[Politics] Dumb People Protest and Look Dumb


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
DarthCoercis said:
Silvanus said:
That is the edited after being questioned version.
Wow. You are literally blatantly lying. How dare you!?

But thanks. Thanks for really hammering it in how much lies and bullcrap I am constantly thrown, when you literally blatantly lie to essentially my own face!

You can call me many things, but how DARE YOU LIE SO BLATANTLY! This is probably the most insulted I have ever been.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
DarthCoercis said:
That is the edited after being questioned version.
Since the post in question quoted you, you should have the original in your inbox. You could PM me it?


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Silvanus said:
DarthCoercis said:
That is the edited after being questioned version.
Since the post in question quoted you, you should have the original in your inbox. You could PM me it?
I believe they are claiming that I edited the original post in the topic that made them mad to be less offensive.

They responded in the topic, but then also sent me a PM angrily calling me 'sanctimonious' and having a 'superiority complex'. I remember being so caught off guard by it, cause my still unedited post I do not at all think was anything like they claimed. I responded with asking them to elaborate, but it sat in my sent list, bolded and unchecked.


New member
Jul 20, 2011
Saelune said:
Reminder 'ideology I disagree with' here being 'Kill all Jews, blacks, LGBT and disabled'. You are intentionally trying to turn THAT into 'just a different opinion'. That is intentionally manipulative and you know it.
You see this right here? This is a core issue with your responses I've noticed which is kind of perplexing. I phrase words a particular way, you try to ascertain why I used that particular phrasing, but immediately jump to the conclusion that I'm being malicious and go off of that without really trying to figure out what my actual intentions are. It makes these conversations sort of draining.

That wording illustrates my approach to problem solving is intended to be consistent outside of this situation. I find this particular ideology deplorable yet on a fundamental level I don't subscribe to the idea of objective morality. So for me its a balance of codifying laws that protect individual rights as much as possible while leaving the specifics that branch out from that open to debate.

But to make this whole thing simple, fine. Nazis are objectively evil. Clear cut, no question, no argument. We're on the same page. That doesn't invalidate anything I've said here. There's a smart way to handle them and a stupid way to handle them. And no matter what Antifa still falls on the stupid side of the spectrum. You don't appear to disagree with the idea that Antifa are dicks. You don't appear to disagree with the idea that problems can(at least sometimes) be solved non-violently. So what are you actually taking issue with?


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
DarthCoercis said:
Saelune said:
You are a totalitarian hypocrite. That you'd try to deny insulting me and my generation, and pretend to be a victim is pathetic. That's pretty much what I'd expect from you though, Miss "I am always right in whatever I say".

Silvanus said:
DarthCoercis said:
That is the edited after being questioned version.
Since the post in question quoted you, you should have the original in your inbox. You could PM me it?
I have had 0 messages, quotes or otherwise in my inbox since 2016. If the owners of the escapist fix the backend issues with the forums, I'll be more than happy to send you the insults Saelune threw at me when I asked the forum how to share something I loved in my youth with the younger generations who had not been exposed to it. My favourite part was when she told me my generation wasn't worth shit.
You're projecting.


That is literally a link to my post. Anyone is free to read it themselves.

Or I can post it here again, verbatim.

Saelune said:
Well, for one, realize that every generation is full of terrible people...and good people. Your generation is not 'the best'. One day my generation will be old and will blame the new young generation for our problems, even though our problems were mostly caused by past generations AND our own generation.

Good things are always being made, be it art, music, or any other entertainment. The problem is more how easy it is to find this. Finding good music is hard, but it is not because no one makes good music, it is just that good music is not popular.

Anyway, that is more general. However your topic seems a bit...Australian focused. I am not Australian.
Did you just stop at the ... and ignore everything after?


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Shadowstar38 said:
Saelune said:
Reminder 'ideology I disagree with' here being 'Kill all Jews, blacks, LGBT and disabled'. You are intentionally trying to turn THAT into 'just a different opinion'. That is intentionally manipulative and you know it.
You see this right here? This is a core issue with your responses I've noticed which is kind of perplexing. I phrase words a particular way, you try to ascertain why I used that particular phrasing, but immediately jump to the conclusion that I'm being malicious and go off of that without really trying to figure out what my actual intentions are. It makes these conversations sort of draining.

That wording illustrates my approach to problem solving is intended to be consistent outside of this situation. I find this particular ideology deplorable yet on a fundamental level I don't subscribe to the idea of objective morality. So for me its a balance of codifying laws that protect individual rights as much as possible while leaving the specifics that branch out from that open to debate.

