People That You Dislike...And Feel Bad About Because Of It?


New member
Jun 28, 2014
The title explains itself, really. Are there people that you dislike, but feel horrible about disliking? Why do you feel this way? Is it a stupid reason for disliking the person in question? An insensitive one? An old grudge? Really, anything that makes you ashamed of harboring negative feelings about a person.

For me, one of those people is a kid that's in the kids' group in my taekwondo club. He is one of the most spoiled, loud, annoying little brats that I have ever met. He always runs around the place, even while the adults are training. (He just runs through the middle while we're practicing kicks and moving from one side of the room to the other; I swear, he's going to be stepped on someday) Whenever he doesn't get what he wants, he throws a huge hissy fit and cries and screams. At one of our club Christmas parties, he even threw a fit because his (extremely well-behaved) sister had fetched a glass for him. His parents telling him off rarely, if ever, helps. His screaming is the worst, though; I've always had an intense dislike for noise, and he's incredibly noisy.

So, I find him extremely annoying. So why do I feel so horrible about disliking him?

Well, for one thing, he's like 6-7 years old. He sure doesn't look like or act anything like a kid that age, but I always feel like an asshole for disliking a kid acting like a kid. The other reason is that the other members of the club don't seem to mind him. In fact, some of them even find him adorable. Finally, I have suspicions that he might have ADHD or something similar, so that possibility makes me feel like even more of a prick. I guess what all of these factors have in common is that I feel like he really can't help it. I also think that the reprimanding his parents give him don't help because he might get to do as he pleases when he's at home. But that's mostly speculation.

I guess the punchline to all of this is that he's also my instructor's son, and really, it's not by business to tell anyone how to raise their children. My instructor is a very nice man and he and his wife are probably just doing what they think is the best for their kids. That, unfortunately, doesn't keep me from disliking their son.

OBS! I have never, ever expressed my disdain during training, though, nor do I ever plan to!

So, your turn.

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
I can think of a few people.

I tend to get irrationally annoyed by people who act like goody two-shoes.
It makes me feel pretty bad because they could be the nicest, most friendly, genuine person in the world and I'd still just be like...


NoX 9

I Want A Hug!
Jul 2, 2014
Well, there's this guy that comes into the store I work in every single day when I'm at work, just as the store is opening. He doesn't come when other people are there, only when I'm alone. Always when I'm alone... He must drive by every single morning to see who is there. Then he comes inside and starts talking to me as if we've known eachother for ages, but he doesn't even know my name! I can't stand the days I have to open the store by myself, because it means I have to deal with 30 minutes of him telling me about his incredibly boring life. Because I'm far too polite to tell him to fuck off, I've really started to despise him...

And I feel bad because clearly he is very socially awkward. He's not good at the whole 'talking to people' thing, his jokes are impossibly bad, he doesn't shower often enough and he asumes I'm just as interested in his ancient BMW as he is. But maybe I'm the highlight of his day! Maybe I'm the only person he considers a friend, even though the only thing he knows about me is what I look like, where I work and that I drink a lot of tea. Maybe he does this to every lone store clerk with boobs. Maybe he has a massive crush on me and the reason he comes inside when I'm there is because his heart leaps every time he drives past and sees me behind the windows... Fuck, that made me feel even more uncomfortable X3.

I have no idea why he does it, but telling him to fuck off would feel like kicking a puppy for jumping onto the couch. It just doesn't know better! Does anyone have experience dealing with this sort of thing? X3


New member
Sep 21, 2011
People who walk into you rather than take one step to the left/right, I feel bad about disliking said people because it's gotten to the stage where I do it to people who just did it to someone right infront of me.

I think of it as mild justice, yet deep down it makes me as bad as they are.


The end is nigh.
May 24, 2010
Why on earth would I feel bad about disliking someone? What a silly concept!


Oct 28, 2013
People who just can't seem to run things. I don't mean people whose job performance is questionable, I mean people who are an utter shambles and are still unaccountably employed in some position - walking McAuslans. The reason I feel bad is that I think I eventually come to believe what others apparently already have: that they just can't help being so hilariously yet woefully incompetent at their job, that they're genuinely trying their best.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
I have this one superior at work.

Everything he says and does comes off as incredibly patronising. Like he's talking to the dumbest child on the planet.

Thing is, after a few years of this I'm beginning to think that he's genuinely trying to be friendly and helpful.

I've never heard anyone else complain about him. Maybe he just thinks I'm thick or something.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
My dog.

I can get the most severe rage headaches from him sometimes, and not unjustly. He's a nightmare when I run into another dog outside, and when I'm sitting on my couch he has the annoying habbit of claiming my attention constantly, whether this is by tapping me with his paws or just straight up owning my lap. And I can get a bit mad at his hyper active behaviour sometimes.

But then soon afterward I'll get hit by an immense feeling of guilt, because I know the only reason he does any of these things is because he loves me.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
No one. If don't like someone, then I don't like them for my reasons.

Even if the whole world seems to love and adore someone (James Corden), I generally find them to be a fat annoying prick.

