Opinions you have that most people don't agree with.


New member
Oct 11, 2007
Opinions I have that most people don't agree with

- The world is getting better and better by the day... and it has never been as good as it is today.

- Nuclear Power is a smashing good idea and its awesome for the environment. (Less CO2 than wind power if done right, uses less non-renewables than any other source of power).

- Nuclear power accidents are friggin' whimpy compared to so much other shite that happens. (TMI: 0 dead, Chernobyl: 2 000 000... per year)

- Nuclear waste is one of the best wastes there is. (At least one million times less in volume per kWh; it decays and stops being dangerous over time; with the right research and development, it will be fuel for hundreds of years; it can be totally separated from the biosphere; there are permanent solutions to it).

- Dog breeds like the various pitbull and amstaff breeds produces pleasant and calm individuals. (They do... that's what they were bred for).

- Politicians are people who care about democracy far more than your average boneheaded citizen. They deserve respect for taking on the task of governing.

- Industrialists and people working in huge multinational corporations like BP are not modeled on Mr Burns and do not deserve getting treated as if they were.

- Microsoft Windows is a good product.

- Celebrities, porn stars and hookers deserve to be treated with the same respect you treat everyone else. They are not up for grabs to spew all your bile over. That includes Paris Hilton, George W Bush and Sarah Palin.

- The one person screwing up your life the most is not corporations, Big Oil, Big Pharma, the government, the media or any other vageuly described huge entity. It's you.

- Your opinion is not sacred or equally valid to everyone elses. You're only entitled to holding and expressing it... not to be spared from being called an idiot for doing so.

- Life is not fair and it doesn't all balance out. Some have more. Many have less. Live with it.

- The chemicals in food make the food better.

- "Natural" does not automatically equal "good".

- I am not better than the average driver.



New member
Mar 5, 2011
Science and Religion are not in conflict.

All religions are merely man's interpretation of God showing how he made the universe and his plans for it. Either the guys who saw it didn't understand and God had to explain using parables that they took seriously, or the guys knew everyone else wouldn't understand so they made up stories to explain it.

All one requires to enter Paradise is faith, not a certain type of faith. I can't see a loving god throwing good people into hell for not believing a certain way.

Sadly, my family thinks this is wrong and that I will burn for it. Stupid fundies...


New member
Oct 11, 2007
Novijen said:
Science and Religion are not in conflict.
It's like saying "Parachuting and apples are not in conflict". Or "doing maths and the moon are not in conflict".

Science is a method... religion is a set of beliefs. They cannot be in conflict because they are not the not even remotely connected.

Novijen said:
Sadly, my family thinks this is wrong and that I will burn for it. Stupid fundies...
My sympathies. A story from someone having gone through a similar situation.



New member
Jan 12, 2011
Gods, where to start. I'm a serious music-nerd and metalhead, but I love My Chemical Romance, dispite almost everyone else who is as obsessed with music as me adamantly maintaining that they're emo garbage (there is actually no such thing as emo, it was invented by the media to scare parents). I also agree with the OP about Halo. Not the best games out there, but simple and great fun to play and with a really rich mythos and backstory (just don't read the novels, almost as badly written as Twilight). I am also a scientific, atheistic, rather alternative, 20-something nerd, but I can't stand the level of cynicism and misanthropy that I see in similar people. I am a massive humanist, and I think all my fellow 20-something, alternative-pop-culture-loving, scientific, analytical nerds really need to re-discover the joy in life. Pessimists may live longer, but I'd rather live 10 years with the glass half full, than 100 with it half empty.


New member
Jan 12, 2011
Novijen said:
Science and Religion are not in conflict.
I could not agree more. I'm an atheist, humanist, biologist studying evolution, but I have no problem with people being religious. It's all just part of how we interpret the world. There are conflicts between fundamentalists, of course, but I know many people who are scientists and believe in evolution as well as God.

