Opinions you have that most people don't agree with.


Sep 22, 2009
letterbomber223 said:
badgersprite said:
Is it just me, or are a lot of these opinions not that unpopular?

Anyway, I liked FFX-2 more than FFX.

This is not one of those opinions.
Just... What?
I'm not saying you're wrong to prefer it, but I can't understand why? If it isn't too annoying, would you mind posting what makes it better? For the sake of my poor brain?
Yeah, no problem. I always felt FFX took itself too seriously, and was completely oblivious to its inherent silliness. I mean, your villain is a shirtless man with antler hair, and we're supposed to take everything seriously. Never mind the fact that I personally couldn't get all that invested in the game because I found the characters annoying and the story boring and predictable, since it basically spoiled its own plot pretty darn quickly. I can't remember a single detail that came as a surprise.

FFX-2 had a stupid ass plot too, but it was aware of its silliness and played to it by going the comedic, parody route, which I appreciated. Despite what people seem to think, Final Fantasy has never taken itself that seriously until recently, so playing up those elements rather than the stupid, fanfic-y angst made the game a lot more fun. Yeah, sure, I'll freely admit that it was juvenile and campy, but that's never been a quality that made me like something less. So, basically, I find it more entertaining, in the same way I find The Happening more entertaining than The Village.

Also, I preferred the combat in FFX-2. Dress spheres meant you had actual choice as to how to play the game, or how best to resolve a situation. I find it sad that that combat system got unfairly pushed aside because it's associated with what most people consider a bad game.


New member
Mar 14, 2010
Bioshock 2 had one of the best morality systems in any game ever. It doesn't tell you what's right or wrong, it just shows you how other people react to your choices. Much better than the first Bioshock.


New member
Jul 11, 2009
I would have no problem with the FOX network if it would just admit that it's a conservative-leaning network, there are a lot of liberal leaning news sources, so having one for conservatives would not be bad.

Both Israel and Palestine have done things badly in order to keep peace from happening, so both governments need to swallow their pride and negotiate. Both countries have the right to exist, but that shouldn't be an excuse to be idiotic.

Zombies in games or movies are overrated. Yes, they allow for people to examine their primal fear and misunderstanding about death, and what happens afterwards, but most movies and games just treat them like fodder for the main characters to fight through.

In Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, if Zant had actually been Ganondorf in disguise, and if Midna had been the shadow side of Zelda, or Zelda in some other way, Twilight Princess would have been the best Legend of Zelda game to date.

The "video games are art" discussion does not apply to certain kinds of games like Sports simulators or puzzle games (portal 1 and 2 excluded), and really only apply to RPG's, Action Adventure games, and the occasional FPS.

This probably isn't very unpopular on this site, but anyone who says that they understand God, or know what God is, is wrong. Atheists don't apply, since they don't believe in a God to understand.

I think FREE websites having advertisements is perfectly acceptable, just wish it wasn't the same commercials over and over whenever you go to a different video on the same site.

Finally (for this rant), Metroid Prime is better to me than any other FPS I've played, including Half Life 2, Goldeneye, and Bioshock.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
I think I'm quite sane....
most people think I'm mad

(or should that be the other way around?!)


New member
Jun 4, 2009
tirone231 said:
Finally (for this rant), Metroid Prime is better to me than any other FPS I've played, including Half Life 2, Goldeneye, and Bioshock.
Metroid Prime is not an FPS its First Person MetroidVainia. Big difference


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
I've played through HL2 and some of episode 1 before putting it down in boredom and I'd say Half-life's story and gameplay is inferior to Halo's and the story in particular is not even close as good to the Halo universe (including books and all). Nothing in Half-life was memorable to me while Halo's dragged me in.


New member
Dec 17, 2009
The original Xbox L controller was perfect. My (bloody enormous) hands cramp holding those unbelievably small PS2 controllers and they eventually ache with the 360's standard S model as well.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
I usually dont post but I thought I'd give this one a try:

Hangings, electric chair, and firing squads should be brought back because it would discourage crime or make lethal injections painful. Make those motherf***ers suffer.

A Greater Power exists but it most likely doesn't give a damn about us.

There is an afterlife but I doubt its a heaven or hell system.

Phantom Menace was a perfect (and I really mean perfect) Star Wars movie if Jar Jar wasn't there.

