People's distaste for Science/Maths


New member
Apr 18, 2011
gmaverick019 said:
artanis_neravar said:
cookyy2k said:
artanis_neravar said:
Midgeamoo said:
Versuvius said:
Never encountered this kind of view outside the whigger groups in school. And in college the disdain goes to the media/art/music students from the science/math/literature students. Maybe its an american phenomena
I'm in England here, but haven't seen any disdain for students of any arts yet.
But I'm still at college, not at university.
What's the difference?
Well I'm English. I don't see the distain as such in the uni or when I was at college but I do in the general populous. Oh yeah and the uni admins who deal with budget, they really dislike us.

Edit: by "us" I mean physisists and I misinterpreted the question in the quote.
No big deal, I'm an engineer and I'm pretty sure the school administration dislikes us. Might be because one of our projects (most likely) requires a larger budget then any other departments entire budget. But either way we (the engineering students) Hate all of those business/arts majors, those bastards actually have a chance to see the sun and be outside during the day.
this is highly true, this past semester alone i gained like 15 pounds from studying/projects all the damn time while my business/art major friends A) didn't have finals as is, they just had a couple papers to turn in at the end and thats it and B) they always partied every weekend and never had to study/do homework...

u fucking hate engineering sometimes...
But you get through it by remembering how much money you can make after graduating :D
Sep 14, 2009

i have no idea why but i have been addicted to that clip lately.. every time i have a moment to say "yes" or "sure" that always pops into my head and my subconscious says it like that.

moneyz i shall haz in my pockett someday..


New member
Aug 1, 2009
artanis_neravar said:
Midgeamoo said:
Versuvius said:
Never encountered this kind of view outside the whigger groups in school. And in college the disdain goes to the media/art/music students from the science/math/literature students. Maybe its an american phenomena
I'm in England here, but haven't seen any disdain for students of any arts yet.
But I'm still at college, not at university.
What's the difference? (between college and university)
well in Canada not for any other countries but people with not that much money or have terrible marks go to college and people who have decent marks to great marks go to university


New member
May 4, 2011
I'm reminded of this:

There's not really a reason why you like or don't like something. If people aren't interested in science, their loss. As long as they acknowledge its importance and keeping throwing grant money at us.

Doctor What

New member
Jul 29, 2008
I took a summer course in Astronomy, and we did a lite overview of physics. I had so much fun with that, I'm considering changing my major!



New member
Sep 11, 2007
Are you kidding me? I *love* science. I just hate math-based science. Which, I suppose is all of them, so I'll be a little more forgiving and say just the heavily math-based ones. So I'm pretty much restricted to biology and ecology and their various sub-divisions.

I want to like Physics, I really do. I think the concept of how to scientifically understand how energy, force, and basically how the whole physical world works, but man, all that algebra makes me sad. I'm just plain not good at it, and it frustrates the shit out of me.

Maybe next lifetime? Ah well, who knows?


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May 16, 2010
In America, there is a lack of people going into fields of manufacturing and invention, and more going into services. Intelligence people are more likely to become a lawyer and business major that engineer or scientist.

Maybe its a cultural thing. Education in America is a little weird, but in more public schools only a very small amount of middle school student get to continue in math studies --a good 90% just retake courses they took in elementary school. It's no wonder kids find math so boring. And with math goes science, most middle school students are never inspire to study in those fields. Kids should be programing games or playing with bread boards, anything that might inspire them to head in the directions of math or science.

I think its silly to claim one profession or field is superior to another. I'm glad for the food in my belly and clothes on my back, but what's moved the world forward is having the professions of farming and textile work require less time and people, giving more and more of us options to explore the universe in other ways. Whether this be art, design, medical fields, law, economics, management, accounting, math, science, engineering, religion, comedy ...we learn something and pass it on to the next generation. Just try to make the world richer through your works, produce rather than consume, and together we'll get some where. Because if that brilliant scientist out there doesn't get a good performance from that voice actor to the game he bought to relax at the end of the day, we all miss out.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Doctor What said:
I took a summer course in Astronomy, and we did a lite overview of physics. I had so much fun with that, I'm considering changing my major!

In all fairness, a physics degree will involve more than those trivial field calculations used in astronomy. Be prepared for quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, and *shudders* optics.

Although you could start a math degree, and switch into physics later on. At least here in the US, you'll have to take the introductory courses of chemistry and physics anyway, so you wouldn't lose anything.


