People who've never taken alcohol or drugs

Sleepy Sol

New member
Feb 15, 2011
I don't drink regularly but I have had a few sips of a number of drinks. I generally enjoyed most of them. Don't really wanna try beer though.

As for drugs, never seen any, and never used or taken any. Wouldn't mind having a go at pot, but almost everything else sort of makes me cautious.


New member
Jul 14, 2013
I'll just say that drinking and doing drugs is totally against my principles and sense of self-discipline.


New member
Dec 6, 2013
Alcohol on special occasions is nice, but I don't see the appeal of drinking regularly.
Other drugs... haven't tried, probably both because I don't think I need it as well as lack of accessibility.

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
T0ad 0f Truth said:
I could imagine you as some crazy bohemian Dragon. Eating all the magical unicorns instead of normal cattle for a buzz XD
Bleh cattle no thank you. I desire only the finest woolly mammoth fillets, marinated for seventeen hours in the blood of a unicorn and garnished with gold flakes.

Although I hear griffin tastes like chicken.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
Lono Shrugged said:
tricky-crazy said:
Also, isn't admitting and condoning the usage of drugs on this forum illegal ?

Reminds me of this for some reason.

Funny, for everyone saying they don't like doing recreational drugs because of the loss of "control" or "health reasons"

You cannot control your health (to an extent, you can manage your health and fair enough avoiding excessive consumption of things that are bad for you helps) and you don't really have control over your mental state. Also I don't believe that being under the influence of drugs or alcohol makes you "lose control" I think people say that to rationalize. But that's just me.
Depends on the drug I guess, and how much you take. Some drugs don't really affect your ability to rationalise much at all (like mdma)

Simple Bluff

New member
Dec 30, 2009
I used to drink fairly regularly. I started mainly to fit in, and I continued because I actually developed a taste for beer - which is equal parts a blessing and a curse. I got drunk a few times, but never to excess because despite how much I enjoyed it, I could never fit more that three or four cans into me. Another blessing/curse.
I don't drink that often anymore though, but there's no real reason for that. I just don't feel the urge to anymore I suppose. Certainly does no harm to the bank account at least.

As for drugs... I don't smoke tobacco, as I'm pretty big into cardiovascular health, and have been for a few years. I don't mean to sound big headed, but my fitness is a point of pride for me. I really don't like the idea of damaging my lungs.
That said, I have smoked weed twice. The first time was out of curiosity, but apart from a few fits of spluttering and gagging, it didn't do much for me. My friend informed me that that's normal for your first time, because your body has yet to build up a reaction to it. I don't know how true that is, but my second time smoking wasn't any different, except I could handle my coughing a bit better. I recall thinking that I might've just got a "defective" batch but my friends got high off the same stuff just fine.

And that was it really. I didn't necessarily give up on it, but I just wasn't arsed trying it again. That was a few years ago now, and I don't feel any different. I might go back to it someday, but it wouldn't bother me if I live the rest of my life without ever seeing weed again.


Still Approved by Shock
May 30, 2010
United States
I don't do drugs because I'm cheap and thoughts of intoxication don't really appeal to me in the slightest.

Only been really drunk once and it was a decidedly miserable experience for me.

So yeah I don't think it's for me. <.>


New member
Jul 17, 2010
except blessed wine that became the blood of christ I cant say I've ever drank and definitely never done drugs (least voluntarily) other than prescription though I cant say any would be considered an abusive drug (though I know you can abuse anything really). It just doesn't appeal to me to spend the money on it, especially considering i've seen what happens with drinking and driving actions.


New member
May 22, 2010
I drink all the time, but I've never done other recreational drugs out of a combination of health concerns (I have absolutely no interest in tobacco for this reason, for example) or legality issues (basically everything else, most combined with the health thing). It really does come down to legality for me, I work in a field where /any/ sort of a criminal record is career suicide, so I've got to be careful about stuff like that. But I mean, if Marijuana were legalized tomorrow, I'd be baking brownies tomorrow night :p

Ellie O'Daire

Kin-tree Guardian
Jun 23, 2012
I was the youngest kid in my family, so I got to watch my older siblings try all of that stuff and wind up spending all of their income with nothing to show but coughing and wrecked vehicles. Seeing that my family doesn't do well with addictions, I've just never bothered to try drugs, smoking, or alcohol. Can't get hooked if you never start, right? Now if only I could go back in time and stop myself from ever trying caffeine...


New member
Dec 13, 2008
I don't drink in any great quantity anymore, I'll have the odd drink but I try to avoid getting anything more than a slight buzz. Up until about a year ago I used to love drinking but these days my memory vanishes instantly for most of the night so it just feels like I passed out for a few hours. I'll return at the end of the night, still drunk, and in a really shitty mood.

I suppose I'm not really the kind of person you're asking, but hey.

From what I gather, people who are very anti-drugs tend to have wildly inaccurate ideas about them. I'm not saying that drugs are safe by any measure, but the general idea that some people have is that touching any drug will inevitably lead to overdosing on heroin in a skip.

Hunter Hyena

New member
Dec 23, 2011
I never saw any appeal in drugs or alcohol, and it just isn't something I cared for. When I was younger I had wine at a new years thing, but I just prefer to drink water or green tea.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Though I'm not opposed to it (in moderation; I don't really understand the idea of wanting to get drunk), I've never had alcohol, primarily because there was a strong prohibition of it by my family for personal/religious reasons.