Not to mention, paleoarchaeologists actually use the evidence they've found to show that Homo heidelbergensis had the rudiments of religion, to show that this was the beginning of the evolution of intelligence as we know it today. Their brains had developed to the point of asking "why?".


New member
Jan 12, 2011
fates_puppet13 said:
i think that humanity is evil
I find this opinion to be disturbingly common. I could not disagree more, and I'm an environmentalist! Humanity does evil things, I'm not deluded, but ultimately Humans are good, they just tend to become very apathetic when deprived of responsibility.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Feste the Jester said:
Kyoufuu said:
1*0 = 2*0
1x = 2x

I can 'prove' it, that doesn't make it true.
But you didn't prove it. You used illogical math.
No more illogical than the assumption that the closest representation to 1/3 we can get in base 10 is exactly equal to 1/3.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
letterbomber223 said:
Kair said:
The vast majority of the world's population suffer from mental illness with varying symptoms. Because of this, just about any trialed opinion (Where I define opinion as the collected and processed information of a reasoning individual (mentally healthy)). will be challenged by the majority.
Yeah they mostly suffer from superiority complexes.

Mental illness doesn't make you a retard. (Myself and many of my family have had such issues but manage to get degrees and hold down full time jobs without drooling on the keyboard - that's why I'm acting so butthurt.)
I am not talking about physical or genetic injuries to the brain which I assume you suffer from. I am talking about mental health issues contracted by living in a sick society and having no ambition to escape from it. I am talking about the condition some people wrongfully call human nature.


New member
May 19, 2011
I think romance in games is important for growing the some of the characters (not always needed i know) other wise all the characters just seem to hang around each other for the perpose of kill a common foe and nothing else


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
TU4AR said:
Also Natalie Portman is always hot.
Now that, I think is a fairly commonly shared opinion. I'll certainly drink to that, Portman can look good with any hairstyle.

OT: Also there's nothing wrong with genuine homophobia. Come at me bro.
Right, I'm actually too tired to come up with a proper argument to respond to this at present so instead here is this angry glare:



New member
Nov 27, 2010
Call of duty isn't bad, it's just mediocre

Borderlands was poor

The Wii has served a purpose that the 360 and PS3 haven't been able to successfully and that is bring in and really stimulate younger gamers, all nintendo titles on the wii are simple and engaging and are exactly what's going to bring in the new generation of gamers as opposed to the next "ULTRA MASCULINE BULGING MUSCLES SH00TER 4" not saying I'm not up for a bit of ULTRA MASCULINE BULGING MUSCLES SH00TER 4 now and again.

Final fantasy 12 was good.

The only reason PC gaming hasn't taken off as much as consoles is the whole "You have to buy alien-ware and that means PC gaming is too expensive" attitude, if consoles degenerated in price like PC hardware the wii would be worth £20 and the 360/PS3 £35 but unfortunately people pay full price for what essentially is out of date hardware, but that's just the way it works sadly.

Morrowind is infinitely better than oblivion

There's no such thing as "hardcore gamer" and even if there was playing games like GoW and Halo would not make you remotely "hardcore".


New member
Sep 11, 2010
Brink is an awesome game and it's > Team Fortress 2 (Which is also awesome)

James Cameron's Avatar is incredibly meh due to uninspired artistry, dull characters and an un-immersive world.
(Inception was way over-rated, too)

I don't really think Dragons are that great. People seem to go nuts over them. I guess they can be cool, and there's nothing bad about them, but I never liked them that much.

Wheatley was the worst thing about the mess of a game storyline that was portal 2, contested greatly by the second worst thing, Cave Johnson.

Dalek Caan

Pro-Dalek, Anti-You
Feb 12, 2011
I think there should be no religion, anyone who says the word "like" more than 5 times in a sentence should be imprisoned, I dislike the final fantasy series, I feel as though the video game industry is becoming Americanized and I also think that GTA 4 was a bad game.