Piracy Numbers


New member
Dec 10, 2008
ragestreet said:
Edit: Just curious. Are there any places where piracy is legal? And by legal i mean actually legal not illegal-yet-not-enforced-much-if-at-all. God that was a lot of hyphens.
I think in spain the people pay a tax for potentially downloading illegal copies of anything(Music/films/games) which companies that can prove they lose out can claim on. Which effectively allows the public to legally download what they can get their hands on, which would be illegal elsewhere.

They pay the tax through all devices that can potentially copy stuff illegally i.e. computers, cd/dvd copiers etc have a high markup.

Dont hold me to that though a spanish person told me something about it and i only have their word for it if you care im sure searching google will give u the answer.

OT: I think there is general agreement that DRM should not be used because it has no effect on its targets and only hurts paying customers. NUFF SAID

Also i dont know what u ppl are complaining about there being too many "piracy debate" articles I keep reading them and so do you :p and hopefully some game developers will read them too. (Please dont bring up the shareholder debate again)


Elite Member
Feb 19, 2009
I pirate games because lots of games are shit and I don't have hours to research each one.

I've only bought two games recently, one when Fallout 3 came out and just yesterday, BFBC2. Very underwhelmed with BFBC2 but i only bought it for the online play.

Will be buying Fallout New Vegas later this year. Anything else is probably not gonna make my list of buys, but may make my list of downloads.


New member
Mar 30, 2008
I play pirated versions of some games. The question is - Would I buy them if I had no choice? Not a chance.

On the other hand, I've paid $15+ on some free demo titles because I thought they were worth the money and could use the support.

The lesson here - if publishers released games that were worth the $50 price tag, their sales would increase. Watch some ZP reviews to find out why they aren't worth it though.


New member
Jun 12, 2007
This is a very, very long thread, but some patterns stand out:

1. "I pirate because I can't afford the games." Well, I can't afford the new BMW coupe, but that isn't any reason to steal one, in my opinion.

2. "The games aren't worth buying anyway." Another lame excuse...someone is paying for them and playing them, but yeah, it's not you, is it?

3. "The evil corporations don't deserve my money." You're now the new spokesman for the Socialist Worker's Party? Get real...corporations exist to make a profit. If you don't like them, don't buy any of their goods or services. They'll get the message or go out of business.

4. "Wa wa wa--I'm not a jerk or a thief, just some poor misunderstood human being, wa wa." Yes, you are a thief, and being a thief makes you a jerk because all thieves are jerks.How would you feel if someone just stole your PC and ran off with it, but considered you evil and greedy, or couldn't afford to buy a PC, or that PCs aren't worth much anyway?

On yeah -- "I pirated the game to try it out, and bought it later, so I'm OK." Nope, sorry, you're still a thief, and also a lying piece of crap to boot. No sane reader will ever believe that festering fecal pile of unmitigated dung. Really.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
I'm always so disappointed when I see people who are unable to see the difference between pirating and stealing. Piracy is more like fraud or counterfeit: you're not taking anything away, although you might still do harm.


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
I think the event that happened with Ubisoft's servers has returned this to relevance, sadly...


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2008
omnibus01 said:
1. "I pirate because I can't afford the games." Well, I can't afford the new BMW coupe, but that isn't any reason to steal one, in my opinion.
Other people don't lose anything from piracy. the only possible thing they could lose (there are lots of benefits of piarcy) is a lost sale. However if you can't afford the games, you are not a lost sale, therefore they have lost nothing.

omnibus01 said:
2. "The games aren't worth buying anyway." Another lame excuse...someone is paying for them and playing them, but yeah, it's not you, is it?
This excuse is the same as number 1. I can't afford to buy them at thier current price. Therefore the same rebuttal is relevent.

omnibus01 said:
3. "The evil corporations don't deserve my money." You're now the new spokesman for the Socialist Worker's Party? Get real...corporations exist to make a profit. If you don't like them, don't buy any of their goods or services. They'll get the message or go out of business.
I think I agree with you here. Consumers have to weigh up the value of the product to the ethical result of their spenditure. I'm not sure how game companies can be evil anyway.
omnibus01 said:
4. "Wa wa wa--I'm not a jerk or a thief, just some poor misunderstood human being, wa wa." Yes, you are a thief, and being a thief makes you a jerk because all thieves are jerks.How would you feel if someone just stole your PC and ran off with it, but considered you evil and greedy, or couldn't afford to buy a PC, or that PCs aren't worth much anyway?
If someone who couldn't afford my pc downloaded it and made a copy I wouldn't mind. Its like me giving me waste food away to homeless people.

omnibus01 said:
On yeah -- "I pirated the game to try it out, and bought it later, so I'm OK." Nope, sorry, you're still a thief, and also a lying piece of crap to boot. No sane reader will ever believe that festering fecal pile of unmitigated dung. Really.
It lucky you know the mindset of every single person who has pirated a game, so you can make this sweeping judgement. I admire you character in that you carefully researched and conducted studies as to how many people pirated and bought a game so you could avoid coming off as a complete douchebag.

