New member
Nov 12, 2009
So, they fucked up. Yeah it sucks that our card numbers may have been compromised. Oh well, that's the risk we all took when making an account and buying crap from their network. Nothing is completely fool proof (except for death). It's gonna suck for a while, but hey, I'm pretty much over it. I'm not gonna convert, I've been a Sony gamer for years. Nothing is gonna change that until they truly start to suck in my eyes.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
Meanwhile in PC land...

(clock ticks in the back groud)



You know what would be cool? Persona 4 on the PC. I mean it's not like you need a controller.

(clock continues)


New member
Oct 11, 2010
the thing is that the ps3 has some of the best single player games as exclusives, so do your security and ride out the storm. If this happened to MS same thing would happen, they would find a scapegoat, people would sue. This is not really the reason to switch from a ps3 to xbox it is to switch to a ps3 from an xbox. the price will go down and lets face it the only good xbox exclusives that havent been ported to the ps3 are either done or at the end of there time. (Halo and Gears)


Ego extravaganza
Aug 10, 2008
Celtic_Kerr said:
Why? WHY!? They're working to get it up,they fucked up, so what? If it happened to microsoft what would happen?

As I explained in another thread this has "Bank Job Fallout" written all over it. Everyone sees the job, everyone sees the criminal get past the defenses and everyone sees that they make it look a bit easy. So everyone acts like it's the end of the world, talks about how they've been cheated (despite it being the first time that bank is ever robbed) and goes on to sue or leave.

What they don't see are the months of planning that had to go into the criminal's attempt, the information that had to be gathered, etc...

People don't even know if SONY's defenses were good or shitty yet and they're simply yelling "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!?" as if this has happened every year since the PS1 was released 11 years ago. Once in 11 years is actually a fucking good run.

Yeah, I'm pissed it happened to me too, but people are over reacting. People swinging the litigation hammer, claiming to represent us all (Fuck you, no you don't represent me) thinking they can rush SONY into doing a better job if they scare them with litigation.

Let me tell you something. Make SONY focus on a court case AND this and it'll go slower.
The whole point is that it didn't happen to microsoft, and until it does, Sony screwed up, big time.

The Naked Emperor

New member
Jan 5, 2011
Celtic_Kerr said:
Why? WHY!? They're working to get it up,they fucked up, so what? If it happened to microsoft what would happen?

As I explained in another thread this has "Bank Job Fallout" written all over it. Everyone sees the job, everyone sees the criminal get past the defenses and everyone sees that they make it look a bit easy. So everyone acts like it's the end of the world, talks about how they've been cheated (despite it being the first time that bank is ever robbed) and goes on to sue or leave.

What they don't see are the months of planning that had to go into the criminal's attempt, the information that had to be gathered, etc...

People don't even know if SONY's defenses were good or shitty yet and they're simply yelling "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!?" as if this has happened every year since the PS1 was released 11 years ago. Once in 11 years is actually a fucking good run.

Yeah, I'm pissed it happened to me too, but people are over reacting. People swinging the litigation hammer, claiming to represent us all (Fuck you, no you don't represent me) thinking they can rush SONY into doing a better job if they scare them with litigation.

Let me tell you something. Make SONY focus on a court case AND this and it'll go slower.
Security was shitty. The hack job couldn't have been done on this scale if it wasn't. At the very least they should have spread the personal information across multiple servers to isolate the damage.

No security is impenetrable but there's a big difference between a locked door and a hole in the wall that's covered by a sheet.

I pretty much agree with everything this guy says:


New member
Apr 9, 2009
About 2100 people huh? Out of 77 million? Don't get me wrong, I'm "eyeing the exit" so to speak, myself. It's just that 2100 people does not a significant statistic make. It would not suprise me however, to find that that one-fifth number is accurate out to a larger group of consumers. I just really hate it when surveys like this come out and no recognition is paid to the size of the survey sample, and that a small sample can present a skewed picture of what's going on.


New member
Apr 25, 2011
Microsoft must be very happy!

I don't need an Xbox for the moment, don't have any relation with their exclusives.


New member
May 3, 2010
I've not yet got a PS3, but if anything I would feel much safer buying one after this event and inevitable security crackdown.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
HankMan said:
Master Chief
To buy an Xbox 360
...and in response:

Gordon Freeman
To Come To Pc Gaming


New member
May 28, 2010
Surprised it isn't more actually.

I love my PS3, who the hell would put their credit card information on a network like that? Especially when pre-paid cards exist and are clearly the better option.

Not to mention console wars has always been a shit thing, are we now only aloud to have one system or something? Why can't we be of the opinion that all of them have their strengths and weaknesses? I guess that wouldn't be asshole enough though.


New member
Dec 23, 2010
People should really calm down about this.....seriously LOL switching to Xbox now?...Now, I am a PS3 owner, and no I dont have anything againest the fact I dont understand this whole "console war".....if someone was really happy with their console, then they wouldn't winge when an exclusive didnt come to them, or they wouldnt feel the need to rub it in pples faces when something that was meant as an exclusive for an opposing console come to theirs aswell...seriously these pple are ridiculous....gloating bout a game tahts an exclusive for ur console is stupid enough, but then to gloat about a game because its going multi platform so ur getting it too...obviously to say "haha were taking it from u!"....its all insecurity and jealousy, no matter who it comes from (ps3, xbox, wii ect whateva)

Anyway, I love my ps3 and always have loved the PS because of the games....nothing else, that is what its play my freaking games.....and most of the games I love ARE ps3 exclusives....thats why im not switching, (once again this is not in offense to Xbox owners....i just like the games and prefer the ps3, thats all it is)...

Hope Sony get back on their feet though


New member
Dec 21, 2010
I bought a used PS3 because it could run linux and play games. In fact, it could do "Everything".
Then the slim came out and Sony dropped the OtherOS support.
So I bought a slim for my daughter and her family and they enjoyed it but they don't do linux.
They took away linux on the fat boy as well. Later I bought two non-functional PS3s.
Now I have a fat boy that runs linux, plus some spares and one that plays games but not linux.

I finally broke down last November and bought a slim.
It says XBox on the front.

When the last remaining Sony product in my house fails, I will throw it away.

Then I can do "Everything" once again.

Sony can fold it five ways ... and do "Everything" to themselves.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Jonci said:
One of us! One of us!
It was you! You XBox-ers are the hackers! You just can't bear to see us playing a superior console! (I kid, I kid. I have a PS3, and it is entirely personal preference ... as far as I know ...)


New member
Jul 5, 2009
One day someone will explain to me why Linux "is teh most awesomest OS ever" in a sentence that doesn't include "it's better for programming". Why are people buying PS3's for Linux anyway? Here's an idea: buy a cheap PC, put Linux on that, and then use the PS3 for what it was meant to be for. Gaming.

I swear people just use Linux in the same way people use Macs: to scream "I'M DIFFERENT AND THEREFORE BETTER THEN YOU!"