Personality types with which you can never get along


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
I find it easy to mesh with pretty much anyone. In fact, my personality type is "adjust to suit whoever I'm talking to".

But dear HEAVENS, cynics are irritating. I don't show my irritation, but I feel like just falling asleep when talking to them... and not of boredom.
Jun 13, 2011
Scarim Coral said:
I got a few-

Immature type (they annoying as I act mature.)
The outgoing social type (I don't want to go outside!)
The cynical type (at least I can show empathy you heartless ass.)
The jock/ sporty obsess type (I'm not sporty.)
All of these, but adding a couple.

The always-happy people.
-Everyone has negative feelings, and hiding them inside isn't healthy for anyone.
Those who want to be friends with everyone.
-I know a guy who wants to be my friend, even when I hate him. He doesn't care.
People who act mentally challenged.
-Enough said about that.
Elitest jerks.
-Annoys me when they think they are better than every other human being because they play Skyrim, MW3, sports, have a girlfriend, or any of that stuff. They also don't listen to anyone with a negative opinion about them.


New member
Nov 26, 2009
People who overdo everything, like hugging a friend and crying even though they saw each other yesterday. They phrase "OMG, I love _____" is also 70% of their vocabulary

Death God

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Jul 6, 2010
Either people who are too full of themselves or people who believe something can only be done one way no matter what and everyone else is wrong. Those too people are beyond the point of annoying!


New member
May 21, 2010
Animephiles. Oh goodness, they were horrible! Also, people who have no sense of shame and shout shameless things or just say them to loud, i.e., singing some kind of internet meme song in school or the middle of class or something, or making a vague reference in hopes that 1 person across the room will get it. Also, myself. I am a fairly annoying person, and am trying to work on that(successfully to an extent), but I always reflect on how stupid and annoying I was the year and years before. There was a pretty big change in my standard of living last year, as well as parenting, so I eventually realized that I was a huge asshole in many ways without even realizing it myself and that I wish I could punch my past self in the face, granted, I wasn't actually an asshole, and was still pretty nice, but I am now over-emphasizing every negative detail about me.
Also, people who insist on incorrectly correcting you, and parents who believe that often even a proper rebuttal or that voicing your disagreement with them or proving them wrong on any level is disrespectful and I find myself in opposition to my parents with somewhat regularity.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009

No, I do not want to smoke that nor learn how your going to get rid of the "man," or smoke the magic pipe. If I want to see colors and have experiences, I will just re-watch Friendship is Magic.


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May 3, 2008
People who like to tell me about how horrible my best friend is, every time I see them. (Happens quite a fucking bit.)

People who start political discussions JUST to get a reaction out of me. (I was told that it was rude to leave a conversation I wanted no part in because I knew it would escalate into yelling if I stayed)

Is there a term for people who go, "That's true, but..." and completely contradict everything they just agreed with you on?

There are so many people that I can never get along with.

Too many.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Time for the guy with the unpopular opinions!

OVERLY Laid-back people: Their mottos are "Fuck this, I'm gonna act like the whole world is fucking jolly rainbows with candy unicorns everywhere just waiting to be gobbled up!"

OVERLY Serious people: Their mottos are "Oh my fucking god, how dare you attempt to have fun, everything is super srs and shit. D:<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"

Anyone with a God complex larger or rivaling than mine: This one really gets on my nerves. I pride myself in my God complex, and seeing someone with one larger than mine irritates the hell out of me. If I were to meet me, I would hate me.

Sheeple: People who follow what everyone else is doing. You were given a brain for a reason, use it or I will revoke your brain privileges.


New member
Feb 14, 2011
"Never" is a very strong word. I would like to think that there could be exceptions to any of my preferences in this regard. I don't want to close off that possibility, but my flawed perception is that I would have a hard time accepting someone who can be angered very easily and takes it out on others or who acts in ways that are continually disrespectful and/or hurtful to those around them.

It's a little hard to describe exactly but in short, I mean someone who is a dick. I also mean someone who habitually acts as such; everyone gets angry from time to time and sometimes other people become affected or sometimes we say the wrong thing and it hurts someone or is just the wrong thing to say. I don't care about that. It happens.

I have known a few people who have fitted this category and I have learned to distance myself from them or simply remove them from my life. There is no way that I feel I can reasonably deal with them aside from this.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Happy people, especially perky ones that are trying to get other people excited (like at a pep rally). Just hearing their voice makes me want to start killing people with spoons.


New member
Feb 20, 2011
I really can't stand people who do something or take on a particular quirk/"idiosyncrasy" exclusively for the purposes of appearing indie and special. I don't preach assimilation, it's that people who try really hard to be things they aren't are very jarring for me to be around.

I also can't stand fair-weather friends (if someone ditches me I have an impressively long memory for grudges), people with victim-mentalities, people who lack commitment that they themselves made, people who juuuust can't pull themselves together even in situations where no one gives a crap (we lost quite a few marks in a geography group assignment because ONE person got stage fright and started mumbling at high speed in front of the class) and people who purposely and constantly act annoying.

I feel very judgemental now.

Oh, and people with that one generic sense of humour in my school where every "funny" remark is just a poorly worded and sort of stupid sarcastic remark drawled out with the world's most punchable sneer.

I actually get along quite well with people who possess none of these traits.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
People with no sense of humour.

90% of what I say is an attempt at humour, so I find it nearly impossible to communicate with those types :D
But humors such an easy language, and it's universal to boot!

I still don't understand why people want to shun it so much in favor of those Languages like "Serious" and "Uptight" that seem to be all the rage these days. I also happen to be a fluent speaker of "Sarcasm" and "Insanity", with "Insanity" being my native language.

Captcha: smell that....It knows i farted, I'm scared now.