Other people's opinions you just can't accept! Everybody gets one!


New member
Nov 7, 2011
dominoes is good value and the pizzas good?


Homebrand pizza from the supermarket is better value and far superior to the junk they manage to pass off as pizza there.

Oly J

New member
Nov 9, 2009
Blablahb said:
Every person's weight is a direct measure of their actions, what they eat, what they do in a day, and every single person who's overweight has chosen to be that by overeating.

Admittedly I'm yet to have Sea Shepard blockade my house in order to save the whales from criticism, but it's a damn sensitive nerve you're hitting with many of the fatties if you say that.
Keoul said:
"Rapping is hip and cool"

Ussually when I ask people what kind of music they like, and they say rap, I just ask the question again. Surely they didn't understand my question if that was their answer.
agree here on everything, I'm a little overweight, formerly much more so, I haven't gotten rid of the gut yet and lately I've started putting on again, but I always accepted responsibility for it, so after I post here I'm off to the gym, as for the rap music, I also agree, reading out a materialistic child's christmas wishlist laced with mysogeny to a crap beat is not music, nor is talking about anything to a crap drum beat, it's a poor man's crap substitute for reggae...Bob Marley would be ashamed

Quaxar said:
Dare I say it?
I hate alcohol and cigarettes. I guess a lot of it it comes with the job but really drunk people are mostly obnoxious and I want to punch them in the face, not to mention I haven't found any alcoholic beverage that I can even stand the taste of anyway. For the life of me I can't see any appeal in deliberately getting completely pissed. You lose the ability to even walk straight but at the same time think you're the most important person in history.
And I despise the smell of cigarettes and how it's constantly blown in my face because every Tom, Dick and Harry smokes in this damn country (42% of over 15y, second only to Greece with 43%, EU-wide).
also this, I'm the black sheep of my family because I neither smoke nor drink, I don't even take painkillers, (I also don't like people who reach for the most potent painkiller they have at the first sign of discomfort...it's pathetic,)

as for other people's opinions that I just can't accept, mine is a little more old-fashioned than most,

I refuse to accept that chivalry is dead, or that basically being an honest trustworthy person has no place in the world anymore,

maybe I just live in the wrong area but everyone around me just lies all the time, (and not even for good reason) I've learned to recognise a lie almost by tone of voice alone, (not quite though I still have to think about whether what they say contradicts any other established thing in order to tell but it's generally obvious to me when someone is lying about something) you'd think once leaving school that would've stopped or at least lessened but no, I'm 21 and I seem to be the only one that values honesty, or at least dropped the childhood habits of unnecesary lies or just making shit up,

the bonus of being honest and being known as someone who is honest is that most everybody trusts me, even if I can't trust them, but calling people out on bullshit isn't the best way to make friends really, now a lot of people won't talk to me, oh well, less frustration.

obviously I'm not saying I never lie, everyone lies at some point, but the lies I tell are very few and far between. I take my word very seriously, in any social situation your word is really the only thing you have to stand on. I've seen people lie in a workplace to get someone else in trouble to score points with a higher up (yes it does happen) and it sickens me

sorry for going off on a rant there but basically the opinion I just can't accept is the seemingly widely-held beleif that honesty doesn't matter, and that getting ahead is the only thing that counts no matter how you do it...that's just not true

and everyone should now feel completely free to call me a sanctimonious prick or something to that effect....I'm probably going to regret this post....whenever I go off on a tangient like this I normally regret it later

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
That smoking in public is unnacceptable. To quote the Question:
"There's cyanide gas in cigarette smoke. That's the same stuff that they use in gas chambers."
And you're blowing it into the air I'm going to breathe. You're making me inhale cyanide gas. Am I such an intolerant person for not wanting that? Really? And that's not even tkaing asthmatic and/or allergic people into account. So no, smoking is not actually no worse than drinking, becuase drinkers don't squirt liquor into my mouth.


