Phantom of the Arcade - A Text Adventure


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Look at my Pac-Man badge! wooh! *dance idiotically*

My score was 110/95, it was amazing!


Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil post=6.75152.862184 said:
Rugged 13 post=6.75152.862039 said:
Can someone help me find the key?
It's jammed somewhere.
The problem is, how to get it loose. Working that one out took me a little under a third of an hour. Might have been a quarter.

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
fish food carl post=6.75152.862319 said:
Hints aside, actually, I figured that one out quite fast. It took me a further half hour to word it properly. It would seem that game machines are extemely picky in exactly what manner you pay for things.
Imagine this puzzle as being like a keyhole, and the answer as being a key. You can't throw the answer in - to solve this puzzle, you just need to put it in the slot, to coin a phrase.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Fire Daemon post=6.75152.861731 said:
I just beat it. That was really fun.

Any plans for some future games?
That depends largely on you lot. If there's enough of a demand for one, then, yes, quite possibly.

I'd also like to take a moment to say how much I appreciate those of you who are giving hints without spoiling the game. Some of you are really rather brilliant at phrasing your hints, too...might have to use some of those skills if/when we make the next game. ;)

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
Susan Arendt post=6.75152.862342 said:
Fire Daemon post=6.75152.861731 said:
I just beat it. That was really fun.

Any plans for some future games?
That depends largely on you lot. If there's enough of a demand for one, then, yes, quite possibly.
From what I've seen so far, the response has been a clamour for another. It's certainly the response you'll get from me.
Feb 13, 2008
Susan Arendt post=6.75152.862342 said:
Fire Daemon post=6.75152.861731 said:
I just beat it. That was really fun.

Any plans for some future games?
That depends largely on you lot. If there's enough of a demand for one, then, yes, quite possibly.

I'd also like to take a moment to say how much I appreciate those of you who are giving hints without spoiling the game. Some of you are really rather brilliant at phrasing your hints, too...might have to use some of those skills if/when we make the next game. ;)
Perhaps an idea for the next game would to make the grammar a little less unforgiving. I know that I nearly didn't get one of the Zombie quizzes because of the American spelling. Perhaps having a click button interface would work better? Like Zak Mcraken/Day of the Tentacle.

I kept typing "Look Machine" instead of examine, and the 'shove' phrase caused me no end of consternation.

The clues were a little easy though, perhaps I'm just too spoiled by HHGttG, it was really getting around the grammar that was the hard part.

And no sudden deaths...Grues...Scooby Doo 'unmasking'...

(Oh and btw, 'Take All' tries to get hidden objects thus giving them away.)

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Taxi Driver post=6.75152.862436 said:
Was that a Billy Mitchell joke?
Sure was. :) The game is crammed with gaming references....can you find them all?

On the language subject, believe me,guys, I hear you loud and clear. Some of it I can't help -- "look" and "examine" are what they are and there's no changing that -- but I definitely hope to make future installments a bit more forgiving when it comes to wording. This was my first attempt at one of these, so you'll have to forgive a bit of a learning curve.

And yes, root, for someone used to the genre, this game was a bit on the easy side, but I wanted it to be something that everyone could enjoy, regardless of their text adventure experience. As you can see from the comments, some folks were absolutely flummoxed by puzzles that others had no trouble with. That's why you couldn't die, either -- no unhappy endings here. At least not this time. :) One element that didn't make it into Phantom (we simply ran out of time) was a hint system that would allow for a more difficult game -- we'll hopefully be able to include such a system in the next game, should we do one.


New member
May 14, 2008
I saved my game last night, and it won't load today for some reason (it loaded fine last night, I checked). So I went through the whole thing again, and now I'm just missing chapter four. Thing is, I can't seem to find the pile of dirt, although I remember it being somewhere from last night. What am I forgetting today, that I did last night, or have I just not checked everywhere for the pile of dirt?

EDIT - Never mind, found it...
Feb 13, 2008
Still a great game Susan. But for those with the taste in their mouth...

The Grandaddy of Adventures(remastered) (And properly, unlike another prequel) []

Great Grand Dad can be found here :

The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Here's another guide to interactive fiction, including some of the shorthand for common commands:

Expanding upon the built-in grammar is possible, though it's akin to transcribing a dictionary and thesaurus into the work while fighting off ninjas over a pit of lava.

fish food carl post=6.75152.862424 said:
The game refused point blanc to accept the word "put". By "put" it thought I meant "wear". It said "You can't wear that!". It took me a while to try "insert".
'put (something) in (something else)' should have worked. Were you playing the downloaded version using a different interpreter (Frotz, Zoom, etc)?

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
By the way, guys, the game simply wouldn't have been possible without the efforts of Mr. paulgruberman there, who steadfastly resisted the urge to stab people while wrestling with some incredibly persnickety code. He'll be in therapy for years to come.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
I'm having a lot of trouble loading the Text Adventure game, guys. I just get a blank screen with a red 'X' in the top left corner. Do I need to download something?

And on my computer at home (the one I'm not using), I see a Java loading screen, it finishes loading, it asks for a username, password, and 'domain' (I think that's what it's called)

Can someone please help me with this?


New member
Oct 4, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
By the looks of it, you have to run the videos by way of Warcry, loading them up at the Escapist crashed out on me as well.
What exactly do I need to download or do to get it to work?