One Million Kinects Sold in Just Ten Days


New member
Nov 14, 2008
Quick somebody make a pic with the Kinect printing money.

The Move fails to move while The Kinect connects with its consumers.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Jumplion said:
Like I've said before, I'm torn between wanting Kinect to succeed and fail.

One part of me wants it to succeed on it's technical merit. Kinect is a very interesting piece of technology that has many potential possibilities hidden within it.

However, another part of me (the fanboy part I guess?) wants Kinect to fail just to tell Microsoft to shove it. They really have no idea how they're approaching the Kinect, with few if any "hardcore" games being announced, let alone released for it, and aren't pushing the true potential of the hardware.

Regardless, I guess I'll just conglaturate Microsoft for this. A million in 10 days is nothing to scoff at, so let's see if they'll hit that 5 million.
I want it to fail for the same reason, basically to scold microsoft for trying something so idiotic and out of their demographic.

But, I want it to succeed, because a failure would be really bad for microsoft, enough for them to start laying off departments and cancelling projects.

I won't congratulate them, at least not until they announce an actual GAME for the gimmicky thing.
I'll just say, I hope they can make the most of their new tech.


New member
Dec 28, 2009
Well considering that they spent $500,000 on advertising and that some of those sales are artificial, I'd say Move is doing better.

Tom Phoenix

New member
Mar 28, 2009
Lullabye said:
Well at least this huge investment wasn't a major freakin flop. I mean, if this had failed right out the gate, the games industry would've been hit really hard financially. This includes the Move as well.
Quite frankly, it's way too early to proclaim either a success or failure. A good start is always nice, but the ultimate question is whether either will be able to propel sales of their respective consoles in the long run. This is where, I think, both Sony and Microsoft are going to hit a snag, since I am not convinced that they will be able to keep the momentum going. The software lineups for both were rather abysmal and I doubt Dance Central alone will be able to accomplish that objective for Xbox 360.

Also, just like Sony, Microsoft has (conventiently) left out how many of those Kinects were sold seperatly and how many in a bundle. That is a rather important piece of information, since that is the only way we can gauge how much impact Kinect has had on the expanded audience market. While sales for the established core market are nice, they are not as useful for what Microsoft is intending to achieve.

But overall, a good start for Kinect. Microsoft is going to need it, since Kinect is certainly not going to do much for them in Japan. XD


New member
May 18, 2009
rockingnic said:
I would've gotten kinect just for dance central but $150 just for the kinect is too much to warrant just a one game purcase... I would've loved to play that game drunk with friends!
If Yahtzee doesn't set one up in the Mana Bar, it's a massive wasted opportunity.
OT: This is quite impressive. While I don't care about Kinect at all right now (if a good "hardcore" game comes out for it I may possible maybe consider looking into getting one) it is very cool technology, it'll be interesting to see hacks and whatnot are made for it. Plus there's the point that Extra Credits made, if Kinect bombs it will hurt Microsoft and the industry.
And I can still applaud the rather impressive amount of sales. Well done.


New member
May 22, 2009
I guess no-one learned from the Wii.

Sells like crazy at the beginning of it's life cycle. Ends up collecting dust due to it's lack of any games.

No, Dance Central will not cut it for me. One game does not make a good peripherial.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
It's fantastic fun and I'm glad to see it succeed.

I'm also glad to see the haters go suck it. I don't know why anyone would want technology that's so exciting and that presents such incredible opportunities for UIs fail? If you want this to fail, you're not really a gamer. If you're holding off until we get some hybrid games then I guess that's fair enough.
Apr 29, 2010
Hell, if people want to buy it, I say we should let them. Microsoft is making money, and the consumers are satisfied. Unless they're not, which then would render the previous statement useless.

Little Duck

Diving Space Muffin
Oct 22, 2009
Sony, this is what happens when your policy to gaming is, Ctrl-c, Ctrl-v, colour it black and put a light buld on the end.

Kinect tried to do something different. I'm not sure if it'll work. I'm not sure if it'll have good games in the future. We'll see. But so far, it's got my attention for trying. I've not bought it and I'll be honest, I probably never will, but congrats all the same. I'm sure sony would be doing well, if they did something different.


New member
May 25, 2008
Towowo2 said:
I don't get the hate on motion controllers. Just because it wasn't done right the first time it automatically means a failure? Also if our input methods don't change there will be stagnation of new gaming concepts.
I don't particularly hate on the Kinect, but I don't like it either. My problem with it is that I have a hard time seeing how this technology can be used well within games I like to play like The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Fable, Dragon Age etc.
You can't expect someone to go through i.e. Dante's Inferno chaining all the attack combos together while moving, or make someone walk around the big worlds that Bethesda designs for its games, and at the same time play those games for a great length of time, because that's how they are played. I can't see myself standing around for 5 hours straight while lining up headshots in Fallout or fighting hordes of enemies in Dragon Age. Even if you can sit down for these games, motion control isn't an efficient replacement for the controller we already have, thus making it more of a gimmick to someone like me. A useless one at that.

The problem would be that it's ultimately a casual gaming tool. I for one am afraid that since Microsoft is getting into this casual business too, now, that this might hurt the development of the more hardcore kind of games for this platform.

I admit, the technology's great, but I don't see it can enrich my gaming experience right now, it's just not that advanced yet.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
Little Duck said:
Sony, this is what happens when your policy to gaming is, Ctrl-c, Ctrl-v, colour it black and put a light buld on the end.

Kinect tried to do something different. I'm not sure if it'll work. I'm not sure if it'll have good games in the future. We'll see. But so far, it's got my attention for trying. I've not bought it and I'll be honest, I probably never will, but congrats all the same. I'm sure sony would be doing well, if they did something different.
Implying bringing actual 1-to-1 mocap technology to the home is not an advancement. Wii was simplifying rail guns to a simple universal remote. The Move is unfortunately similar to the Wiimote, but is the ultimate, inevitable simplification. A controller shaped any differently would have been unplayable.

I do wish they did something different with the navigation controller, such as put another mocap ball on top of it (would have been useful as a shield hand while still being able to strafe), but unfortunately I'm not a hardware designer.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Call me when people start using the Kinect in robots to realistically interact with humans. Then I'll be impressed.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
9_6 said:
What other game has you covered in sweat after 2-3 levels?
What other game gives you a feeling that you "leveled up in real life" after getting the choreography of that song which almost ripped your legs out earlier 100% right?
R...ock band?

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
rockingnic said:
I would've gotten kinect just for dance central but $150 just for the kinect is too much to warrant just a one game purcase... I would've loved to play that game drunk with friends!
My same argument to.

150$ and the only thing that I could play on it is Dance Centra. Well, only one I could play that I'd want to play. That's 200$ for what's essentialy a game with peripheral.

Not to mention, I don't think I have the required 8 feet in my room.

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
Oh, and just a tid bit. In a few months, from December 82 to January 83, E.T. sold 1.5 million copies, and was the number 1 selling Atari game. And we know how that turned out.