Mr Fixit

New member
Oct 22, 2008
NoX 9 said:
Well, there's this guy that comes into the store I work in every single day when I'm at work, just as the store is opening. He doesn't come when other people are there, only when I'm alone. Always when I'm alone... He must drive by every single morning to see who is there. Then he comes inside and starts talking to me as if we've known eachother for ages, but he doesn't even know my name! I can't stand the days I have to open the store by myself, because it means I have to deal with 30 minutes of him telling me about his incredibly boring life. Because I'm far too polite to tell him to fuck off, I've really started to despise him...

And I feel bad because clearly he is very socially awkward. He's not good at the whole 'talking to people' thing, his jokes are impossibly bad, he doesn't shower often enough and he asumes I'm just as interested in his ancient BMW as he is. But maybe I'm the highlight of his day! Maybe I'm the only person he considers a friend, even though the only thing he knows about me is what I look like, where I work and that I drink a lot of tea. Maybe he does this to every lone store clerk with boobs. Maybe he has a massive crush on me and the reason he comes inside when I'm there is because his heart leaps every time he drives past and sees me behind the windows... Fuck, that made me feel even more uncomfortable X3.

I have no idea why he does it, but telling him to fuck off would feel like kicking a puppy for jumping onto the couch. It just doesn't know better! Does anyone have experience dealing with this sort of thing? X3
Now this may make me sound incredibly creepy, but I find my self in an opposite situation, just not quite so stalkerish. I have to kill about an hour every day after work to pick up my sister, we carpool. So I find myself wandering around the same stores every so often & I have started making conversation with one of the cashiers at one store. It's not everyday though, maybe once a week, she starts the conversation some times & I'm honestly surprised she recognizes me. I really hope I'm not creeping her out.

Anyway OT... my supervisor at work annoys the crap out of me because he doesn't do his damn job. He's extremely nice, but horrible to work with.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
What annoys me the most is when im on the train to work, want to relax and read a newspaper. Then about 20 kids on a school trip get on the train. Then comes lots of noise and aggro. So fucking annoying. Also i know they are just kids being kids and im sure i acted the same way at there age. But i still dont feel bad by being annoyed.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
People in the high streets petitioning for money. I know it's for a good cause, I know it's your job but at the end of the day I'm there to do some shopping or am just passing through. I don't want to be stopped, I don't want to have to do that awkward smile, that awkward glance away, none of it. Just leave me be.

Also, and I'm sure I'll get slated for this by someone, but people who beg on the street. It's the same principle as above - I don't want to be stopped doing what I'm doing and I'm sorry you're in a bad position in life. I know we are meant to feel compassion for these people but sometimes I just don't; especially when I see them smoking or drinking while asking for spare change.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
Hmmm... In general, most of the neighbors around me, especially those that are more vocal about their privacy when I assume they don't think anyone can hear them... I mean, you can't really dislike someone who've you've never actually had some kind of actual conversation with that wasn't in the form of a formal complaint with the rental office...

Other than that, after seeing movie credits that mention how many people were able to get a job working on said movie, I could never really dislike the main heads responsible for what I would consider a "crappy" movie overall... But, I digress...


Social Justice Cleric
Mar 1, 2012
Will Ferrell.

He's quite a funny man, he's a celebrity that presumably isn't a total bastard and probably gives to charity and whatnot, and I assume that if I ever met him in real life he would be perfectly pleasant and polite.

However, every time I see his face, I get this hard-coded shot of pure hatred right into my very soul. I have no idea why. I just hate his face. I hate it SO MUCH. It's a struggle to get through movies that he is in and most of the time I just can't do it. Something deep and innate just looks at Will Ferrell and immediately goes 'oh my god it's that awful man', as if he had just been caught putting babies on pikes for the seventh time that hour. If I actually had any evidence that he is an awful person who does awful things, I would just feel smug and justified, but instead I don't. I just... I just hate his face.

If I had a reason, I wouldn't feel so bad. But no, his face just makes me irrationally angry, and I feel awful about it because I don't have a clue why. Maybe his ancestral look-alike stabbed a past life of mine to death...

Relish in Chaos

New member
Mar 7, 2012
Babies in general (with the exception of my friend?s 2-year-old son, who?s much quieter and, thus, cuter than others his age). I just find the majority of them to be loud and annoying hassles, and I can?t stand it when parents do the patronising baby-talk with them. If it?s within earshot, I just find myself grinding my teeth irritably.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
The homeless in my area I feel bad for them but at the same time I can barely carry my own weight let alone take on theirs too. Its to the point I avoid going to a close gas/convenience store because i get bothered there 50% of the time. I also have to stare forward at highway overpasses because in my area every exit ramp is covered by a homeless person. It especially kills me to see them with kids and dogs but again i hate em for making me feel bad because i cant help.


Plushy wrangler, die-curious
Sep 9, 2009
I was gonna try to summerize my issues with this one guy in my dorm, but quickly found there's just no way of keeping it short. So here's the TLDR version: dude's a sleazeball. Poor hygiene, IQ of a neanderthaler, terrible with money (compulsive loaner) and a morbid chain smoker. This guy is about as close as you can get to being a legit homeless person while still having a home.

So why then feel bad for him? Call me a bleeding hearth, but I cannot shake the impression that he's just a product of the circumstances he grew up in: the white trash world. Yet despite these roots he's at least trying for some kind of higher education. Unfortunately it's not really working out for him and that's never a pretty sight.