But to make this whole thing simple, fine. Nazis are objectively evil. Clear cut, no question, no argument. We're on the same page. That doesn't invalidate anything I've said here. There's a smart way to handle them and a stupid way to handle them. And no matter what Antifa still falls on the stupid side of the spectrum. You don't appear to disagree with the idea that Antifa are dicks. You don't appear to disagree with the idea that problems can(at least sometimes) be solved non-violently. So what are you actually taking issue with?
You're being intentionally manipulative. Stop it.


New member
Jul 20, 2011
Saelune said:
You're being intentionally manipulative. Stop it.
I thought I clarified my position enough to demonstrate that wasn't the case. Guess not. But I honestly don't see the manipulation you're accusing me of.

Good talk.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Shadowstar38 said:
Saelune said:
You're being intentionally manipulative. Stop it.
I thought I clarified my position enough to demonstrate that wasn't the case. Guess not. But I honestly don't see the manipulation you're accusing me of.

Good talk.
You know exactly what you are doing. You have done it often, as have others who seek to defame me and defend Nazis as 'just a different opinion'. That is why I am pointing it out clearly and bluntly. I don't expect you to apologize, I just don't want others getting the wrong idea or to think I am oblivious.


New member
Jul 20, 2011
Saelune said:
You know exactly what you are doing. You have done it often, as have others who seek to defame me and defend Nazis as 'just a different opinion'. That is why I am pointing it out clearly and bluntly. I don't expect you to apologize, I just don't want others getting the wrong idea or to think I am oblivious.

If you're going to just ascribe maliciousness to my words without due cause, there's really not much I can do to make you think differently.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Eacaraxe said:
altnameJag said:
I'd like to point out the number of instances where the Proud Boys crossed lines, came up to the counter protestors, and had to be escorted away by the cops.
And, in the links I posted in the OP, USA Today has a report of black bloc protesters trying to charge, then outflank, a police barricade, then were busted up trying to erect barricades of their own.

WashPo has a fairly detailed account of the entire day, including a group of antifa harassing PB's at a bar and another spat in front of the DC Trump hotel. Then you had Joey Salads wandering off to get himself Andy Ngo'd, and getting extracted by the cops before Antifa could indulge him. I'll be the first to admit, Joey Salads deserves a solid ass whoopin' just on merit of being a dumpster-tier "pranktuber", forget the political shit for a second. Where I take exception, is that it's not a particularly savvy idea to give him one on camera in the middle of a political protest.

Daily Dot has an account of Antifa invading a Starbucks for some reason. But that's just funny.

Bottom line is, the cops were there and they actually did their job. That is, keeping two opposing sides of a protest who, left alone would start a riot, separate, and therefore preventing a riot. When it became clear to either side they weren't getting what they wanted, they went off to their own little corners and did their own thing.

Which is really the heart of the matter. PB's love to instigate, and all they have to do to accomplish that is show up. But if they can't fight, they have to talk, and when they have to talk they end up looking like completely inept jackasses.

The solution to this is so simple a grade schooler can figure it out: stop giving PB's what they want (riots), and start forcing them to do what they don't (talk). And yeah, that means telling the black bloc to take a hike. That shouldn't be any skin off any reasonable person's ass.

Or we can sit here and point fingers as to whose loop in the codependent cycle of violence matters more.
Problem is, in Portland anyway, the cops are in the tank for the Proud Boys. As in "let the Proud Boys through the line to beat on antifa a bit then cover their retreat with riot shields and grenades" in the tank.

ACAB, but DC cops are slightly less B.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Saelune said:
The government is controlled by the Right, and the Right keeps bitching about Antifa ALL THE TIME.
And yet I don't really see much mention of Antifa from the gubment. Or the MSM. Or a whole lot of anyone. It's a free pass.
Your statement here is just not true. Yes, paper cuts suck, but they are not as big a deal as LOSING AN ENTIRE ARM.
Because lynchings and various attacks on random passersby are paper cuts. Ever been lynched? Not fun.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
trunkage said:
Drathnoxis said:
As Salvor Hardin once said "violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
Those founding fathers were sure incompetent destroying property just because a king reduced a tax


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Leg End said:
And yet I don't really see much mention of Antifa from the gubment. Or the MSM. Or a whole lot of anyone. It's a free pass.
Here's a Republican state representative discussing surveillance of, and violence towards, "Antifa": link [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/apr/20/matt-shea-rightwing-messages-chat-records].

