Pirate Party Politician Fights Piracy (Of Her Book)


New member
Sep 6, 2009
So the publisher is doing the whole copyright thing, because she doenst have the rights.
and this is all her fault?

ThatDarnCoyote said:
McMullen said:
Not sure why she did what she did.
I can think of 100,000 reasons why.

All the complaints that blame the publisher miss an important point. Namely, that a prominent member of a political organization that almost exclusively focuses on copyright issues is now pretending (after cashing the fat check) that she was too stupid to understand the nature of the fairly standard copyright contract she was signing.

She'd probably be better off admitting to hypocrisy.
maybe she needed a publisher and this was the only way to do it?


New member
Aug 22, 2011
I downloaded the 'book' during the very brief moment when it was 'officially' offered from free on, I think, that German pirate party website.

Two observations:

1) The 'book' is of abysmal quality and every telephone directory makes for a more interesting read. The typeface is so large it looks like a children's book, the content is below the quality of pre-hormonal girls' diaries.

2) Right after any free offerings of her 'book' were erased from the internet, she was quoted as having said something along the lines of "what do you expect my publisher to have done?" - coming from someone that pretty much starts out her book by mentioning how she spent years protesting evil capitalism, that's the equivalent of being barfed on, in the face.

All in all, the whole pirate thing looks more and more like a tragicomedy unraveling. There are some cheap laughs to be had.


New member
Jul 25, 2012
Strazdas said:
GenGenners said:
Strazdas said:
GenGenners said:
Let me get this straight......
This Pirate Party wants to not just allow, but ENCOURAGE everyone to copy anything they want. They think IP's are horrible and copyright is an evil worthy of breaking the tinfoil hats out for?

Did I fall into a parallel anti-Earth or something? Do they even know why these things exist in the first place? Do they even know how the world works????
obviuosly more than you. Copyright is not bad. The way copyright has been used in the world for the last, say, 30 years is a spawn of evil and must be destroyed at all costs.
Then they should attack the abusers of copyright, or facilitate the advancement of correct copyright usage, not try to kill the idea of copyright itself. It's like a doctor cutting off your leg to stop your foot hurting because, well, at least your foot won't hurt anymore, right?
they tried. the response was even worse coypright laws and ACTA/SOPA ect
I'm pretty sure ACTA and SOPA just came from politicians and legal representatives being stupid dicks.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
GenGenners said:
Strazdas said:
GenGenners said:
Strazdas said:
GenGenners said:
Let me get this straight......
This Pirate Party wants to not just allow, but ENCOURAGE everyone to copy anything they want. They think IP's are horrible and copyright is an evil worthy of breaking the tinfoil hats out for?

Did I fall into a parallel anti-Earth or something? Do they even know why these things exist in the first place? Do they even know how the world works????
obviuosly more than you. Copyright is not bad. The way copyright has been used in the world for the last, say, 30 years is a spawn of evil and must be destroyed at all costs.
Then they should attack the abusers of copyright, or facilitate the advancement of correct copyright usage, not try to kill the idea of copyright itself. It's like a doctor cutting off your leg to stop your foot hurting because, well, at least your foot won't hurt anymore, right?
they tried. the response was even worse coypright laws and ACTA/SOPA ect
I'm pretty sure ACTA and SOPA just came from politicians and legal representatives being stupid dicks.
ACTA and SOPA was presented and pushed by the lobbyst group of music labels and tv studios.


New member
Jul 25, 2012
Strazdas said:
GenGenners said:
Strazdas said:
GenGenners said:
Strazdas said:
GenGenners said:
Let me get this straight......
This Pirate Party wants to not just allow, but ENCOURAGE everyone to copy anything they want. They think IP's are horrible and copyright is an evil worthy of breaking the tinfoil hats out for?

Did I fall into a parallel anti-Earth or something? Do they even know why these things exist in the first place? Do they even know how the world works????
obviuosly more than you. Copyright is not bad. The way copyright has been used in the world for the last, say, 30 years is a spawn of evil and must be destroyed at all costs.
Then they should attack the abusers of copyright, or facilitate the advancement of correct copyright usage, not try to kill the idea of copyright itself. It's like a doctor cutting off your leg to stop your foot hurting because, well, at least your foot won't hurt anymore, right?
they tried. the response was even worse coypright laws and ACTA/SOPA ect
I'm pretty sure ACTA and SOPA just came from politicians and legal representatives being stupid dicks.
ACTA and SOPA was presented and pushed by the lobbyst group of music labels and tv studios.
Egh, whoever they were, they were still idiots and/or dicks.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
GenGenners said:
Strazdas said:
GenGenners said:
I'm pretty sure ACTA and SOPA just came from politicians and legal representatives being stupid dicks.
ACTA and SOPA was presented and pushed by the lobbyst group of music labels and tv studios.
Egh, whoever they were, they were still idiots and/or dicks.
So, people who say copy nothing are idiots.
people who say copy everything are idiots.
people who say copy some things and not others.... dont exist according to you.
means, everyone is an idiot. good job.


New member
Jul 25, 2012
Strazdas said:
GenGenners said:
Strazdas said:
GenGenners said:
I'm pretty sure ACTA and SOPA just came from politicians and legal representatives being stupid dicks.
ACTA and SOPA was presented and pushed by the lobbyst group of music labels and tv studios.
Egh, whoever they were, they were still idiots and/or dicks.
So, people who say copy nothing are idiots.
people who say copy everything are idiots.
**people who say copy some things and not others.... dont exist according to you.**
means, everyone is an idiot. good job.
I wasn't aware we were arguing. I thought you were just correcting me. When did we start arguing?
Regardless, I was under the impression that we all universally didn't like ACTA and SOPA, so why do you take offence when I call them stupid? They were stupid.

