Online Kombat


New member
Nov 17, 2009
cleric of the order said:
Now the Kotaku thing has me a gap.
Running under the assumption that all GGers stopped using the site when GG began, I find it hard to explain how one could see an increase of traffic like that.
It's actually pretty simple. At the end of the day, GGers aren't nearly as large a percent of the gaming population as they like to think that they are.


Choke On Your Nazi Cookies
Jan 25, 2014
Gizen said:
cleric of the order said:
Now the Kotaku thing has me a gap.
Running under the assumption that all GGers stopped using the site when GG began, I find it hard to explain how one could see an increase of traffic like that.
It's actually pretty simple. At the end of the day, GGers aren't nearly as large a percent of the gaming population as they like to think that they are.
And admittedly the clickbait. That sweet, sweet, Gawker clickbait for things I can make in less than 10 minutes. I've also heard they've been linked more often in the last year which may have contributed to higher amounts of visitors, but I'm not sure if that's true.

cleric of the order

New member
Sep 13, 2010
Skatologist said:
Gizen said:
cleric of the order said:
Now the Kotaku thing has me a gap.
Running under the assumption that all GGers stopped using the site when GG began, I find it hard to explain how one could see an increase of traffic like that.
It's actually pretty simple. At the end of the day, GGers aren't nearly as large a percent of the gaming population as they like to think that they are.
Uh, not to be rude but I did run under that assumption, wait no, bugger I messed that up.
I meant to be that all GGers were not using the site since before it started. As in No G uses K.
bloody hell I'm sorry that changes the tone of my argument greatly.

And admittedly the clickbait. That sweet, sweet, Gawker clickbait for things I can make in less than 10 minutes. I've also heard they've been linked more often in the last year which may have contributed to higher amounts of visitors, but I'm not sure if that's true.
Yeah, if gg some how manages to kill those behemoths (by which I mean the stupid clickbait empires) then everything will have been worth it.


New member
Mar 7, 2011
Oh man, that last panel hits close to home. I use to be like that. Hell, I'm still like that sometimes. Heck, I know a dude that's like that ALL the time.

Something about the flag-waving hero-worship of certain things tends to grate on the nerves a bit (amirite, anti-bronies?). Not that that's the case here, just sayin'.

LifeCharacter said:
From what I understand from reading the other thread and looking it up, it doesn't even come out and explicitly say he's gay, but it's apparently implied through Raiden assuring him that Shaolin "care about only what is in your heart; not whom your heart desires" when Kung Jin worries that they won't accept him. When people started talking about it, someone from NetherRealms confirmed it.
*Looks at number of posts in the thread*
*Looks at this post*
This! Is where! The thread ends for meee~ ♪

Good jerb, Netherrealm. I feel like it's a good thing that more games are taking the Last of Us approach* to this kinda thing

*For clarification and to prevent pedantry, I call it "The Last of Us approach" only because LoU is the first game or piece of media where a character's homosexuality was delivered in such a manner. I know it's not the first thing to ever do it.


New member
Oct 5, 2014
The Wooster said:
Kotaku's readership and monthly hit counts actually increased as Gamergate got bigger. The site's most successful month ever was the November after Gamergate hit. Also, Polygon's readership has remained steady, while Gamasutra (which was never aimed at the gaming public in the first place) saw a sizable drop in readership.
Up to speed with the Talking Points, I see. Yes, it's pretty impressive how Gawker managed to harness the Power of their looping Click Machine to serve this particular bait campaign. The main site, Jezebel, hell, even the sports site were all at it, with interlinks a-plenty. Of course it's Denton, so he probably invested some of his tax evasion megabux into "strategic audience acquisitions" as well.

On Topic: I.... don't give a fuck? Not that it matters, as I'm not going to be playing this game anyway. I mean, I'd like to, but the level of graphic violence is just distasteful to me. Anyway, the REAL scandal is the way various pundits are practically trying to WILL this character into a controversy of some sort. It is... how you say... "endowed with the pathos"?


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
cleric of the order said:
Right, right people use that site still.
huh, I actually give more fucks about that then the gay char, weird.
Yeah, I know, right?

