Opinion's on sexuality


New member
Jul 30, 2008
I'm straight, personally. As for everyone else: it's not my concern. If you want to be gay, be gay. It's your life, it's your right to choose.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
Sex is great. Go out and have sex. The only reason sex is an issue at all is because for 4000 years, sex has been repressed in a sophisticatedly Orwellian attempt at bronze age mind control (read 1984 and replace the word Party with Church). Everyone with half a functioning braincell knows that you don't choose your sexuality, so fuck the conservative and go do some fucking yourself just to fuck with them!

And anyway, sexuality isn't a sitting target, few people are all straight all the time, anyone who hasnt had odd feelings towards someone of the same sex is lying (or the opposite sex, that's right I'm talking to YOU, self righteous gayboys hating on bisexuals I'm calling you out on it).

febel said:
What's everyone's opinion on Asexuality? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit left out of the opening post.
Also, dude, your missing out!


Clouded Leopard
Jan 24, 2009
x-machina said:
I just don't understand Bi-sexuals, I mean how can you not have a peference?
Lots of bisexuals have a preference towards one or the other... some are happy either way, and some go beyond bisexuality to plain-out not even caring about gender or sex at all.

I, for one, am one of those latter group of people. Omnisexuality, also known as Pansexuality, is the sexuality I most identify with, whenever I feel the need to apply a label.

And yes, it's a different orientation than Bisexuality... But enough about that. Who wants a hug?


Clouded Leopard
Jan 24, 2009
Aku_San said:
I'm straight, personally. As for everyone else: it's not my concern. If you want to be gay, be gay. It's your life, it's your right to choose.
Ugh... That's the thing. No one chooses to be gay, and no one chooses to be straight. It's all unconscious and against our will.

Do you honestly believe that people would choose to be gay, when so much of the world hates us?


New member
Oct 12, 2010
febel said:
kayisking said:
febel said:
AgentNein said:
febel said:
What's everyone's opinion on Asexuality? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit left out of the opening post.
Asexual people have no deal. They're cool in my book.
I dunno, I've gotten lots of "Your joking, right?", "That's not normal" And my personal favorite "Oh are you studying to be a priest?"
I always wondered (and I mean no offence in any way shape or form, it's just that I have never met one of you)wheter you truly feel no attraction to other humans in a physical manner, or just choose to ignore it. Could you clear that up?
It varies a lot, but me personally, I've never once looked at someone and thought "Yeah, I'd like to fuck that." I assumed that was pretty much what everyone thought until I lost my virginity at which point I realized that, to me, sex was boring. During my teens I tried it with around 1/2 dozen women and a couple of men (to cover my bases, so to speak) and...yeah, nothing doing. It's too much time and effort for something that I just didn't really get that much out of.

Oh, and the only way you'd offend me was if you'd said something like "That's unnatural" but then I guess that would irk anyone.
I can relate. I've felt that way a lot. There are girls who I thought who cute or beautiful and guy I thought were pretty attractive, but I would never really want anything physical.


Filled with ReLRRgious fervor.
Dec 17, 2009
AccursedTheory said:
You can stick it where ever you please, as long as its not in me.

In other words, I do not care about another persons sexuality, one way or another.

febel said:
What's everyone's opinion on Asexuality? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit left out of the opening post.
I do have a problem with asexuals, mostly because 90% of them are liars/emos/have possible mental issues that they refuse to address.

Which isn't to say all of them (Or you) fall into the category at all, only that a ton of people flock to the word for the wrong reasons.
This right here, absolutely this.

Some of the asexuals I've met in real life have a holier than thou complex, so that might also sour my opinion on them as a whole. But I'm sure some (if not most) of you guys/gals are great people.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
anyone who says its "unatural" can fuck right off, we havnt been doing anything "natural" since we worked out how to make fire (and I bet homosexuality was around then)

now if we are bringing religioin into it...well this argument would go nowhere really fast, my point is ok fine you can say you shouldnt do it because God says you shouldnt, fair enough, but dont try and make it out to be somthing "unatural" or somthing people choose


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
PayneTrayne said:
AccursedTheory said:
You can stick it where ever you please, as long as its not in me.

In other words, I do not care about another persons sexuality, one way or another.

febel said:
What's everyone's opinion on Asexuality? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit left out of the opening post.
I do have a problem with asexuals, mostly because 90% of them are liars/emos/have possible mental issues that they refuse to address.

Which isn't to say all of them (Or you) fall into the category at all, only that a ton of people flock to the word for the wrong reasons.
This right here, absolutely this.

Some of the asexuals I've met in real life have a holier than thou complex, so that might also sour my opinion on them as a whole. But I'm sure some (if not most) of you guys/gals are great people.
so what IS the deal with asexuality? does it mean you just cant really get "exited" about anything? that you have no sex drive?


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
A person's sexuality is a person's sexuality. I sometimes wish people wouldn't make such a big deal of it. I consider myself straight BTW, although I'm probably a 1 on the Kinsey scale 'cos I do find boobies interesting. Va-jay-jays do nothing for me though. (TMI!)

But yeah, my own personal opinion is that we all fall somewhere on the Kinsey scale - or something like it - and there's nothing wrong with you regardless of where you fall.


