Aw dang, I really wasn't sure how helicals work to begin with >.> So you have to actually wind the thing back? ... Could that endcap I have on it twist like a corkscrew inside to do that?Evil Tim said:I think the only major issue is I can't see the helical mag variant working; the mag tube really isn't thick enough, and I can't see how you'd be able to wind the drive member backwards using just a loading gate.LordMalachi said:Replying to the earlier comments of yours lol
Thanks for the picsAnd I guess I'll have to edit my rifle to actually have a solid lever and moving trigger guard. Is the rest of it alright though?
Alrighty, I guessed right ^.^NimbleJack3 said:Yes, the pump does go over the RIS. It's also no longer a RIS, just a sort of secondary handguard.LordMalachi said:-snip-
I only have a few qualms lol I'm not sure which part is the pump, and if there's enough room to pump it o.0 But that could just be me not knowing much about pump actions lol.
Ok looking at it disassembled helped lol, but I don't understand how you pump it then. Unless the pump itself goes over that RIS piece you have behind it...
As for the rifle the only thing is the gas tube you used is meant for internal use only, it's too thin and flimsy to be outside of a housing of some kind. That's more technical critiquing though. And just to clarify, you do know the bolt is going to travel into the stock during use right? Not a problem, just can't switch out or fold the stock then (this way other people know as well) OH and there's no bolt spring
But that's just me nitpicking lol
Also, the stock's not meant to fold or anything, and you can just swap it out with another stock with the same bolt hole.
I couldn't be stuffed to make a spring, and I don't think they look that good anyway. Better to just handwave it.
And as for the other more nitpicky stuff it's cool, I was more just pointing them out before someone else tried to jump on you lol