Homefront was awesome due to its epic multiplayer (the graphics i could care less about)

I believe there is going to be a lot of internal unrest soon in America if shit doesnt turn around in 10 years. (I'm not like Glen Beck but our modern society could not handle a complete economic collapse).

I'm pro life but I respect other people's right to choose.

Diablo and other dungeon crawler games suck.

I believe fashion is totally pointless.

Anime as a whole has gotten worse over the years since the the 2000's started.

Samurai Champloo had a shitty ending. (dont know if its the popular opinion but it is a well known show)

good note: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood proved that Anime isn't dead for me.

List of anime's/manga I hate that are popular:

Detective Conan
Soul Eater
Death Note
Any Gundam anime that is not Gundam Wing (Zechs > Char by a lot)
Neon Genesis Evangeligon(spelling?)
Dragon Ball Z (Kai did make it better)
Ruroni Kenshin (Manga was good though)
Cowboy Bebop was disappointing but it was alright

I get this ominous feeling that the world is going to head down a dark long road soon.

The Middle East is royally f****d

Israel needs to lay down the law like in '67

Obama has good ideals and plans but is executing them at the wrong time.(in the middle of financial instability)

Bill O'Reilly is not as bad as everyone say he is (of course he's not that good either)

I would vote for Trump if he was still running.

We need to start world-wide population control. Shit is getting out of hand.

Puerto Rico needs to stop whining and become the 51st state already instead of being a territory.

I hope the US is forced to cut back on federal spending because of us hitting the debt ceiling
shit is getting out of hand.


New member
Jul 11, 2009
Ken_J said:
tirone231 said:
Finally (for this rant), Metroid Prime is better to me than any other FPS I've played, including Half Life 2, Goldeneye, and Bioshock.
Metroid Prime is not an FPS its First Person MetroidVainia. Big difference
I suppose you're right, i just have two issues with your post. It should be spelled: MetroidVania (one "I" in Vania). Two, I would qualify it as an FPS, simply because Action/Adventure is too broad a genre for any game, and "MetroidVania" is technically not a real genre, just something we gamers came up with, like "GTA clones" and "Doom clones"


New member
Jun 4, 2009
tirone231 said:
Ken_J said:
tirone231 said:
Finally (for this rant), Metroid Prime is better to me than any other FPS I've played, including Half Life 2, Goldeneye, and Bioshock.
Metroid Prime is not an FPS its First Person MetroidVainia. Big difference
I suppose you're right, i just have two issues with your post. It should be spelled: MetroidVania (one "I" in Vania). Two, I would qualify it as an FPS, simply because Action/Adventure is too broad a genre for any game, and "MetroidVania" is technically not a real genre, just something we gamers came up with, like "GTA clones" and "Doom clones"
Well first my spelling sucks. Can't be helped. Second The Genres we gamers come up with eventually become genres GTA clones eventually became sandbox or open-world games. Doom clones eventually became FPS's. When the Castlevania series started taking notes from Metroid the genre matured and has became it's own genre.


New member
Jul 11, 2009
Ken_J said:
tirone231 said:
Ken_J said:
tirone231 said:
Finally (for this rant), Metroid Prime is better to me than any other FPS I've played, including Half Life 2, Goldeneye, and Bioshock.
Metroid Prime is not an FPS its First Person MetroidVainia. Big difference
I suppose you're right, i just have two issues with your post. It should be spelled: MetroidVania (one "I" in Vania). Two, I would qualify it as an FPS, simply because Action/Adventure is too broad a genre for any game, and "MetroidVania" is technically not a real genre, just something we gamers came up with, like "GTA clones" and "Doom clones"
Well first my spelling sucks. Can't be helped. Second The Genres we gamers come up with eventually become genres GTA clones eventually became sandbox or open-world games. Doom clones eventually became FPS's. When the Castlevania series started taking notes from Metroid the genre matured and has became it's own genre.
Yeah, I suppose you're right about the genre thing...but i still think Metroid Prime is better than the other games I listed, personally.

OT: Over the last few years, Wolverine has been so over-saturated in mainstream media and in the Marvel Universe, that I now believe he's overrated. I get it, he's badass because he doesn't follow the rules, and he kills bad guys with his awesome claws, and he creates an interesting love triangle between himself, Jean Grey, and Cyclops...most of what makes Wolverine cool (his attitude and ability to kill enemies) became outdated ever since the end of the 90's.

