Pikachu is the best pokemon ever, but who's the second best?


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Person5 said:
My favorite for the longest time used to be Mewtwo because he's just straight up awesome.

Recently I've discovered a new love

Togekiss is a badass, and he's a birdplane, you can't get better than a birdplane my friends

edit: apologies, I guess I have no idea how to actually get the image in my post, that's what I get for only lurking.
No worries chum, here's a how to [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.850242-The-Escapist-Users-Guide-to-Posting-Commands-and-How-to-do-Fancy-Code-Stuff] guide to make things easier.


New member
Feb 26, 2014
MiskWisk said:
Person5 said:
My favorite for the longest time used to be Mewtwo because he's just straight up awesome.

Recently I've discovered a new love

Togekiss is a badass, and he's a birdplane, you can't get better than a birdplane my friends

edit: apologies, I guess I have no idea how to actually get the image in my post, that's what I get for only lurking.
No worries chum, here's a how to [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.850242-The-Escapist-Users-Guide-to-Posting-Commands-and-How-to-do-Fancy-Code-Stuff] guide to make things easier.
Thanks man, that makes my post much better


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat šŸ
Mar 31, 2010
AccursedTheory said:
KyuubiNoKitsune-Hime said:
Zontar said:
Hey now let me be clear, that Gardevoir used attract as its own initiative and did not do anything it did not want to do.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go find a book explaining just how the hell all the humanoid pokemon are related to see just how close or far Gardevoir and humans are form the common ancestor.
Not very, as the theory goes all humans in pokemon are pokemon themselves. Also Arceus created everything and a lot has a common ancestor with Mew which came into being as the same time as Arceus.
I always preferred the theory that all the information on Pokemon is wildly inaccurate nonsense made up by kids because it sounded cool.
It can definitely be said that a lot of the information in the Dex is questionable, for example all the Pokedex entries on Arceus being the alleged creator of the universe are coached with qualifies like "it is said..." and "In Sinnoh legend...". Same for Mew being an ancestor of all Pokemon, "Many scientists believe..." etc.

Still, I'm now curious whether humans are part of the "human-shaped" egg group. Only one way to find out... *unzips*


Aug 16, 2012
Pikachu gets second place at best. It is a widely accepted fact that squirtle is the best pokemon of all time because squirtle squad.



New member
Aug 18, 2010
Pikachu is crap. The first and only pokemon game I ever truly loved was pokemon yellow, and that little yellow rat nearly made me give up on the series altogether after it turned out to be worthless against the very first gym leader. Luckily, before I quit I tried swapping to the objectively best pokemon in the game, a Pidgey I found 3 seconds after leaving the starting town, and then I effortlessly gusted my way through that first gym and then the entire world, using literally no other pokemon in battle.

Sadly, the story didn't end there. A friend of mine couldn't beat the Elite 4 because he was using a mere Blastoise, so after some cajoling I agreed to let him borrow my Pidgey (now technically a Pidgeot). After carving through the Elite 4 and experiencing a taste of the power of gust, he refused to give it up, and I never did get her back. I regret losing her to this very day...

Nothing can compare to the understated badassness of a pigeon that destroys all of its foes with a simple flap of its wing.


Dib dib dib, dob dob dob.
May 25, 2009
The only correct answer is Reptar.



New member
Jul 30, 2011


Clearly the #1 Pokemon in the universe is Totodile! NO EXCEPTIONS! The second best? Clearly it has to be TOTODILE! Don't even bother asking me what the next best Pokemon are...


Jun 5, 2013
My vote is for Mew. The little bugger can learn any move type in the game, and has decent stats to back it up. Also, for an cat-fetus thing, it's pretty cute.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
The correct answer is Pikachu. The third best is also Pikachu.

...I am a terrible Pok?mon player.

Eclipse Dragon said:
Pikachu's popularity isn't because it's the best, it's because Pikachu has the best marketing.
Pikachu is EA.
Pikachu is adorable. Pikachu is EA. Therefore, EA=adorable?

I think there may be a flaw in the comparison.

Look for upcoming "tail" DLC, fully completing the look of Lightning Rat, or buy the season pass now!


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
Well, given that Pikachu isn't the best, I decided to blurt out my top ten Pokemon which are clearly superior.

10. Scizor

Surprisingly for a Gen I guy, my favorite Generations are III and IV. In fact, for the most part, I find Gens I and II designs very boring. Still, Scizor just has this attitude in his design that I can't help but love. Not to mention his high attack making him kind of awesome, especially when buffed in his Mega-Form. Still, there is one Gen II Pokemon that I like more.