New member
Mar 16, 2011
AccursedTheory said:
You can stick it where ever you please, as long as its not in me.

In other words, I do not care about another persons sexuality, one way or another.

febel said:
What's everyone's opinion on Asexuality? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit left out of the opening post.
I do have a problem with asexuals, mostly because 90% of them are liars/emos/have possible mental issues that they refuse to address.

Which isn't to say all of them (Or you) fall into the category at all, only that a ton of people flock to the word for the wrong reasons.
Asexuality (sometimes referred to as nonsexuality, in its broadest sense, is the lack of sexual attraction and the lack of interest in and desire for sex.Sometimes, it is considered a lack of a sexual orientation. One commonly cited study placed the prevalence of asexuality at 1%.

Asexuality is distinct from abstention from sexual activity and from celibacy, which are behavioral; the latter is usually for a religious reason. A sexual orientation, unlike a behavior, is believed to be "enduring". Some asexuals do have sex, despite lacking a desire for it.

If these people are claiming to be Asexual give them a break, isnt that a better life than spreading the clap like all you kids do today!


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Vault101 said:
PayneTrayne said:
AccursedTheory said:
You can stick it where ever you please, as long as its not in me.

In other words, I do not care about another persons sexuality, one way or another.

febel said:
What's everyone's opinion on Asexuality? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit left out of the opening post.
I do have a problem with asexuals, mostly because 90% of them are liars/emos/have possible mental issues that they refuse to address.

Which isn't to say all of them (Or you) fall into the category at all, only that a ton of people flock to the word for the wrong reasons.
This right here, absolutely this.

Some of the asexuals I've met in real life have a holier than thou complex, so that might also sour my opinion on them as a whole. But I'm sure some (if not most) of you guys/gals are great people.
so what IS the deal with asexuality? does it mean you just cant really get "exited" about anything? that you have no sex drive?
As I said in an earlier post it varies just like with every other orientation but in my case I can get..."exited" (hell I "relive" myself on occasion) but yeah, no real sex drive to speak of.


New member
Jun 4, 2011
So long as you're attracted to consenting adults and aren't hurting anyone, we're cool. I myself am attracted primarily to transwomen.

x-machina said:
I just don't understand Bi-sexuals, I mean how can you not have a peference?
Most (being almost all) bisexuals prefer one gender to the other, but enjoy or are open to both. There are those who enjoy both equally, but it is rare. Either way, that preference to both equally or one slightly more or less is their... preference.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
I don't care nor do I plan to anytime soon.

I'm just an indifferent kinda gal really, the only time I will get pissed is when it's thrown in my face, and that goes for both sides.
Monkfish Acc. said:



It is not something anyone should give a shit about ever.
Yeah it makes me wonder why people get all up in arms about the whole thing. Like it will fucking matter what they have to say about it.


New member
Jun 4, 2011
Kaz Helberd said:
Biologically the 'Default' orientation is 'straight' (hence the term "straight") but depending on how one was raised, who their parents are, and what they're exposed to, that can change.
Sorry, but you're wrong.

I suppose you'll claim next that most people aren't tall and those exposed to tall people become tall as a result? Sorry, biology doesn't work that way and there is no evidence in the world that heterosexuality is the 'default' sexuality.

If you've any proof to offer besides your provably incorrect opinion, please share it with the class.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
febel said:
kayisking said:
febel said:
AgentNein said:
febel said:
What's everyone's opinion on Asexuality? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit left out of the opening post.
Asexual people have no deal. They're cool in my book.
I dunno, I've gotten lots of "Your joking, right?", "That's not normal" And my personal favorite "Oh are you studying to be a priest?"
I always wondered (and I mean no offence in any way shape or form, it's just that I have never met one of you)wheter you truly feel no attraction to other humans in a physical manner, or just choose to ignore it. Could you clear that up?
It varies a lot, but me personally, I've never once looked at someone and thought "Yeah, I'd like to fuck that." I assumed that was pretty much what everyone thought until I lost my virginity at which point I realized that, to me, sex was boring. During my teens I tried it with around 1/2 dozen women and a couple of men (to cover my bases, so to speak) and...yeah, nothing doing. It's too much time and effort for something that I just didn't really get that much out of.

Oh, and the only way you'd offend me was if you'd said something like "That's unnatural" but then I guess that would irk anyone.
Alright mate, thanks for anwsering. Have a nice day.

Snork Maiden

Snork snork
Nov 25, 2009
x-machina said:
I just don't understand Bi-sexuals, I mean how can you not have a peference?
Everything's hot! I'd probably dink toward a preference for girls, but that's only because I'm a lot more picky when it comes to guys. If there's a hot guy around, though, ohhhh yeah I'd tap that shit right up.

febel said:
AgentNein said:
febel said:
What's everyone's opinion on Asexuality? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit left out of the opening post.
Asexual people have no deal. They're cool in my book.
I dunno, I've gotten lots of "Your joking, right?", "That's not normal" And my personal favorite "Oh are you studying to be a priest?"
This made me smile so much. Now if anyone introduces themselves as asexual all I'll be able to think about is asking them if they want to be a priest.