Playing Videogames is Like Snorting Coke, Says Therapist


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Um no, it's not the same thing. Anyone who says something that stupid doesn't deserve be called a therapist.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
a 74 year old addicted to e-poker...did they consider that at 74yo she may have nothing else to do? and that this is a way she can enjoy her life and not break a hip in the process?

Well i can see where this is going. Outcry and outrage at the games themselves, but please place no blame or personal responsibility on individuals and their kids.

But if i had to choose an addiction i still think its a cheaper habit than coke and/or booze. :p

Billion Backs

New member
Apr 20, 2010
I bet reading books and hobbies in general are like crack, then.

Try to fucking tear me away from a good book. The apocalypse can come, zombies and aliens and whatever, and that still won't stop me from reading said book.

But then again, everything today is so scary and capable of causing an addiction... For fuck's sake, sex addiction? Gee, maybe people just LIKE doing it and they couldn't give a fuck about what you see as proper, especially if they're already stinking rich? Face it, if we're going to consider sex and video games addictions, you might as well consider everything else people find pleasant in their lives. Unless you're whipped into doing something by a slavemaster, and not the kinky kind, it's an addiction!

Drakmeire said:
He's so right!.I totally attacked three cops, tore out my fingernails, got a nosebleed, and tackled a horse after my last Contra session

remember back when Dungeons & Dragons was the most controversial game ever made? People have and always will be stupid and uninformed.
Hey I take offense to that!

My D&D group was doing legit satanic rituals and blood sacrifices, dammit! We even got some XP out of it!


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Back when I was a kid, I played legend of Zelda and then roleplayed on the playground with my friend, we would run around going on adventures.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Nothing like escapism ^^

Just wish it wasn't always violent games being shown, makes it look as though all kids have some sort of bloodlust.

I think they get less addictive as you get older though. These days i only play games if there's nothing else to do, there's never been an urge to ditch my friends and retreat to a dark basement for a Warcraft session ;D
Err.. i wouldn't say it was as addictive as coke though, that's a little off.

Billion Backs

New member
Apr 20, 2010
Stormz said:
Oh? So that's why I feel high after playing games for 2 hours. This totally makes since now!

but seriously, does anyone here actually get high off games? if so I'd like to know how please.
I believe the more common method is to get high first and THEN play video games.

Or, or, if you play WoW you can totally get your character smashed drunk, and try to make believe that you are drunk. It works to a limited effect.


Elite Member
Jun 27, 2009
United States
Billion Backs said:
Drakmeire said:
He's so right!.I totally attacked three cops, tore out my fingernails, got a nosebleed, and tackled a horse after my last Contra session

remember back when Dungeons & Dragons was the most controversial game ever made? People have and always will be stupid and uninformed.
Hey I take offense to that!

My D&D group was doing legit satanic rituals and blood sacrifices, dammit! We even got some XP out of it!
ok that made me burst out laughing at my desk... my teacher now thinks I'm insane. you win the internet for today! +1dexterity.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Boy, I remember when I freaked out on my parents when they took my game system away. Man, I went bonkers. [/sarcasm]

But seriously, it's the parents part to keep that stuff straight. If you give some animals food and keep filling their bowl after they finish, some won't know how to stop eating.

Likewise, if you don't set the kid to have some kind of balance, he'll just as equally have the same problem, and yes, I drew comparison from young children to animals. In some cases, how much of a difference is there?


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Awesome guess I do about 3 lines everyday with about 2-3 more during the weekends. The person that made this analogy seriously needs to rethink that.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
UberNoodle said:
EDIT - oh and about games 'leading to obesity': you would think somebody skilled in research would know the difference between CAUSATION and CORRELATION. Working in an office ALSO 'leads to obesity'. Being a successful business person does too. No doubt, being a good father or mother could as well, if to be that person one needs to work hard in a sedentry job and deal with a tonne of stress. With the right (wrong?) conditions, being a world class pianist, getting a PHD, or even being the world's greatest philanthropist could ALSO 'lead to obesity'.

What ACTUALLY leads to obesity? Sedentry lifestyles, bad diets, lack of exercise, genetic disorders. Except for the latter, what can lead to these causative factors:

* working in a chair all day, everyday.
* studying in a chair all day, everyday.
* driving in a chair all day, everyday.
* not eating well because you have no time.
* not exercising because you have no time.
actually I would say these can all lead to a higher chance of obesity not obesity itself (cant we just call it fat or is that an american thing?)