Also, for how much flak Superman gets for being "overpowered" (he's not when you see him fighting enemies other than bank robbers and Lex Luthor), Wolverine is f*cking unstoppable...bones that can't break (unless Magneto pulls out the Adamantium), able to heal from basically anything, super human senses, and in the Ultimate universe he could completely regrow so long as a single cell remained.

The only two times he has been depicted dying (which sounds bizarre out of comic book context) he had to be completely vaporized by super powerful laser weapons, once in an ALTERNATE timeline, the other in the Ultimate universe. All you have to do would have to do with Superman is stab him with a piece of Kryptonite (yeah, yeah, it's a rare stone, blah blah blah) and make sure no one else comes to help him.

In conclusion (damn, this was longer than I intended) Superman is not overpowered when you see him fight one of his own enemies, and Wolverine is overrated because he's a byproduct of the super masculine action heroes of the 80's and 90's, and because he can heal from almost anything


New member
Jun 4, 2009
tirone231 said:
Ken_J said:
Yeah, I suppose you're right about the genre thing...but i still think Metroid Prime is better than the other games I listed, personally.

OT: Over the last few years, Wolverine has been so over-saturated in mainstream media and in the Marvel Universe, that I now believe he's overrated. I get it, he's badass because he doesn't follow the rules, and he kills bad guys with his awesome claws, and he creates an interesting love triangle between himself, Jean Grey, and Cyclops...most of what makes Wolverine cool (his attitude and ability to kill enemies) became outdated ever since the end of the 90's.

Also, for how much flak Superman gets for being "overpowered" (he's not when you see him fighting enemies other than bank robbers and Lex Luthor), Wolverine is f*cking unstoppable...bones that can't break (unless Magneto pulls out the Adamantium), able to heal from basically anything, super human senses, and in the Ultimate universe he could completely regrow so long as a single cell remained.

The only two times he has been depicted dying (which sounds bizarre out of comic book context) he had to be completely vaporized by super powerful laser weapons, once in an ALTERNATE timeline, the other in the Ultimate universe. All you have to do would have to do with Superman is stab him with a piece of Kryptonite (yeah, yeah, it's a rare stone, blah blah blah) and make sure no one else comes to help him.

In conclusion (damn, this was longer than I intended) Superman is not overpowered when you see him fight one of his own enemies, and Wolverine is overrated because he's a byproduct of the super masculine action heroes of the 80's and 90's, and because he can heal from almost anything
There is a reason TVTropes have something called Wolverine publicity
Also personality wise superman is more likable.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Arisato-kun said:
Krantos said:
God exists. Jesus was the son/offspring/part or God. The Bible is almost completely wrong.

Beat that.

Christians and Atheists hate me.
I agree with you dude.

What if I said I agree, but also think that evolution was something orchestrated by or at least started and guided by God?


New member
Apr 22, 2009
lwm3398 said:
Arisato-kun said:
Krantos said:
God exists. Jesus was the son/offspring/part or God. The Bible is almost completely wrong.

Beat that.

Christians and Atheists hate me.
I agree with you dude.

What if I said I agree, but also think that evolution was something orchestrated by or at least started and guided by God?
Then I still agree.

New York Patrick

New member
Jul 29, 2009
letterbomber223 said:
harmonic said:
-The nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, though highly unfortunate, was the best possible option for ending the war, sparing many lives, and allowing Japan avoid Soviet domination..
Sparing many lives?
By Nuking civilians?
What kind of crack is that you've got there?
Yes... as opposed to leading a ground invasion of Japan that would have likely killed over five times the ammount of people as both of those bombings, discounting the vast ammount of American troops lost... oh, and lets not forget about the part where we risk the Americans and Russians bumbing heads, starting an eventual THIRD World War.

Also, keep in mind that both of these targets were originally chosen for their military-industrial signifigance, not their population density.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
Dragon Age II wasn't that bad a game. (Not as good as Origins but not all that bad)
Mass effect 3 isn't even out yet stop whining about it being "dumbed down".
In general I think people need to stop whining about the "dumbing down" of games. (Sometimes it's justified but when the game still works it's just plain annoying)

Also I think that:
Valve is overrated.
Minecraft is overrated.

*braces hate shield*