Good work.


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
did he just made an statement that can be viewed as good AND bad????

all the time while i was reading i thought "OH, so he does likes DRM....... no, he doesnt like DRM...... wait... he likes DRM!!..... oh, ok, he doesnt like DRM"

MAKE UP YOUR MIND SHAMUS!!! give us YOU opinion, not hard facts, its all just a way of saying "think wathever you want"}

and even withouth those numbers we already do that...

i dont really see the point of this article... but maybe thats just me


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
omnibus01 said:
This is a very, very long thread, but some patterns stand out:

1. "I pirate because I can't afford the games." Well, I can't afford the new BMW coupe, but that isn't any reason to steal one, in my opinion.

2. "The games aren't worth buying anyway." Another lame excuse...someone is paying for them and playing them, but yeah, it's not you, is it?

3. "The evil corporations don't deserve my money." You're now the new spokesman for the Socialist Worker's Party? Get real...corporations exist to make a profit. If you don't like them, don't buy any of their goods or services. They'll get the message or go out of business.

4. "Wa wa wa--I'm not a jerk or a thief, just some poor misunderstood human being, wa wa." Yes, you are a thief, and being a thief makes you a jerk because all thieves are jerks.How would you feel if someone just stole your PC and ran off with it, but considered you evil and greedy, or couldn't afford to buy a PC, or that PCs aren't worth much anyway?

On yeah -- "I pirated the game to try it out, and bought it later, so I'm OK." Nope, sorry, you're still a thief, and also a lying piece of crap to boot. No sane reader will ever believe that festering fecal pile of unmitigated dung. Really.
dude... you are new here, so just take down the flametrower and talk civilized, the moderators wont appreciate your language.


Hmm.. what's this button do?
Nov 2, 2009
The only smart measure i've seen lately was giving buyers addtional DLC, such as with Mass Effect 2 to not only discourage piracy but discourage buying used copies.


New member
Feb 13, 2008
Kudos. I'm late to this article, but I agree with you 100%. I argue about this with my friends all the time. My favorite kind of pirate is the kind that sees himself as some kind of Robin Hood, sticking it to the man or something. Which is the silliest thing I've ever heard. [note - I realized that I started to refer to pirates as "you" in this article. If you aren't a pirate, no hard feelings.]

Nobody seams to have anything to say about this: if you pirate a game, you are stealing it. The word I like to use is "shoplifting". If you pirate a game, you are telling the entire production team that their work is not worth money.

(Of course there are fringe issues that pirates like to bring up. I like to lump those under the "medicinal marijuana" category - stoners don't care about "medicine," and pirates don't care about "honest backups". Medicinal marijuana is a legit (and separate) issue for people who legitimately need it (a completely separate debate), but stoners just want to get stoned, and pirates just want to play games for free.)

This whole thing is 100%, hands down, unequivocally the pirates' fault. No matter how you slice it, they started it with the first copied floppy. Publishers wouldn't have started using these terrible draconian DRMs if you guys hadn't stolen so much of their work before. You don't have to deal with it, because you're thieves and you get around it by stealing it once it's hacked, but I have to deal with it, and so do all the other gamers with the strange and foreign idea that people deserve to get PAID for their work.

I don't care about your little "but I wouldn't have BOUGHT the game anyway" or "we're not actually stealing sales from them", quips, etc. Pirates started this, and it's honest gamers who are paying for it. Picture this. You are in a market, and you see some bread. You're not sure if you need it, but you want it. So you take it while the baker's back is turned. You are a thief, and one can hardly blame the baker for putting up a fence next time or hiring a guard. Now, let's say that this is more similar to the games industry - the baker has the recipe for the bread, and can churn about infinite loaves. Then is so bad? Well, yes. Let's say he also spent millions of dollars and man-hours developing the recipe for that bread, and that each sale helps him to get enough money to design more bread later. By enjoying the bread without paying for it, you are still screwing him over. And also, you are still a god-damned thief, which is STILL something you CANNOT escape from. Oh! But what if he's Prince John? He (the publisher) is so rich!...doesn't that mean that it's ok? See, I can't even finish TYPING that without you still being a thief. You're not stealing from the rich and giving to the poor - you're stealing from the rich and giving to your own greedy ass, and screwing over your more honest peers.

As an honest man, I'm frustrated too with the DRM thing, but I deal with it 1 of 2 ways - I either just buy the game anyway and take it in stride, or boycott the game. For this reason, I do not own Bioshock 2 or Assassin's Creed 2. If you want to REALLY "stick it to the man", boycott it. What? Sacrifice? Yeah, that's how protests WORK. Punk-ass pirates.


New member
Feb 20, 2011
you know what gets me is this:
deve need money to stay in bussinses
and they have a right to protect their property
so my question is following who really wrong the guys they want to protect their work which they 1 - 3 of their lives to make and protect with drm or the guy that say all games should be drm free in either case so as long as prites exsit their be an arms race to stop them