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Nov 2, 2009
I can't make sense out of math and stuff. I just don't understand it.
Ask me the patterns of languages, enabling me to write and read Italian and German without having previous knowledge of these languages.
But math? wtf.

Sorry, didn't see the point/climax of your story, so I thought I'd just write something slightly relevant with what you wrote.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
oh science and math are my favorite though programing is really cool to. it might be my favorite too if the others don't step it up.

um i don't really look down on anything except bio, and history the best science is physics because it has the most math


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Mar 14, 2011
I don't really like math or sciences as subjects but I respect both fields and the people who study them because they tend to be intelligent and capable of contributing to societal needs. I stated that I don't like either math or science not because of what they are but because I suck at both beyond basic level.

I can understand what you're trying to say as I feel the same way toward the subject I am studying, History. People tend to be somewhat ignorant of history and not just because they haven't looked into it but because they easily dismiss it as useless in the modern world. History is not a textbook nor is it a set of dates. History is a never ending story being written by all of existence and is still very much alive.


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Feb 17, 2010
I know! I was having a great conversation a while ago, then I mentioned I was getting my major in physics. Then it was all of sudden, "oh well your a science person". Then we stopped talking. WTF! We are having a great time when you assume I am a History or English major, than you stop talking when I am a Science major.

I don't get it. Science is Good! Science is amazing! Why can't pepole see what they are missing by hating science. Also this is an American phenomenon as far as I can tell, what is wrong with us!

Edit:The best part is when it sounded like an apology "Oh, your a science guy. I am so sorry". Oh I have ambitions and goals I am so sorry, I literally bit my tongue so i did not say something like that.
I meant WTF. I took that personally.


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Jun 5, 2008
I understand science is important, but it's not my area of expertise. Leave the science to the scientists and leave me to my work.


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Mar 17, 2010
I love the ideas and applications realised in Science but Maths is just a garbled mess to me. Maths, to me, is incredibly dull and more often than not completely unnecessary. I'm fine with algebra, up to and including logarithms but anything past that isn't needed. In fact, if I had the choice I'd just use a calculator for everything.

I've always been much better at English anyway. Probably in part because you can explore the possibilites of Scientific pursuits, both fictional and non-fictional, through literature.

Midnight Crossroads

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Jul 17, 2010
People do like science. I read the hell out of my science textbooks. They just hate classrooms and being awake after pulling all-nighters, and this is agitated by people who come off as weird, overly eager kissasses. I had a kid who sat behind me in my philosophy of the mind class; he sounds like the guy you're describing. Every time he opened his mouth the entire class, the teacher even, let out a silent and collective, "Shut the fuck up, no one wants to hear your stupid words or look at your stupid face."

People without the mental filters to know when it's inappropriate to say things tend to make other people want to strangle them. For instance, I don't try to force science into every conversation at dinner. My friends would stop eating with me if I did that.


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May 1, 2008
i don't think it's a distaste, i think it's frustration that they're never good at it. personally i enjoy math


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Sep 8, 2010
I usually find most of the things in my science class interesting because a lot of it usually has to do with things I tangentially learned from games and movies. Take Half-life or Fallout 3. They both mentioned mild chemical terms and theories. A bonus for Fallout 3 for having so many historical references in locations and characters' names. But I digress. I guess I like to feel that I have the upper hand because of what I learned from them.


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Nov 18, 2010
TestECull said:
I like science, but I find math to be one of the dullest things I've ever tried to learn. I rank it there with watching paint dry on the dullness scale.
"Psychology is basically biology, biology is basically chemistry, chemistry is basically physics, physics is basically math and math sucks". I had a great history teacher in high school. I quite liked some parts of math though. One time I proved integration, took me 3 hours. Another time I took limits of an equation and realised exactly what infinity was and nearly had a nervous break down. When you can do stuff like that, math is really rewarding.

But OT. I know a few guys who took science subjects in high school and uni and honestly, they think they're the shit because of it, its really irritating. And its the less intelligent ones who are the worst, I guess cause they're so proud of what they know. I can't say I'm innocent either...

Maybe it's something you don't get in Australia, at uni level there's not really a jock clique because those guys are either playing pro or working in McDonalds. So it comes down to rivalry between the different faculties and even degrees. Eg. here Arts degrees are universally mocked as easy, theres a toilet with "Arts Degrees, take one" written on the toilet paper roll. And between engineers, the Environmental school is the butt of jokes.