Over Hyped game that you played and didn't like it


A WordlessThing, a ThinglessWord
Aug 9, 2011
Assassins Creed, got so boring for me so quickly it was so repetitive and the story didn't draw me in at all. I gave it a second chance and bought brotherhood but had the same problem, I loved the multiplayer in brotherhood however.

Also DragonAge, almost the same reason as assassins creed, I found the gameplay boring and the story couldn't draw me in either.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Personally, I've never really enjoyed any Valve games (except maybe Portal). They just feel cold to me. The controls feel lifeless and dead, it stops me from getting into the game at all. And TF2 is a bit of a clusterfuck in my opinion.

I didn't like Gears of War, it was clunky and the characters were annoying as hell. Felt like I was running through treacle or something, I hated it.

And Dwarf Fortress, although that's probably because I just don't have the time for my brain to manage it. I just see the screen and my brain curls up and cries.


New member
Jun 22, 2010
Metal Gear Solid and Dragon Age. Metal Gear Solid for me has been one of those games where I have no idea why people like it. The writing is terrible and often makes no sense and gameplay wise I would rather play Thief or Splinter Cell. I want to like Dragon Age but for some reason I just keep getting bored


New member
Sep 24, 2010
Grand Theft Auto 4 - I'm not the kind of person to sell games, but I made an exception with this one after a couple weeks of ownership. Terrible game that was only fun in 10 minutes spurts.

Portal - I simply found this game to be extremely underwhelming and disappointing as a result of the hype surrounding it. It was good enough for me to beat the game, but I really had to force myself through it. If the game had no hype around it, I'd have found it an okay indie game experience akin to titles like World of Goo or And Yet It Moves.

Dead Space - I had very high expectations for this game and it failed to deliver. The controls in my opinion are simply awful. The scares are solid but quickly lose their flair when every foot of the ship is drenched in blood. The atmosphere loses the ability to top itself and becomes dull and repetitive as a result. Much like Portal, I did manage to beat this game...but only after having put it down several times to play other more fun games in between.

Fallout 3 - I can't really describe this one. I'm not big into post apocalyptic environments so a large part of it is my own fault for trying the game. It doesn't help that the game lacks varied scenery and quickly becomes boring to travel through. The vats system completely takes me out of any immersion the game has going for it as well. On the bright side a lot of the stories contained within the vaults were really entertaining to learn about.


New member
Mar 12, 2008
I got Gears of War 3 because i thought popular things have to be popular for a reason right? I gave up looking for a reason after about 5 hours.


New member
May 27, 2009

Clear room, autosave, clear another, autosave, clear another... end of level, no tarot card because you didn't fart or wank at the appropriate points on the map, repetitive and stupid.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Gears of war series, Halo series, Bioshock series (however Infinite looks awesome) FF series, Metal Gear Solid Series, Mass effect 1, GTA4 (but the others are awesome), COD (everything except MW1) and Dead Space 1 (yet to play 2 so can't judge on that)

Underated is deffinitly Saints Row 2, Thanks to Yahtzee's awesome review I have lots of love for that game.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Jesus. I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who enjoys gaming anymore. Every game named thus far I have enjoyed and I start to question what it is that people are/n't seeing that I am/am not seeing. 20~ years gaming and I have no more gripes within the industry then I had as a child... guess I'm not taking it seriously enough.

It's gotten to the point that I feel like I'm playing a completely different universes version of the games people bemoan about. "Different strokes for different folks" ain't helping either.

A mystery of life I guess.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Portal. I played through several missions, but it was just waaay to boring for me. Good thing I got it free off of a Steam special

The Random One

New member
May 29, 2008
Gears of War wasn't only bad, it was aggressively bad. Curiously, the only part of the game everyone seems to agree is bad - the bleached grey environments - are pretty much the only thing I think worked, although from an art direction perspective and not a gameplay one. The problem with the grey environments isn't so much that GoW did it as much as it is that everyone thought they were what made it look good.

Oh, and Half Life 2 is a lesson in game design disasters.

Last Hugh Alive

New member
Jul 6, 2011
freakydan said:
Deus Ex: HR - Played it for about two hours, then just couldn't get the motivation to pick it back up. I thought the graphics sucked, the voice acting sucked, the controls sucked, the camera sucked. I really thought someone was having a joke on me when I heard it was being critically acclaimed as one of the best games of the year.
I agree. I've only played a couple of hours of the game since I only bought it yesterday and you've summed up exactly my thoughts so far. I will complete the game however and hopefully it gets a lot better (surely it must, surely), but so far I can only quizically raise my eyebrow at those who hold DE:HR in such a high regard. I'm just not seeing this supposed GOTY.


New member
Mar 3, 2010

My eyes! How dare you offend the masterpieces that are the Batman Arkham games!


But I digress. My pick would be the Uncharted games, god! Bored me to tears! just pop and shoot, pop and shoot, then puzzle, than pop and shoot, then arbitrary platforming. Just thinking about it is giving me a migraine!
Mar 26, 2008
Killzone 2 and 3. They were the very definition of tedium. Yeah the graphics were great, but let me know when I was supposed to start having fun.


New member
May 8, 2009
Hard Reset. I don't know, but if I was in charge of naming that particular product, I'd go for Ultra-Easy Reset (ha!ha...sort of...) Anyway, I just found it pretty easy and not as hard or challenging as others claimed.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Spore - That's... pretty much all I need to say, really.

Civilization 5 - Granted, I don't remember how well the game had been hyped, but this is something I want to bring up. I hated this instalment of the series. I've heard games unjustly called "dumbed down", but if a game has ever really deserved this title, it's Civ 5. Top that off with the most absurdly priced DLC I've ever seen and you have one disappointed customer.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Eh, probably L.A. Noire. Not a bad game, but it's only real memorable feature was the awesome facial animations. The cases themselves just became repetitive, driving sucked, gunplay was bad, really just disappointing.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Dante's Inferno. If you really want to know why, feel free to ask. I'm sure you already know, though.