Opinion's on sexuality

Sinclair Solutions

New member
Jul 22, 2010
My philosophy is the following: "Do whatever you want. I'll be over here not giving a shit."

Bluntness aside, I really think a person is entitled to do whatever they wish in regards to their sexuality. I may not always be comfortable with it, but I would never try to impose on another person.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
febel said:
What's everyone's opinion on Asexuality? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit left out of the opening post.
Asexual people have no deal. They're cool in my book.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
You can stick it where ever you please, as long as its not in me.

In other words, I do not care about another persons sexuality, one way or another.

febel said:
What's everyone's opinion on Asexuality? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit left out of the opening post.
I do have a problem with asexuals, mostly because 90% of them are liars/emos/have possible mental issues that they refuse to address.

Which isn't to say all of them (Or you) fall into the category at all, only that a ton of people flock to the word for the wrong reasons.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
AgentNein said:
febel said:
What's everyone's opinion on Asexuality? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit left out of the opening post.
Asexual people have no deal. They're cool in my book.
I dunno, I've gotten lots of "Your joking, right?", "That's not normal" And my personal favorite "Oh are you studying to be a priest?"


New member
Mar 16, 2011
Littlee300 said:
In before 1000 repeat post of
"There's nothing wrong with homos"

Edit: I probably have to add something so I don't get a warning but there is nothing to add worth reading unless I have an interesting story
Awesome post.

This thread should already be dead.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
febel said:
AgentNein said:
febel said:
What's everyone's opinion on Asexuality? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit left out of the opening post.
Asexual people have no deal. They're cool in my book.
I dunno, I've gotten lots of "Your joking, right?", "That's not normal" And my personal favorite "Oh are you studying to be a priest?"
I always wondered (and I mean no offence in any way shape or form, it's just that I have never met one of you)wheter you truly feel no attraction to other humans in a physical manner, or just choose to ignore it. Could you clear that up?

Lazarus Long

New member
Nov 20, 2008
A person's sexuality is nowhere near as important as their grammar and spelling. In my humble lil' opinion.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
I don't really mind anyone's sexuality, although I find furries a bit creepy. Also, I heartily approve of gay men, because the more of them there are the less competition there is for all the cute girls.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
kayisking said:
febel said:
AgentNein said:
febel said:
What's everyone's opinion on Asexuality? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit left out of the opening post.
Asexual people have no deal. They're cool in my book.
I dunno, I've gotten lots of "Your joking, right?", "That's not normal" And my personal favorite "Oh are you studying to be a priest?"
I always wondered (and I mean no offence in any way shape or form, it's just that I have never met one of you)wheter you truly feel no attraction to other humans in a physical manner, or just choose to ignore it. Could you clear that up?
It varies a lot, but me personally, I've never once looked at someone and thought "Yeah, I'd like to fuck that." I assumed that was pretty much what everyone thought until I lost my virginity at which point I realized that, to me, sex was boring. During my teens I tried it with around 1/2 dozen women and a couple of men (to cover my bases, so to speak) and...yeah, nothing doing. It's too much time and effort for something that I just didn't really get that much out of.

Oh, and the only way you'd offend me was if you'd said something like "That's unnatural" but then I guess that would irk anyone.

Richard Po

New member
Apr 19, 2011
The way I see it life is a really f**ked up slot machine. When your born you spin and randomly get traits. Sometimes you end up "normal", other times you can get a BSDM fetish, and other times your gay. Not forgeting all these come with various degrees such as slight, average, and extreme. I think we can all be a little more open minded about other peoples "fetishes".