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
People who are ok with homsexuality and yet have issues with incest or polygamy. If you did biology youd understand it increases the chances of genetic fault (that includes ANYTHING like poor eyesight) from 2% to 4%. Thats hardly a risk factor worth descriminating against. I say let consentual people be in love with other consentual people all day long. Why not let everyone do whatever the fuck they want in the bedroom? I personally dont want to but i personally dont want to practice BDSM. Doesnt mean others shouldnt be able to.


New member
Aug 11, 2011
ambitiousmould said:
"call of duty is good and they are all new and different"

i hear this too often in my life. COD is crap, and they're all the same game with a new wallpaper.
"All cod games are shit" I'm getting pretty tired of hearing this. Yes COD is the standard for bland uninspired FPS, BUT they are not "bad games" they are just average games not terrible unplayable messes but average in quality and game play. Every year they release a new game and every year people buy fuck tons of them so why would they stop?. This is exactly what happens in the movie industry big budget block busters are released in theaters that are not very good but are just OK, movie enthusiasts will have no interest in seeing them and may even be critical of them but they make money anyway because the average movie goer does not care or even can't tell if the movie is not very good.

Now all that being said I don't really like cod and agree with you that it is crap, but that is an opinion and doesn't mean it is crap

BOOM headshot65

New member
Jul 7, 2011
Oh boy, I just know I am going to get chewed out for some of these:

1)Corporations are not evil, and if you dont like what they do dont give them your money.

2)Class Warfare doesnt exist, it is merely class envy taken to the extreme by people who cant stand others being more successful than them. ("Everyone is fine with Captialism when it benefits them, but not when it benefits others"-My Senior English Teacher, after reading a book on the Reign of Terror)

3)Likewise, the War on Women doesnt exist, and its startling that people think it does. Most of the things people are opposed to either affect more than women or are still supported by women in great numbers.("The 'war on women' is nothing but the Democrats trying to take advantage of women for votes"-One of my female coworkers)

4)Occupy Wall Street was a terrible failure of a "movement" and they should all just go home and stop annoying everyone because they have been forgotten.

5)The Tea Party is also a failure of a "movement" and it is a disgrace that they have highjacked the Republican party and I hope when Mitt Romney wins, the leave.

6)Unions are more detrimental to empolyees than helpful. They all need to be shut down.

7)I can understand restrictions on guns, but I hate the people who call for outright bans on them. There are PLENTY of reasons for owning guns, and I will continue to defend them.

8)The country will always be better [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0sYnro_3Rc] than the city, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VgEU_Xi7QU&feature=related] no exceptions. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liRspFdyWGg] To that end, Country and Rock will always be better than [C]Rap.

9)I dont care if you are athiest, just dont bash us who believe in God for believing, because you are doing LITERALLY the same thing that you complain about hard-core thiest doing.

10)NO SEX UNTIL MARRIAGE!!!!!! And if you are in a relationship with someone, sex should not even BE on the list of reason why you are dating them, and if it is, you sir/ma'am are incredibly shallow.

11)Drugs like Marijunia, Cocaine, and Meth should be Illegal [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMf0Mhwva54&feature=related]......in public anyways. If you want to stone yourself to death in your own home, fine. Just stay AWAY from me, my frineds, and my family.

12)It is a shame and disgrace to the entire free world that we watch tyranny and genocide in Africa and the Middle East, then sit back and say "Its not our problem." I dont care HOW we do it, all dictators MUST be removed from power, either in handcuffs or in a body bag.

13)For me, the abortion debate is only going to end 2 ways:
A)My way: Illegal except in the cases of Rape or to protect the life of the mother. In both, it should be her choice of what to do, and she shouldnt be pressured into it. It will be proformed in hospitals rather than dedicated clinics, so there is no need to keep abortions happening to make money.
B)My Girlfriends ways:Remains legal in all cases, but it would be stigmatized to the point that getting one is commiting social suicide, because "You were the dumb ***** who had sex in the first place."(her words.)


