Wondering if she's pirating her own book?Krantos said:Warning. Title is Missleading.
She's not the one issuing the take down reports. Her publisher, whom she sold the copyrights to is.
Still a bit hypocritical, but not as much as the title implies.
Pirate Party Politician Fights Piracy (Of Her Book)
Except she used her position in the party to get the book deal so she should have considered the party policy on copyright. And because she is fairly well known(despite the fact that nobody in the pirate party actually likes her since she uses being in the party to shamelessly promote herself) she seriously she seriously damaged the party in the public eye(there are even theories floating around that the whole book deal was a setup since the pdf of the book was uploaded by a notorious German "newspaper" that then proceeded to report about the takedown. And discredited the pirate party is in the publishers best interest since changing copyright laws, which is currently being discussed in Germany, could really hurt their business model)Acrisius said:OK, I'm a bit confused. Because from what I can tell, it's actually her publisher who has something against the piracy, not her. And she says that when her deal with the publisher runs out, in 10 years, she'll happily make it available for free after it's up to her.
By my count, all she's guilty of is poor negotiation between herself and her publisher regarding the copyright issue. But I can see why it's more fun to just call her a hypocrite and thus try to invalidate any opinion she has or stands for![]()
If she was a true pirate she would've never sold it to the publisher in the first place.Woodsey said:Pirate Party Politician Fights Piracy (Of Her Book)
Umm... well, no. That's not what you've written. What you've written is that her publisher - the one who owns the copyright to the book - fought the piracy of her book.
Not really the same thing now, is it?
So at best there's some degree of hypocrisy, but the title of the article itself is misleading and the rest of it is written as if it's true when it isn't, it seems.Aeonknight said:If she was a true pirate she would've never sold it to the publisher in the first place.Woodsey said:Pirate Party Politician Fights Piracy (Of Her Book)
Umm... well, no. That's not what you've written. What you've written is that her publisher - the one who owns the copyright to the book - fought the piracy of her book.
Not really the same thing now, is it?
It could work a lot better.GenGenners said:Do they even know how the world works????
This pretty much sums it up really well. But what I'd like to here is her opinion on the subject matter as, and don't hold me to this, I don't actually see a quote containing this.Woodsey said:Pirate Party Politician Fights Piracy (Of Her Book)
Umm... well, no. That's not what you've written. What you've written is that her publisher - the one who owns the copyright to the book - fought the piracy of her book.
Yeah, but just turning around and saying "ALL THE THINGS!" isn't really the way to go about improving the world.Don Reba said:It could work a lot better.GenGenners said:Do they even know how the world works????
Wasn't she the clearly NOT-prostitute?teebeeohh said:And at the same time the wife of our former head of state(who got run put of office because he didn't understand the concept of "freedom of the press") posts her book for free online. Must be opposite day
And she needed a six figure advance to do this? She couldn't have just self-published her book over the internet? Maybe given the book away for free, or ran on an 'honesty box' payment scheme? Perhaps used Kickstarter to self-publish a hardcopy of the book?Andy Chalk said:"I was just very glad to be able to fulfill my dream to write a book."
Blablahb said:Pirating a book written by a self-proclaimed pirate? Somebody give the uploader of that file/torrent/whatever the Golden Medal of Irony.
Except, as someone who hates copyright in all it's forms, and as a prominent member of a political party that upholds those beliefs, you can't then sign up to a lucrative copyright contract and not expect to catch some flack!Acrisius said:OK, I'm a bit confused. Because from what I can tell, it's actually her publisher who has something against the piracy, not her. And she says that when her deal with the publisher runs out, in 10 years, she'll happily make it available for free after it's up to her.
By my count, all she's guilty of is poor negotiation between herself and her publisher regarding the copyright issue. But I can see why it's more fun to just call her a hypocrite and thus try to invalidate any opinion she has or stands for
THANK YOU!Krantos said:Warning. Title is Missleading.
She's not the one issuing the take down reports. Her publisher, whom she sold the copyrights to is.
Still a bit hypocritical, but not as much as the title implies.