Ahem... I cannot think of any at the moment.
I've never heard that statement.Master_of_Oldskool said:To "pay out the ass". Does currency suddenly skyrocket in value if you pay with the Conrad Butt Slam? Am I fiscally irresponsible for not keeping my cash stored in my colon?
Everything I know is now a lie...kinapuffar said:Have your cake and eat it is so simple.
You can either have a cake, or you can eat the cake.
If you eat it, you have no cake left.
If you save your cake and just have it in your hand, you can't eat it.
Having your cake and eating it too means you get to eat cake, but you still have a cake left afterwards.
What is so confusing about that?
This isn't meant to be literal. The idea is that, when things are going bad, they always get really really bad just before they start getting better. Or that, if one doesn't go to sleep, the constant dark of night will seem to get darker for lack of sunlight thus it's darkest right before the sun starts to rise.Korolev said:4) "It's always darkest before dawn". This makes no sense at all - it's equally dark before 1 hour before dawn as it is 4 hours before dawn (at least in most parts of the world). In fact, juuuuuuust before dawn, the sky starts to get a little brighter. Whoever came up with this phrase obviously never saw a sunrise.
Care to explain it? I've never understood that one, either.Baneat said:I've never heard that statement.Master_of_Oldskool said:To "pay out the ass". Does currency suddenly skyrocket in value if you pay with the Conrad Butt Slam? Am I fiscally irresponsible for not keeping my cash stored in my colon?
But pay through the nose has an interesting backstory to it.
That wouldn't help. Some of these are similes.Blunderboy said:I think a lot of people need to understand the concept of a metaphor.![]()
Don't. You'll only confuse them.Dracowrath said:That wouldn't help. Some of these are similes.Blunderboy said:I think a lot of people need to understand the concept of a metaphor.![]()
Haagrum said:David Mitchell says it far better than I ever could.Soxafloppin said:INB4 "I could care less"
Oh, I could listen to him rant for hours on end! Have yous heard his sausage roll rant? :Ldex-dex said:YES!Kurai Angelo said:That's because retards say it wrong.Soxafloppin said:INB4 "I could care less"
Edit: Head over Heels, My head is generally over my heels, regardless of mood.
It's "I couldn't care less."
anytime I correct people with the phrase " I could care less" telling them it makes no sense
I go into this type of rant
It's unsure which place coined the phrase, but there have been multiple places where the forfeit for not paying a debt/taxes was to have your nose slit at the bottom. So, when you can't pay your contract you must pay the higher price of your nose, pay through the nose.Master_of_Oldskool said:Care to explain it? I've never understood that one, either.Baneat said:I've never heard that statement.Master_of_Oldskool said:To "pay out the ass". Does currency suddenly skyrocket in value if you pay with the Conrad Butt Slam? Am I fiscally irresponsible for not keeping my cash stored in my colon?
But pay through the nose has an interesting backstory to it.
I always reply "a good workman would never use poor tools".kickyourass said:Well there's "same difference" I've never understood what the fuck that's supposed to mean.
I've always had an issue with "A poor workman blames his tools." I sorta get the idea behind it, I just think that there has to be a better way to say it.
Also I know it's been said before, but I feel that anyone who uses the phrase "I could care less" should be slapped.
I think that's supposed to be that someone looks so much like another person, that those viewing the two people spit whatever they were drinking in shock.Baneat said:New phrase not understood
Spitting image.
During World War One the ammunition belts for the fighters were nine yards long, so the phrase 'The whole nine yards' was a way of saying that they give it their all. They used every last round that they were given.Glass Joe the Champ said:What's with "the whole nine yards"? It takes 10 yards to make a 1st down last time I checked...