9. Magnezone

As I stated, Gen III and Gen IV are my favorite generations. One of the biggest reasons for this is due to many of the boring designs from Gen I and Gen II getting great final forms that I personally find superior to the original designs. And my favorite of those is Magnezone. Now, the Magnemite Pokemon has always interested me in Gen I and II as my personal go to Electric Pokemon (Pikachu can go cry a river) but I do find Magnezone a much more interesting design than "slap three of them together" design many Gen I pokemon had. They seem to have truly combine to form this weird UFO like thing and its awesome

8. Skarmory
Steel Flying

And the last Gen II Pokemon on this top ten list, Skarmory is perhaps the best Pokemon in Gen II. It has a brilliant design, a great concept, a great typing, and the stats to support its strong resistance to most physical attacks making Skarmory a brilliant Pokemon to use for fun or competitively. It's really unfortunate that Gen II designs were so bland (not to mention barely in the game) because Pokemon like Skarmory shows that the design team over there still had a lot of talent during this generation.

7. Raquaza

I tend to not like Legendary Pokemon all that much. Especially when Lore kind of indicates that they're supposed to be one of a kind and as such, it feels weird to use them as common Pokemon. However, Raquaza gets past that as its the mascot of my second favorite Pokemon Game: Pokemon Emerald. Not only is his design cool (plus as a legendary his greatness on the battlefield is nothing to sneeze at), Emerald does a surprisingly good job at keeping the Weather Trio at the center of attention for most of its game. Even Black and White, my favorite, doesn't really keep the Legendaries that important compared to Team Plasma. But Raquaza's is perfectly set as the mediator of Groudon and Kyogre and as such has a strong connection to Emerald's story. As such, Raquaza rounds out as my #7.

6. Metagross

As we've reached #6, these Pokemon are usually Pokemon I try and get on my team, even if it means transferring them.

Metagross, the signature Pokemon of Steven and all around badass. To tell you the truth, I'm not sure why the design of Metagross appeals to me so much. I think its because it looks like a walking tank but that idea is down better with other Pokemon. I know I said earlier that Legendaries bother me but that same disturbance doesn't extend to pseudo-legendaries. Perhaps its because pseudo-legendaries are more common than the catch one only Legendary Pokemon. Though Metagross is incredibly annoying to catch in Emerald, its first evolution being your prize after completing the game's final boss, it still is worth raising and breeding for future generations.

#5. Empoleon

One of the two Starter Pokemon on this list, Empoleon is here due to its typing as well as its name being a reference to the famous French General (even having Empoleon's height the same as Napoleon's real height). Water and Steel gives it resistance to half of the Pokemon types, making it very useful as a makeshift wall. Plus its trident face and "aristocratic" body, gives this Pokemon a very cool design. As stated, earlier, Gen III and Gen IV are my favorites in Pokemon design and Empoleon is one of my favorite "complex" designs and was always my go to choice in Platinum.

#4. Blaziken

While this typing would get overused for the Gen IV and Gen V, Blaziken is my favorite Pokemon Starter because of its typing. Good Attack and Special Attack with the moves to match, Blaziken can be a great sweeper to have on your team. Combine this with the fact that I have a Speed Boost Blaziken and keep the move Bulk Up, this Pokemon pretty much becomes Goku in battles.

#3. Aegislash

As you may be able to tell, I have a favorite type: Steel. Steel Pokemon are usually incredibly well designed plus have great defence and resistance, which feeds into my play style. And no Pokemon represents Steel than Aegislash. Being a Sword a Shield, Ageislash has the ability to switch from having incredible attack and special attack to having great defense. The idea of a sword and shield Pokemon alone is awesome but its Ghost typing gives it invulnerability as well. It can be tricky to use such a Pokemon but Aegislash has always been a favorite of mine and the only Gen VI pokemon to make it to my top 10.

#2. Garchomp

Ah, Garchomp, the Land Shark Pokemon. I'll be honest, it's not the awesome design, its great use in battles, or its stats that brings this Pokemon this high. These are all strong points but it's its trainer that brings this Pokemon to the #2 slot. Cynthia is, without a doubt, the best Pokemon Trainer in the Pokemon series. And yes, that includes Red. Cynthia's perfect IV team is always incredibly balanced and incredibly strong. I remember this being the first Champion I couldn't brute force my way through with one incredibly strong Pokemon (something I did in every other Pokemon game before). Plus with her appearance in nearly every Gen IV and V game gave her presence not really felt in other Pokemon characters. Throw in an incredible pre-battle and actual battle theme and a great design and Cynthia, as well as Garchomp, has left an incredible impression on me and brings Gen IV into my personal favorite Generations.

As for Garchomp itself, I great enjoy his design. I especially like the idea of a Land Shark and its fins coming ever close to you waiting to strike. As for gameplay, Garchomp makes for a particularly fierce opponent. Despite having a 4x weakness Garchomps speed and attack make it hard for Pokemon with Ice type moves live long enough to exploit it. All in all, a great pseudo-legendary.