Games therefore are a hobby in which we spend our time sitting in a chair so would lead to obesity sooner then say a hobby like rock climbing, but hey so does playing chess.
that said I do agree on your points and believe you are spot on.

What anoys me is that people actually believe this kind of shit! How does COD equal whisky! how! everything in copious amounts is bad for you (name me one thing that isnt and you get a cookie)

Furthermore taking the article into account I am an overweight cocaine sniffing alcoholist since I was twelve...

*injects pure liquid red dead redemption into his veins*


Keep a hat handy
Jan 23, 2010
If your intellect is so lacking that you would rather play a game than eat, drink, or move, then chances are that having you wander about the world is dangerous, because your stupidity has reached such levels that you won't mind if an activity you are doing could be potentially fatal.

In fact, I think once you reach this particular level of stupidity, you need to be placed in a specified sealed off area with other idiots so as to not spread the epidemic of your stupidity to other people.

Video Games: Outing N00BS and Idiots since the dawn of their creation.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
im sorry but you cant compare games to coke. can you overdose on games? can games make you paranoid? can they make you retarded? do people steal to buy games? does anything enter your body (except junk food)? NO
video games are no worse than any film or show.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Oh, My God.

This is easily one of the WORST articles I have read on this subject. 2 Hours of gameplay = line of coke? Hold on. All the Benefits of Cocaine WITHOUT the risk of DEATH!?!?!?

Sign me up.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
UberNoodle said:
DividedUnity said:
Just going by the title, No. Playing video games is nothing like snorting coke. Video games have never left me unable to sleep for 5 days straight. Video games have never gotten me into bad situations.

Video games arent addictive. They are simply fun and nothing more. Coke isnt addictive either so I dont know why they are making that comparison. I know what they could do. Instead of playing video games they could give everyone cigarettes. Thats much better isnt it.
Drugs are addictive because of chemicals, mostly, and how they make us feel and react. They can also be addictive because of how they allow us to escape various burdens. They are taken for very different reasons than games are played. People take drugs FOR the chemical effect - getting drunk after an awful week at work, smoking to calm nerves, etc.

People play games so to enjoy playing, enjoy the challenge and maybe take in a good story. If they are ACTUALLY addicted, the addiction comes from within THEMSELVES, not the game itself. The context of DRUGS is completely different to playing games. Equating them makes NO sense. But we can be addicted to many things. It very much depends on OURSELVES and our states of mind, and what it is that the object or activity provides which we so desperately feel that we need.

Imagine that there are people out there addicted to extremely everyday things - extremely ACCEPTED and even MUCH LOVED things. Again, this researcher is going for fame and not at all for integrity. Why else make such wild claims and leave the burden of proof on resourceless people? That is what he's done.
Yeah but the drug he stated coke is not phyiscally addictive as say heroine. I agree with your point that addiction to games comes from a flaw in the person themselves and not from the actual games (check out the edit i made a few seconds after posting that).

Yeah I agree he is only going for fame. Why else would a therapist make such claims. He stands to gain quite a bit of business if every gullible parent out there goes and takes their child to a therapist because they play CoD too much.


New member
May 14, 2010
Erana said:
Fuck no.
I know gamers, and sadly, I know people on crack.

Like HELL it is the same thing. If it were, I would hate video games with all my capacity for hate. This kind of sentiment makes people not take real drug problems seriously.
You do know that crack and coke are two different things right? Obviously, derived from the same source, but still chemically and addictively very different.

Anything that cause the "pleasure" or "reward" zone of the brain to activate as a means of escapism or due to some unknown neurotic behavior has the chance of becoming addictive. What i dont like in these articles of "defending games" through indignation, is that they tend to focus away from actual issues, painting the sensationalism with the same brush as simple fact. So in turn, its just denial, helped along by psuedo-science and hyperbole; which people love to read way too much into.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
That's not true, not true, I've stopped snorting Diablo 2 to watch The Office, Chuck, Buffy and Get Smart non stop.

Brad Shepard

New member
Sep 9, 2009
I skimed this before reading it and thought the artical said "Snorting Cake." which makes a bit of sense in hind sight.

but no, coke and games are nothing alike.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
If this is true, then what about Yahtzee? Playing games is his job! Somehow, I really doubt that he's like a crack addict...

Why can't these asshole just leave us gamers alone? How many off the wall ass ties can they make before they finally move on? Now they're calling us drug addicts... What's next?

"Up next, Gaming: A humble pastime? Or a direct line to SATAN?"