I regularly download stuff off bit torrent and the like, and can't say I feel bad about it-this is for a couple of reasons; first, after twenty years of buying games legimatly I feel no loyalty to any specific company, or to the industry as a whole. Games have been absurdly over-priced for years, the depriciation when you come to sell them is obscene, which I wouldn't mind if it weren't for the fact that the price shoots back up the second the trade in shop puts the title on their shelves (they seem to go at 3 or 4 times what you sell it for).
The games industry is increasingly losing it's charm, with more companies putting profit before quality or innovation, and I find that, compared to a decade ago, I can't trust a company to release a truly good game-even the ones that initially look good turn out to be dog turds rolled in glitter.
Add to this the fact that those of us that were into gaming before its popularisation have been pushed out in favour of casual gamers and adolescent smack tards, and right or wrong, I've ended up having an attitude of disenfranchisement that pretty much boils down to 'fuck you, you can't do anything about it, you took as much as you could from me when you could, now I will do the same when your at a disadvantage'
Piracy in gaming is an issue that, for me, reflects a lot of issues in general at the moment. When you ask people to respect property, observe laws, and generally act in a civilised manner, you are essentially entering into a contract with them-screw them over one too many times and they will stop playing ball-some might feel that I'm a 'jerk', but thats an easy opinion to take when you earn your cash scribbling out a column or two - work minimum wage in an office or warehouse and see how you feel about laying down your cash for the current offerings from developers at the moment you smug fat git.