Wow, a lot of people with backwards opinion with way too much time on their hands here in this forum. This community is toxic, and it's not Game Journalism fault that it's that way. It's ours. Their responses are the appropriate amount of disgust to how we behave, or nearly as damning, what we don't say and allow. Sure, I can see it being often tactless (the ISIS comment), and maybe a call for more thought is in order, but their condemnation is right on the mark. We constantly ruin the fun and some cases lives, for thousands if not millions of people with our terrible attitude and behavior, or our acceptance of it.
A woman can't even play online for one hour without being sexually harassed, nor can she show up at convention and be accepted by all as a legitimate fan of the hobby, or criticize the content of a game without being threatened with assault, murder, and rape of her and her family. And that's just our issue with gender and their still race and sexuality to contend with, so yeah, we need condemnation, and furthermore we need to purge any and every person that thinks that any of the above is acceptable.