TheIronRuler said:
The new referendum vote would be split so that the 'remain' clause will gain the highest percentage of votes. Again - the British political class agreed to this and it passed. It had years to turn around and change it, yet it didn't. Voting socialist wouldn't have changed that. Enlightening people by scaring them about the future isn't going to change that. It's not different from delusional people in the US chanting "Not my President". Democracy means you as a political movement can lose the vote sometimes. Accepting a loss is as important as accepting a political victory in preserving the integrity of the political system. Moving forward as a nation is more important for the survival of the UK, instead of squabbling over an issue that was already decided the morning after the vote. A second referendum would have revealed those in favor of it to utterly disregard the democratic process and the wishes of the people. Pinning the reasoning for yet another referendum on the time it took to scare more British people with the facts (the harsh realities of a 'hard' Brexit) of what a Brexit would actually achieve doesn't change that. There was a time to decide it - and it was two years ago. Live with the consequences.
My country believed it could move into a new peaceful existence with its neighbors and retreat from the territories it seized during defensive wars against its aggressive neighbors. In the end we brought terrorist gangs to our heartlands, supplied them with money, guns and legitimacy in a vain hope they could govern themselves and watched as our citizens blew up to mists of blood in buses and restaurants. The decision was already made, there was nothing we could do to change it. We had to adapt based on it, and learn to live with the consequences. This monumentally historical decision (in my country) was made by a minority government, with great public dissent and backlash - yet it remained in place. Because we understand democracy, and that sometimes our side loses, and we have to deal with the consequences of the other side's actions. I can explain to people what had happened and how - and I don't whine about it. I understand its significance and move on.
This is not the same as those saying " not my president" this is a decision that will long outlive the people who voted for it, and not so easily reversed.This is a decision that not only destroys the lives of many living in the UK, but also the UK itself. Voting for a president still means they have to pass laws that will affect the people through congress, not immediately destroy the lives of millions of people, there is a huge difference here. It is not just a matter of a country changing contracts, the entire financial sector will collapse because it will move to an EU nation, because you cannot be the financial hub for the EU and not be in the EU. Millions of jobs in London will cease to exist. The people voting to leave the EU at the time had no idea it would also mean the UK would cease to exist.
Scotland will likely leave and rejoin the EU themselves. Scotland did not vote to leave the EU, they voted to remain. Forcing them to do so against their will, will also likely force them to leave the UK in order to do so.
Keeping bad decisions that the majority of the people disagree with before it is even implemented in a nation is not democracy, it is idiocy. Why would people do stupid things for the sake of doing stupid things? It makes no sense. Sure this is extremely beneficial to the new nation that becomes the new financial hub for the EU, but will be devastating to so many in the UK. This is a decision that breaks apart their nation, their people and their future and there is no point in doing it when the people do not even want it to happen in the first place.
Then of course you have the issue of WHO and WHY they actually voted to leave the EU:
What people voted for and what they are receiving are two entirely different things. If they were actually receiving what they were told they were receiving , that would be them actually getting what they voted for. That is not happening, because the people were lied to. The people who voted to leave due to the scam they were sold are who want another referendum, not just those who opposed it in the first place. The leave campaign literally told a bunch of elderly people they would receive better healthcare if they voted to leave, which was a scam, a lie, they would have their healthcare cut, not improved is the reality and they found this out the day after the vote.
In addition,the people who decided to leave are not the one's who will be paying the consequences of this decision. Look at the ages of those who voted to remain and those who voted to leave. The elderly voted to leave, the youth voted to remain. Why are the youth being made to pay the price for their elders misjudgment? It appears the elderly fell for the scam that was sold to them and the youth are the ones who will suffer through someone else's decision long after they are gone. Hell many of the elderly are not even living or planning on living in the UK, they are spending their retirement elsewhere.
According to what we know about the aging brain, the reason why elderly are more likely to fall for scams is they are less likely to detect fraud:
What was sold to the people was a FRAUD. They were lied to. The leave campaign literately put lies on the sides of buses and drove them everywhere:
Many Brexiteers suggested the inflammatory figure should be funding the NHS instead, though Nigel Farage famously backtracked on that pledge on the same day the EU referendum result was announced. He claimed it was ?a mistake?.
The biggest "fear mongering" as far as the Brexit goes is actually coming from some of who supported leave, UK Farmers and the food industry, many of which have changed their minds now that they understand what is happening:
The stress of this is causing a rise in suicide among farmers:
Then of course you have the scientific and medical research communities that have been devastated by this already, including many of my friends that have been affected by this there:
Two-thirds of European engineers and scientists working in the UK have considered leaving the country because of Brexit, a survey has found. Worries about job security and losing EU funding were cited as the main reasons for thinking of leaving, as well as feeling less welcome in the UK.
When a decision will literally rip your country apart, force millions to lose their jobs or move out of the nation, as many I know already have been forced to do so to keep their research grants, this is not " fear mongering" this is the reality here of the decision being made, yes, they better be damn sure this is what they want to do before going through with it rather than just forcing everyone off the cliff because they were lied to. It would be undemocratic for them to force the majority of the people in a nation to do something they do not wish to do that will destroy so many of their lives. This is a nation breaking apart, as that is what is happening here, not a presidential election and should be treated as such. Electing a president is no where near comparable as saying " lets vote to break up the Untied States", those are entirely different things. Now that people understand that is what they will be facing here, they should be able to make a knowledgeable decision and not one based on lies of improved healthcare that doesn't exist.