Homeland Security official discussing redirecting funds towards combating anti-fascists: link [https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/dhs-violent-extremism-katie-gorka-life-after-hate-mpac-antifa_n_5ca787d7e4b0a00f6d3f2e73?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaHVmZnBvc3QuY29tL3RvcGljL2FudGlmYT9ndWNjb3VudGVyPTEmZ3VjZV9yZWZlcnJlcj1hSFIwY0hNNkx5OTNkM2N1WjI5dloyeGxMbU52YlM4Jmd1Y2VfcmVmZXJyZXJfc2lnPUFRQUFBRTVIWWU1ckZJd3lwSnhlMU91bW1WWHhNMVZNR1huZUs1YURWYlE2cTg1c0oxNjRRZ04wTEF5aHFRd00tLWswcGtjUGNWTFFsdmJ5aVk3bDQyY0NUTEhNRHU4Mjh3WUdFZWhISThMdUE1ZUhjaVA1bEtwLUJjZDdRY1Z1c080R2F4V0d5TER1b3lOSXpOX3VWR2R4cEFsQTYzN09JalhxLVVWNlpGN2dBS2xk&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKSA_2WDwKa5iCvyijnHVJFvZOm6bgSN29biwkvR8eCu0YAUih-BRmo_zOiQcucmf61gvVK2eaigqWyYLymOv77af0scttL-Zg7snxy2Cw9Ro8ZlEIcJLBI3xJJDObztfNn5QyFU5fSIv9wHTmPCDWGlAZNY1se5ydP_OROudrvE].

A bill put forward by a Republican congressman to provide for "penalty enhancements" when crimes are committed in disguise, which he has dubbed the "Unmasking Antifa Act": link [https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/6054/text?format=txt]

Nancy Pelosi condemning them: link [https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/82917/]

As far as negative "MSM" coverage goes, here's negative coverage from CNN [https://edition.cnn.com/2019/07/02/us/what-is-antifa-explainer-trnd/index.html], NBC [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/demonstrators-clash-portland-oregon-throw-concrete-milkshakes-n1025036], Washington Post [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2017/08/25/a-trump-supporter-was-sucker-punched-by-a-counterprotester-why-isnt-it-a-hate-crime/?utm_term=.0fbe4f6fdc08], NYT [https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/17/us/antifa-left-wing-faction-far-right.html].

Drathnoxis said:
Those founding fathers were sure incompetent destroying property just because a king reduced a tax
The point being, of course, that the actions of the Founding Fathers constitute a very effective use of political violence, and one which is now widely accepted, treated as necessary, and lauded as justified today.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Drathnoxis said:
trunkage said:
Drathnoxis said:
As Salvor Hardin once said "violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
Those founding fathers were sure incompetent destroying property just because a king reduced a tax
If we go by Hardin analogy, the founding fathers must, therefore, be pretty incompetent.

Also what Silvanus says


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Sometimes I don't get what's so hard to understand about the fact that times change and with that the actions required to attain certain goals. There used to be a time when royalty used the marriage of their children as a diplomatic tool, it isn't anymore. There used to be a time when sending thugs on the street to beat up ideological opponents was an effective way to silence the opposition, it isn't anymore.
Interesting to see some so called "progressives" believe the violent methods used in the early 20th century are still effective/justified and not defending such methods is somehow a defence of the targeted group. Even the far right has realised these methods are no longer effective and peaceful communication and using the victim card is much more effective. We live in anti violence & victim-oriented times (relatively speaking). Don't turn your political/ideological opponents into victims of violence. You are merely helping them gather sympathy and support.

"As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy."


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Eacaraxe said:
Amazing how stupid alt-right protesters look when they're simply allowed to speak, and the news of the day isn't about rioting, isn't it?

Amazing how this has been a consistent and reliable pattern for 40 years, and only in the last two to three has it been disrupted by black bloc violence leading to an escalating and expanding cycle of violence which permits alt-right apologia in the mass media, isn't it?

Why, it's almost as if violently and preemptively disrupting protest is counter-productive and ultimately self-defeating in any conceivable way, unless your vested interest is in that cycle of violence as opposed to the defeat of far-right ideology in the marketplace of ideas.
I mean Hitler was pretty much a proto early alt-right guy correct? And they did let Hitler talk and look where that got them.

We like to say logic and reason will win out and just debating them will see us win the day, but I wonder if that's really true or if we just want it to be true? I mean I'm sure we all know of absolute falsehoods that spread everyday from people who either flatout lie or have been tricked into believing nonsense.

And sometimes horrible ideas spread and people believe them despite all the logic and reason in the world, and people suffer for it. We have real life historical examples of this happening.

Look at the fake medicine scam industry, if they ban a book literally telling you to ban bleach to cure cancer somebody will go 'oh but free speech they should be allowed to sell that book' but what possible benefit is there to allowing these fake medical advices that are useless at best (and harm by putting off real treatment) or actively detrimental to your health at worst. Why does absolutely everything have to be allowed? Because usually when you take something to an extreme, you find problems with it, is freedom of speech any different there?


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Fieldy409 said:
Eacaraxe said:
Amazing how stupid alt-right protesters look when they're simply allowed to speak, and the news of the day isn't about rioting, isn't it?