No one's demanding this character be changed from how he was designed to make him that way, or retroactively changing an existing character because outrage mob or any of the other bullshit, so...good for them?

Now the people who have a problem with it can go to hell, but that's mostly because they're doing is exactly the same bullshit I complain about when the other side does it.

Bad Jim

New member
Nov 1, 2010
Random Argument Man said:
If you make an effort to tell everyone you don't care, you care.
What if I don't care about, say, Anita Sarkeesian, but I covet those lovely "On Fire" badges? Starting a topic with 2,000 words about me not caring would be a good move, right?

cleric of the order

New member
Sep 13, 2010
TristanBelmont said:
I didn't know there was even a gay character to be honest.
It normally doesn't come up
Like when I talk to gay dudes(I often am antiquated with them for quite a while), they're like yo I'm gay and we move on. Well in a day to day sense.
Talking about your sexuality, is damn personal and not something you do quite often.
Also the games haven't been built around characterization as far as I remember


New member
Apr 13, 2013
Karadalis said:
Yeah... im calling BS on the Unicorn thing...

Im able to play gay characters in any bioware game but i have yet to be able to play as a unicorn...

You are missing out!


New member
Aug 19, 2010
You know after spending a half a day looking around i still cant see anyone legitimately complaining about this outside of obvious troll spaces. This is literally manufactured outrage going on. People have gone out and made up some outrage so they can be outraged at it. And then people are getting outraged at the outrage over the fake outrage.

We have to go deeper.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
I too must question the relevance. Unless it impacts the game in some shape or form, it is a pointless detail. I've been playing Mortal Kombat since the very first game, and thus far, none of the details concerning the personal lives has changed the way the game is played.


New member
Aug 19, 2010
Spot1990 said:
Both make fun of a small contingent of morons who get upset when games include homosexuality and that's it.
When did it become accepted practice to feed trolls? Isnt doing this, even mocking them, just giving them what they want? what happened to ignoring the trolls when they said something so obviously baited? Yes even 2000 words or less essays of this crap should be ignored because at the end of the day responding to it with -Anything- is giving the troll what he or she wants, attention.


New member
Aug 19, 2010
Spot1990 said:
Adultratedhydra said:
Spot1990 said:
Both make fun of a small contingent of morons who get upset when games include homosexuality and that's it.
When did it become accepted practice to feed trolls? Isnt doing this, even mocking them, just giving them what they want? what happened to ignoring the trolls when they said something so obviously baited? Yes even 2000 words or less essays of this crap should be ignored because at the end of the day responding to it with -Anything- is giving the troll what he or she wants, attention.
Because it's not all trolling...
All the more reason to ignore it. What is the man covered in shit shouting about not wanting to catch the gay going to do exactly? is he going to sit Ed Boon down and have a discussion about why the gay is evil and he must purge the gay? Or is he going to buy every copy of MKX in existence and burn them all in ritualistic glory to the star born ones?

The point is the people who are pissed about this cant do anything about it except rattle their cage as the world moves on without them. Mocking them or engaging with them in any way just makes them keep going. It's like the Ethics brigade, GG would have died out months ago if people just ignored it, the only reason it keeps going is because people keep talking about it. If the internet stopped giving it the time of day it would cease to be.

Random Argument Man

New member
May 21, 2008
Bad Jim said:
Random Argument Man said:
If you make an effort to tell everyone you don't care, you care.
What if I don't care about, say, Anita Sarkeesian, but I covet those lovely "On Fire" badges? Starting a topic with 2,000 words about me not caring would be a good move, right?
Serious: I'll still say that you care. I would be entertained as hell though knowing the "On Fire" while reading your essay.

Semi-Joke: I could also point out that the idea that you've made a 2000 words post stating that you don't care would be similar to Taylor Swift singing "Shake it off". The big difference would be that you made a better effort. Although, if I pointed this out in your thread, it would seem rude to tell you this comparison since you've made a great effort?Therefore, I wouldn't point it out?and the 2000 words essay would go by with no criticism?