I am, however, opposed to people taking drugs, mainly because of how horribly destructive they are and the aforementioned teetotalism in my family. Marijuana, I'm on the fence about. I would never do it myself, but I think the dangers are less than other psychoactive substances (when not rolling and smoking it; doing that's no better than tobacco). Note that I'm not against drugs in general, just recreational use of them.


New member
Aug 2, 2013
I used to not drink, but now I do a bit more due to a change in social scene-my new friends are more into drinking than my old ones. I'm still keeping an eye on my drinking, because I'm a terribly bad drunk and because it's not particularly healthy.
As for drugs, I've never, and will never touch the stuff. Seriously, I just don't understand why anyone sane would buy something that expensive only to burn it. And that's before we get to the illegality of it, the poor reputation it tends to give users and the possibility of health risks and addictions that many of these things have.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
I drink pretty constantly and smoke pretty constantly, but I do live in Colorado, so I guess thats to be expected


Sep 9, 2010
I never had a full standard drink until I was of legal drinking age (18 here) and I've never done, nor ever wish to do, drugs.

I don't like the taste of alcohol, however after I turned 18, I got offered a job as a bartender and despite knowing nothing about alcohol, I really needed the work. I now know more about alcohol than most veteran drunks, have sampled more alcoholic beverages than I can remember and have found my niche in high quality spirits and well made cocktails. I just sort of grew to like spirits for their tastes other than alcohol and I absolutely ADORE Drambuie. Anyone who likes proper Sarsaparilla should try it.

I've still never gotten drunk though, the worst I've done is gotten a bit tipsy on no more than four separate occasions. I'm a major heavyweight and my motor skills go first, I always remain sober mentally. Frankly, I have no desire to move any further into drunkenness.

And the reason? Both alcohol and drugs are terribly unhealthy, I despise the stereotype that teenagers feel the constant need to get drunk and I simply don't wish to lose control of my faculties, despite what little benefit there might be.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
I've never taken any of my own will.
I was hooked up with all sorts of nasty stuff when I had my wisdom teeth pulled but I don't think that's what you're talking about. I've just never seen the appeal and with how much I have to keep bottled in and with seeing how uninhibited my friends are when drunk, I think of myself as nitroglycerin and "getting hammered" isn't really the best thing to do to such a hardly-stable compound.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
I'm 18 so you would think I would go out and get high or shi- NOPE.

Went through all of grade school, jr high, high school, and plan on going through college and the rest of my life completely pure of any of that stuff even when I'm passed the powerful age of 21. I just don't see pleasure out of slowly destroying my body, don't have anything against people who do it's just not my thing. Plus the stuff described has the negative rep and consequences that are kind of... prevalent in our society if not used responsibly.

But I have had a taste of alcohol, man is it disgusting, how people enjoy that over Dr. Pepper is beyond me.


New member
Jun 10, 2011
I neither drink alcohol nor do (recreational) drugs. I can count on one hand the number of drinks I have had in my life, and I'm in my 40s now. My primary reason for both is that I like to be in control of myself and my actions at all times. Additionally, like many here, I have never liked the taste of alcohol, so I just don't have any interest. There's also some alcoholism in my family history, and that's a road I have never wanted to travel, so I avoid drinking for that reason as well.

As for drugs, that's a mind-numbingly stupid habit to acquire, in my opinion. They're illegal, expensive, addictive, and destructive. They screw up your brain, lead to personality changes and often lead people to do foolish and dangerous things. Additionally they tend to bring you in contact with seriously bad or messed-up people who could get you killed. Drug addicts tend to push aside and lose their friends and family because of the person the drugs have made them. Their marriages fall apart. They lose their jobs and can't pay their mortgages, so they lose their homes. They basically lose everything. And all of this for a temporary "cool experience" or "moments of pleasure." Are you insane? No thanks!!

Now on a side note, mind you, I am generally a fairly funny and hyper guy normally, so me on drugs or alcohol would be insane. I just don't need them to have a good time - I can do that all on my own. So the "loosen up and have a good time" argument has never held water with me.

Blaze the Dragon

New member
Jan 8, 2010
I never saw the point of recreational drugs, legal or otherwise. It's just a short-term benefit vs long term harm sorta thing. When it comes to alcohol, I was never interested in becoming a drinker, but I did want to at least see what it tasted like, and at least find out what I'm like when I'm drunk, for scientific reasons of course. (No seriously, I had my friend take notes to report his behavioral changes when he turned 21 and went drinking for the first time) However, it turns out that I absolutely can't stand even the slightest bit of alcohol. I'm not saying I get drunk easily; I mean everything with alcohol in it at all tastes horrible to me. I haven't actually managed to drink enough to actually get drunk yet because of how bad everything I've tried actually tastes. People are starting to try and mix drinks for me as a challenge now actually, but even the stuff that supposedly "has no alcohol taste at all," I can still pick it out. I looked this up and apparently my tongue is a "hypertaster" or something when it comes to certain things like alcohol.

But yeah, even if I liked the taste of alcohol, I'd still just drink soda instead anyways. Basically, I don't do drugs or alcohol cause I don't see the point. I'm also heavy in logic and reasoning, so that's probably related.