Amazing how this has been a consistent and reliable pattern for 40 years, and only in the last two to three has it been disrupted by black bloc violence leading to an escalating and expanding cycle of violence which permits alt-right apologia in the mass media, isn't it?

Why, it's almost as if violently and preemptively disrupting protest is counter-productive and ultimately self-defeating in any conceivable way, unless your vested interest is in that cycle of violence as opposed to the defeat of far-right ideology in the marketplace of ideas.
I mean Hitler was pretty much a proto early alt-right guy correct? And they did let Hitler talk and look where that got them.

We like to say logic and reason will win out and just debating them will see us win the day, but I wonder if that's really true or if we just want it to be true? I mean I'm sure we all know of absolute falsehoods that spread everyday from people who either flatout lie or have been tricked into believing nonsense.

And sometimes horrible ideas spread and people believe them despite all the logic and reason in the world, and people suffer for it. We have real life historical examples of this happening.

Look at the fake medicine scam industry, if they ban a book literally telling you to ban bleach to cure cancer somebody will go 'oh but free speech they should be allowed to sell that book' but what possible benefit is there to allowing these fake medical advices that are useless at best (and harm by putting off real treatment) or actively detrimental to your health at worst. Why does absolutely everything have to be allowed? Because usually when you take something to an extreme, you find problems with it, is freedom of speech any different there?
I've become aware that Free Speech doesn't lead to the Market Place of Idea or to good arguments winning the day. If that was the case, everything would have been cured by 1900. Free Speech does inoculate you from Logic and Reason, as you're just worried about what you have to say instead of someone else, so you just stop listening to good sense. Free Speech only works generationally with gradual increments being hard fought for a decades before progress is made. But can be easily outdone by Free Speech, leading down a different path.

Anti-vaxxers leading to measles outbreaks recently is another example

What would be great, though, is a clear definition of when Hitler actually becomes evil. He wasn't evil in the trenches in 1916. He was evil in 1942 when he started the elimination. When did he slip from normal to evil? Because that would shut a lot of people up on both sides about words like Fascists, Racists, Concentration Camps etc.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
trunkage said:
I've become aware that Free Speech doesn't lead to the Market Place of Idea or to good arguments winning the day. If that was the case, everything would have been cured by 1900. Free Speech does inoculate you from Logic and Reason, as you're just worried about what you have to say instead of someone else, so you just stop listening to good sense. Free Speech only works generationally with gradual increments being hard fought for a decades before progress is made. But can be easily outdone by Free Speech, leading down a different path.

Anti-vaxxers leading to measles outbreaks recently is another example
Free Speech worked well for a lot of people for over a century. The last decade has seen the rise of the Internet, which is arguably where bad ideas take root. The problem is not that people are allowed to speak their mind or even that most people aren't logical or reasonable enough, the problem is that the internet is a place where quacks of all kinds can peddle their horseshit and get easy ways to exploit the vulnerable. The "filter bubble"-effect is pretty real and the fact that the internet is so vast and often hard to navigate means that it is hard to get a nuanced take on any single issue.

I'm fairly certain that a decade from now, a lot of these problems will be a lot smaller. The older generations (ours included, I believe) will always have trouble navigating the modern, social media dominated internet, but the post-millenials have grown up learning to sift through social media bullshit.

trunkage said:
What would be great, though, is a clear definition of when Hitler actually becomes evil. He wasn't evil in the trenches in 1916. He was evil in 1942 when he started the elimination. When did he slip from normal to evil? Because that would shut a lot of people up on both sides about words like Fascists, Racists, Concentration Camps etc.
Depending on how harsh you are it is either 1919, when Hitler joined the DAP and Anton Draxler put Hitler on his way down the rabbit hole, or in 1923 when he attempted the Beer Hall Putsch. By 1924, when he wrote Mein Kampf, he was arguably fully formed as the man who wouldn't hesitate to instigate a world war or genocide. Hitler and the NSDAP were always pretty open about just what they intended to do with the Jewish population and how they intended to save Germany by fighting the entire world.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
generals3 said:
Sometimes I don't get what's so hard to understand about the fact that times change and with that the actions required to attain certain goals. There used to be a time when royalty used the marriage of their children as a diplomatic tool, it isn't anymore. There used to be a time when sending thugs on the street to beat up ideological opponents was an effective way to silence the opposition, it isn't anymore.
Interesting to see some so called "progressives" believe the violent methods used in the early 20th century are still effective/justified and not defending such methods is somehow a defence of the targeted group. Even the far right has realised these methods are no longer effective and peaceful communication and using the victim card is much more effective. We live in anti violence & victim-oriented times (relatively speaking). Don't turn your political/ideological opponents into victims of violence. You are merely helping them gather sympathy and support.

"As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy."
Except the Right is the violent side, and the Left still gets all the blame.