New member
Sep 14, 2011
I've got a good one!

I was recently having a conversation with someone and she told me that I was too judgemental. This was in regards to my opinion that the Legally Blonde musical was shit.

Since I hadn't seen it, I had no right to judge it. And then went on to say that you should have an open mind about any form of entertainment.

THAT is an opinion that I just cannot accept.

It came up again when she told me she'd been to see American Reunion, and I made my distaste for the film evident. And again, she said I was being judgemental without haviong seen it.

I... I just cant... I CANT accept this point of view! NO-ONE can have a totally open mind about everything right? Everyone has personal tastes! If you are happy to see ANYTHING then it means you have NO TASTES!

I just... Its fucking judgemental of me to suspect a film might be shit when its the seventh in a franchise - several of which I've seen and didn't like - and having seen the trailers (which look shit) and read reviews (that said the film was shit) but I'm not allowed to think that because I haven't seen it?

Thats insane. IMO.


New member
Nov 7, 2011
Justice has been served.

Not to say that I disagree with many of the actions behind this statement but the idea of justice is quite comical.

Mysterious Username

New member
Jun 4, 2012
Halo 1 was not nor will it ever be a bad game. Say what you want about the franchise, the fanbase, and even me but darn it that game was wonderful. Great gameplay, amazing pacing, and fantastic multiplayer/co-op.


New member
Mar 3, 2010
I think that the Mega Man Battle Network AND Star Force series was BLOODY brilliant. In fact, the former introduced me to the Blue Bomber! There! That's right! I SAID IT!

Also: The Pokemon series is not stagnant; almost reaching its 6th generation and STILL going strong!


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Dolan is the only funny meme;
Drinking alcohol isn't fun or enjoyable;
The Friendzone is just a mental state;

Heck, I could go on and on...


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2010
Alright, I'll post.

(many of my friends have opinions such as this): Bella Bartok is such an amazing composer! His works absolutely inspire me and I want nothing more to play his works day and night.

no. Screw you. Bartok was a pig-headed, full-of-himself composer that just wrote dots on a page and called it "music". I don't want to listen to him, I don't like contemporary classical music, I would be much happier just listening to romantic composers and maybe Shostakovich and Debussey than listen to that shit.

End: Rant



Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
"lulz the french always surrender lolololol"

My great grandfather on my french side was gutted by a japanese officer because he refused to surrender his fort and his daughter, told the japanese officer to go screw himself at the suggestion. I doubt the people saying stuff like the above would have reacted anywhere near as cooly in the same situation for all their bravado.

Actually whilst we are on the topic, I tend to have at least 1 anecdote to directly counter whatever crappy stereotype people throw at each other (welsh i knew were very loyal and good friends who ain't into sheep, a lot of british i know aren't arrogant, the french i knew weren't snobby at all and were some of the most gracious hosts i ever met, mexicans i met were extremely hard working, americans i know were rather well cultured, etc).
Nationalism and national stereotypes tend to make me facepalm hard, cos people seem to actually believe in them sometimes.


New member
Apr 19, 2010
-I find Yahtzees voice annoying and I find him more irritating than humorous.
-The New Avengers movie was a let down imo. Suffering from the same foils that transformers did.

Those are the big ones. Thats about all that spring to mind at the moment.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
My unpopular opinion is that people should stick to what the OP asks for... Oh wait.
(It's pretty funny how many people here are so desperate to hurl their half baked opinions all over the internet that they don't even bother read the OT and just plunge right in because they assume everybody wants to read all of this opinionated garbage all over again)

I can't stand people that think the main aim of life is to just go out and drink every bloody weekend, and then tell me "i have no life" for doing something different, ever heard of aspiration? :(


New member
May 3, 2010
rhizhim said:
goliath6711 said:
rhizhim said:
Keoul said:
"Rapping is hip and cool"
i got the right shirt for you then
You wanna sit there and say that rap is not real music? Let's talk about "screamo". Or as I like to call it, "Let's yell at the top of our lungs with a microphone crammed in our mouths so no one has the faintest idea what we're saying".