Also, at the part I've highlighted with asterisks, I've never mentioned that, so I have no idea where you pulled that point from.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
The Jakeinator said:
Something seems to be missing from this.

I can't put my finger on it, but I feel like I'm not getting the whole story here.
She isn't fighting piracy, her publisher is. People like to exaggerate the sensationalism of claims made by escapist news articles, but it's a pretty accurate criticism this time: What the article title is claiming never actually happened. Theres humor here, but not in hypocrisy.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
She handed the keys to the kingdom to her publisher, knowing full well what would happen. Her name leads the DMCA takedown notices. You can insist all day long that it's not actually her but her publisher who's sending them out, but that's gutless equivocating. She loaded the gun; she put it in their hands. She happily and utterly betrayed her "principles," and her supporters, for a big cash payout. She is responsible.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
GenGenners said:
Strazdas said:
GenGenners said:
Strazdas said:
GenGenners said:
I'm pretty sure ACTA and SOPA just came from politicians and legal representatives being stupid dicks.
ACTA and SOPA was presented and pushed by the lobbyst group of music labels and tv studios.
Egh, whoever they were, they were still idiots and/or dicks.
So, people who say copy nothing are idiots.
people who say copy everything are idiots.
**people who say copy some things and not others.... dont exist according to you.**
means, everyone is an idiot. good job.
I wasn't aware we were arguing. I thought you were just correcting me. When did we start arguing?
Regardless, I was under the impression that we all universally didn't like ACTA and SOPA, so why do you take offence when I call them stupid? They were stupid.

Also, at the part I've highlighted with asterisks, I've never mentioned that, so I have no idea where you pulled that point from.
Im sorry if i come too heavy handed from the last comment. had a bad day. didnt mean to attack you. Our views are somewhat similar, but you are more towards "current laws are fine" section and there the argument begins.


New member
Jul 25, 2012
Strazdas said:
GenGenners said:
Strazdas said:
GenGenners said:
Strazdas said:
GenGenners said:
I'm pretty sure ACTA and SOPA just came from politicians and legal representatives being stupid dicks.
ACTA and SOPA was presented and pushed by the lobbyst group of music labels and tv studios.
Egh, whoever they were, they were still idiots and/or dicks.
So, people who say copy nothing are idiots.
people who say copy everything are idiots.
**people who say copy some things and not others.... dont exist according to you.**
means, everyone is an idiot. good job.
I wasn't aware we were arguing. I thought you were just correcting me. When did we start arguing?
Regardless, I was under the impression that we all universally didn't like ACTA and SOPA, so why do you take offence when I call them stupid? They were stupid.

Also, at the part I've highlighted with asterisks, I've never mentioned that, so I have no idea where you pulled that point from.
Im sorry if i come too heavy handed from the last comment. had a bad day. didnt mean to attack you. Our views are somewhat similar, but you are more towards "current laws are fine" section and there the argument begins.
To be honest, I think the law has done all it can do by this point. Anymore changes in law are a waste of resources.
We've reached the point now where it's the people that need to change. You know, greedy corporations and the like. Unfortunately people, especially the rich people in charge, will never change.

We need a company like Valve to go multi-industry. That would fix all our problems xD


New member
Dec 19, 2008
njsykora said:
I think I'll put some of this irony in the fridge for later, it's so damn delicious I can't quite manage all of it right now.
Save me a slice will you?...

OT: I don't even know where to begin with this; It's a classic case of money before morals.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
GenGenners said:
Strazdas said:
GenGenners said:
Strazdas said:
I wasn't aware we were arguing. I thought you were just correcting me. When did we start arguing?
Regardless, I was under the impression that we all universally didn't like ACTA and SOPA, so why do you take offence when I call them stupid? They were stupid.

Also, at the part I've highlighted with asterisks, I've never mentioned that, so I have no idea where you pulled that point from.
Im sorry if i come too heavy handed from the last comment. had a bad day. didnt mean to attack you. Our views are somewhat similar, but you are more towards "current laws are fine" section and there the argument begins.
To be honest, I think the law has done all it can do by this point. Anymore changes in law are a waste of resources.
We've reached the point now where it's the people that need to change. You know, greedy corporations and the like. Unfortunately people, especially the rich people in charge, will never change.

We need a company like Valve to go multi-industry. That would fix all our problems xD
Law hasnt done all it can. Law has done what some lobbysts want. If you follow the recent copyright law changes, you see that it changed for the worst, while it can easily be made better by taking huge chunks of the old law and applying it now. In my opinion the best way however is to scrap the current copyright law and create a new, rational one. would be easier than to fix everything i think.
People are changing and getting restless. the anonymous movement that made EU say no to sopa and the like is proof if anything. People are all greedy, but the sooner they realize that by working together they can get more (not necessarily in monetary form, there are psychological egoism, like feeling good about helping people and the like). now of course the currently rich wont let this change be done easily, but if we managed to break feudalism we should break lobbyism.
Valve is a good example of company that tries not to be evil. I have my quarrels with steam and dont use it, but i can see that valve really tries to make their costumers happy. and thats why it took over the market. Seeing the trends its not worth going bckwards from games to other media. Them usic industry is shrinking rapidly and games areadly beat it. the movie industry despite what the 300 million budget movies may say is also shrinking and all of this is to make space for game industry. when you can spend 60 dollars to watch 3 movies (6 hours entertainment) or buy a good game (600 hours entertainment) the trend is clear.

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
Krantos said:
Warning. Title is Missleading.

She's not the one issuing the take down reports. Her publisher, whom she sold the copyrights to is.

Still a bit hypocritical, but not as much as the title implies.

Then again, if you're a pirate, write a piracy book then give it to a publisher, this shit's going to happen and then you get blamed for it.

How about just publishing it yourself?