#1. Gardevoir

Yeah, yeah, Pokemon waifu and all that but Gardevoir still is my favorite Pokemon. I just enjoy having a great Psychic Pokemon that is not requiring me to trade in order to get. Plus, I do really enjoy the design of Gardivoir, especially its Shiny Mega Form, giving the Pokemon a "black widow" (though trope, not the Marvel character) vibe. I have went out of my way to capture a Ralts in every Generation after III to make sure its on my team and its typing into Fairy has even made it more valuable in my eyes as well as giving it a leg to stand on equally with its other evolution Gallade. With its great stats, incredibly Mega Form, good movepool, and awesome design, the Shiny Mega-Gardevoir shall remain my mascot Pokemon for a long time

So yeah, ten Pokemon superior to an electric rat. :p

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
Poetic Nova said:
We all know that Serperior is best. Skraggy right after that.
Why? Both are always in my party in Pokemon White, and kick some mayor ass.
Serperior is actually the second best Pokemon.

OT: You are all misguided fools! Pikachu certainly isn't the best.

Best dragon type, best fire type, best legendary, no Pokemon can compete with Reshiram. Even if you think one can, it can't. Those are the rules, I don't make them.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
You know, I'm surprised how many people are acknowledging in this thread what the best pokemon is.



Oct 28, 2013
Hero of Lime said:
Woah, that fatfuck needs to hit the local gym. Look at those turkey thighs!

xaszatm said:
Most of those look like they hired an emo from the Digimon team to draw their art! I mean, good grief, what are they?! Is one of them meant to be a newer evolution of magnemite? It looks fairly similar. Apart from him, those look a bit too similar and over-engineered. like someone used the earlier pokemon designs as a base (like aerodactyl, geodude, scyther), worked through the night and ended up going slightly too far.

Errr...some of you may have noticed I have a bit of a downer on the later pokemon designs. I think the magic was lost somewhere down the line, sadly. This world is suffering from overpokulation.


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
Barbas said:
Hero of Lime said:
Woah, that fatfuck needs to hit the local gym. Look at those turkey thighs!

xaszatm said:
Most of those look like they hired an emo from the Digimon team to draw their art! I mean, good grief, what are they?! Is one of them meant to be a newer evolution of magnemite? It looks fairly similar. Apart from him, those look a bit too similar and over-engineered. like someone used the earlier pokemon designs as a base (like aerodactyl, geodude, scyther), worked through the night and ended up going slightly too far.

Errr...some of you may have noticed I have a bit of a downer on the later pokemon designs. I think the magic was lost somewhere down the line, sadly. This world is suffering from overpokulation.
Yeah, Magnezone is the evolution of Magneton. Also, most of these are Gen III and IV, only Aegislash is Gen VI (Scizor and Skarmory are Gen II), so this really isn't indicative of modern Pokemon. Hell, Scizor is the evolution of Scyther, and both were a Gen I/Gen II pokemon like Onyx/Steelix. Also, I'm failing to see the "emo" in the art. There isn't any angst, dark colors, and brooding shown in any of the concept art.

Additionally, I'm of the opinion that Gen I and Gen II for the most part are equal to every other generation in Pokemon design. Gen II is slightly worse (since most of the Pokemon there were pretty much thrown out there and it was Gen I's pokemon that dominated Gold and Silver), but Gen I honestly doesn't hold up as best Gen for the most part past nostalgia. Oh, don't get me wrong, there are some great designs in Gen I: Kabuto, Aerodactyl, Rapidash, and Ninetails are all great designs, but quite honestly most of the pokemon designs each generations has similar amounts of great, good, average, and bad designs. We just remember Gen I's designs because they were the first.

Then again, I'm like one of the few Gen I people who has this opinion so who knows, maybe I'm completely wrong and Pokemon has never gotten past a trainer with an electric rat.

EDIT: Here are some designs from Gen VI to get a better feel for the pokemon from that Generation.



Oct 28, 2013
xaszatm said:
A bit too angular then, maybe - especially in the eyes. Some of these (like the king penguin-lookin' dude) are unlike anything I can recall seeing in previous designs, but the others don't look very unique; they've all got this angry-looking aesthetic, even the inherently non-threatening and silly-looking ones.

I think...I think this might be why they were so big in secondary school, looking back. The trading cards sort of died out, but people used to put the stickers and tattoos on everything.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
Barbas said:
Hero of Lime said:
Woah, that fatfuck needs to hit the local gym. Look at those turkey thighs!
I admit your delivery made me laugh, despite insulting my Poke buddy. XD

Anyway, Reshiram is still majestic af.

This picture makes it look trimmer.

Besides, you don't know what Reshiram has been through, don't judge him!


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
KyuubiNoKitsune-Hime said:
Pikachu the best? Pffft, yeah at being overrated.

Zoroark is hands down the best, with number 2 for my money being Zorua.
Kyuubi, you are a Trainer of fine taste.

Seriously, Zorua and Zoroark are pretty much my favorite Pokemon. I love the thematic flavor and quirkiness that their illusion ability gives them, even if their stats in the games usually make them substandard choices.