Now you can sit there and complain all you want about how you have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. "'Hood rich'? What exactly does that mean? Is that better or worse than the regular type of rich?" "What exactly is a 'stunna'? And why is it good to be the number one of that?" "A 'Superman Benz'? Who would want to drive around in a Benz with a giant Superman logo on it? And what does a shack have to do with anything? Huh? Shaq? Shaquille O'neal? Does she work for DC Comics? Oh, he's a professional basketball player. Right. Did he start playing this year?"

Do you know what the last two songs, along with the first two, have in common? I can tell that they're being sung in a language that exists on this planet. So I would much, much, much rather listen to a "retard attempting poetry" than an alley cat being skinned alive set to music.
try to defend it with this contenders

using this kind of quality rap music

does the beatles look better this way? yes.
are the beatles better? ok it is a stupid example since the beatles are damn good.

you are just defending rap with even worse music to make it shine.
if you compare crap with rotten crap it might look better but in the end it is still crap.

some rap are quite good but in overall the quality of its lyrics and the story they tell are not that good. and this applies to even the best rap songs out there.
they all contain at least one line that is utter nonsense for the sake of rhyme or are so far out of context on the overall message of the song tries to tell that you cant but laugh.

worse notable mentions:

"Thirty-two grams raw, chop it in half, get sixteen, double it times three. We got forty-eight, which mean a whole lot of cream Divide the profit by four, subtract it by eight We back to sixteen..." Foxy Brown ("Affirmative Action")

"First family will gradually lift that a*s up like gravity."
Lil' Fame (of M.O.P.) - "Half and Half"

"If you don't bring back my m****f*****n money or my m***f****n dope, you can forget about Christmas n***a, cause you ain't gon even see New Years."
Master P - "Do You Know"

"I keep it O.G. watching episodes of O.C."
Living Legends - "Brand New"

"I live by two words: 'f**k you, pay me'"
Kanye West - "Two Words"

(Hey, SoulJa Boy, can I get your autograph?) Yahhh, trick, Yahhh!
(Yo, Arab, I really like you, man) Yahhh, trick, Yahhh!
(Are there any 30 boyz that?) Yah, Yah, trick, yah yahhh!
(Yeah, I was wonderin, can I be on your next?) yahhh, yahhh, trick!

Get out my face, ho (repeat 7 times)
Soulja Boy (with Arab)- "Yahhh"

Deepest, bluest, my hat is like a shark's fin
LL Cool J ? "Deepest Bluest"

Scooby snack jurassic plastic gas booby trap
Ghostface Killah - "Nutmeg"
Okay, you know my problem is with "screamo", right? And you are aware that "screamo" is a sub-genre of rock. And as my Motley Crue and Drowning Pool examples showed, there are rock songs that I really like.

And it's not so much about me defending rap because, honestly, it doesn't really need to be defended as a legitimate type of music anymore. It just is. It's been, what, 30, 35 years since rap first came on the scene and it's still here. It's got its own category on music award shows. You can go on Youtube and type in any nationality followed by the words "rap" or "hip hop" and I pretty much guarantee that you will find a rapper of that nationality. It even lasted long enough to achieve a generation gap where rappers of the 80s and 90s say that most of the popular rappers today stink. Go back and look up "Soulja Boy vs. Ice T" if you want to know more about that. So knowing all of this, here's the all important question:

What do the Beatles have to do with "screamo"??


New member
Jun 30, 2011
It is my opinion, really more of a theory, that people who claim to want world peace really don't know what they're asking for. Considering human nature, and the last 10,000 years(ish) of history and what we know of it, "world peace" could only be accomplished by the extinction of the human race.