Peter Molyneux: Natal Bigger Than The Mouse


New member
Oct 6, 2009
This just in! Peter Molyneaux is a dumbass and should never be taken seriously when talking about the future.


Legendary Table User
Jul 17, 2009
Populus89 said:
Anyone remember the EyeToy?


Yeah, this guy lost all creditability long time ago. He should resurrect Bullfrog and start making good games again. Currently he puts to much mind and artsy-shmansy crap into everything he makes.

Natal will go the same path as the Wii - A casual gimmick that had lots of potential and a chance of becoming the next big thing. Though no one gave a damn and rather than making ambitious projects, all went for a quick back with casual mini-games.

I'd like to see his face when Microsoft cuts his funds and tells him to make a peggle clone for Natal.
I still have mine around here some where, nothing like spending half an hour wildly flailing your arms like some kind of mad man then your hand casts a shadow over the lens and it stops reading everything and you lose