[Politics] Nazis Attack LGBT Pride Parade


Mandatory Madness!
Aug 31, 2010
Dreiko said:
altnameJag said:
Dreiko said:
PsychedelicDiamond said:
But when I say that people need to fight back then I am the bad guy.
You don't wanna cede the moral high ground, you don't wanna let them drag us down to their level cause they win if we do that.

The right balance is one where these people are ridiculed and scorned. Meeting them head on with our own armed politically driven forces is only gonna get more people hurt and escalate tensions.
At what point is it okay to actually fight back?
At the point where society has crumbled away and order is a thing of the past and all that remains is a fallout-style justice at the point of a gun system. If you wanna live in a civilized society you let the proper authorities fight and you work to elect people who will police society to a satisfactory to you degree. (remember, police chiefs are elected, if someone is letting nazis harass parades and does nothing, they have to be voted out)
Nah friend, we done. You're looking at a system that is slowly eating itself in real time, in front of us. Fuck, they aren't even hiding it either. Mitch McConnell has given away the charade. He's gone on record stating his only goal is to pack the courts with right wing extremists. Who then go on to rewrite precedent long after he's dead to favor right wing ideology. Can't vote them out cause of gerrymandering. Can't vote them out cause of lifetime appointments. You have cops who don't do shit about Nazi (actual fucking Nazi) cause of "threat of violence", fuck lemme rewrite that for you "Nazi cowl police into allowing them to harass and punch down on others publicly". This IS our fucking Fallout-style future. I got a daughter to think of, and scientists that say "welp, we're all literally dead in 2050 if we don't take action right god damn now". What am I supposed to tell her when it's to late? That daddy is sorry that he didn't do something when he had the chance, and that is why her world is dying? That the moral fucking high ground was so important that it was worth watching the world burn?

We voted in Florida to give back voting rights to criminals, and they just added new roadblocks in order to superseded the will of the people. Ain't nothing changed. So I don't think it's time for words anymore. I don't think we're going to change things fighting fair. Fuck, I think those at the top of the Democratic pile haven't impeached Trump cause they make to much god damn money off pretending to fight him then actually doing a god damn thing about it.

And I'm starting to truly understand why those younger then I am are starting to make a damn fine point about guillotines. I can swing a hammer, I got the nails.


New member
Jun 10, 2017
Dreiko said:
altnameJag said:
Dreiko said:
PsychedelicDiamond said:
But when I say that people need to fight back then I am the bad guy.
You don't wanna cede the moral high ground, you don't wanna let them drag us down to their level cause they win if we do that.

The right balance is one where these people are ridiculed and scorned. Meeting them head on with our own armed politically driven forces is only gonna get more people hurt and escalate tensions.
At what point is it okay to actually fight back?
At the point where society has crumbled away and order is a thing of the past and all that remains is a fallout-style justice at the point of a gun system. If you wanna live in a civilized society you let the proper authorities fight and you work to elect people who will police society to a satisfactory to you degree. (remember, police chiefs are elected, if someone is letting nazis harass parades and does nothing, they have to be voted out)
Absolute nonsense. Ireland and America would still be British if we lived by your standards. The only time to fight back is if we live in some post apocalyptic totalitarian wasteland? Demonstratively bullshit. If the people who are controlling the system are the people you're opposing then trying to fight them using the system is completely pointless. If the system is set up in such a way that some people's votes are worth less than others or where roadblocks will be put in the way of voting then saying "just vote" is worthless advice.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Hawki said:
This is actually kind of terrifying.

I've said in the past that "Nazi" is a term used too liberally, but these are actual fucking Nazis who aren't even trying to hide that they're Nazis.
Maybe now you will realize there is a problem?
Dreiko said:
PsychedelicDiamond said:
But when I say that people need to fight back then I am the bad guy.
You don't wanna cede the moral high ground, you don't wanna let them drag us down to their level cause they win if we do that.

The right balance is one where these people are ridiculed and scorned. Meeting them head on with our own armed politically driven forces is only gonna get more people hurt and escalate tensions.
Not being a Nazi is the moral high ground. Dreiko, I really recommend you just stop. Seriously. The most literal Nazis just marched violently on a LGBT pride parade. Know what you sound like? The people who let Nazi Germany have Poland.

We just celebrated D-Day. A celebration about violently attacking Nazis. That's what celebrating D-Day is about, it is about attacking Nazis. Do you think D-Day was bad?


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
undeadsuitor said:
PsychedelicDiamond said:
But when I say that people need to fight back then I am the bad guy.
Iirc most of these groups of Nazis (at least the group in boston) had police escorts to protect them

If it was any surprise what side police are on
If they were black, the cops would have shot them.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Dreiko said:
Being a nazi isn't illegal. Hell, I'm in the camp...
Being a Nazi should be illegal, since they are terrorists. As for being in camps, as someone who would be put in certain Nazi run-camps, I think Nazis should be stopped permanently.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Saelune said:
We just celebrated D-Day. A celebration about violently attacking Nazis. That's what celebrating D-Day is about, it is about attacking Nazis. Do you think D-Day was bad?
Generally, any celebration related to WW2 is a celebration of the war ending or coming closer to ending. Operation Overlord was integral in allowing the Western Allies to conduct operations to directly bring an end to the war in Europe and thus liberating the occupied and oppressed people. That's what we are celebrating.

There's absolutely nothing glorious or righteous about thousands upon thousands of young men being maimed or dying in agony, no matter which side of the conflict those men were on. Hitler and the rest of the Nazis will always be the people responsible for 50 million people dying in Europe because of WW2, and while I am thankful that the Allies and USSR stepped up to stop them, I think we should be really careful about canonizing the people who fought them. We should honor them for their sacrifice, but that's not the same as saying that attacking a Nazi is always a good thing. Because violence begets violence and by extolling the virtue of exercising violence on our opponents, we are also falling into the same kind of rhetoric that the Nazis used. From there, we are really close to being just as bad as anyone else that thinks violence against their enemies, real or imaginary, is alright.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Adam Jensen said:
I don't get it. They're wearing swastikas, yet I see no bullet holes in their heads.
Like good old Churchill used to say; Remember children, shooting a nazi a day keeps Hitler's Blitz at bay.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
Kwak said:
CrazyGirl17 said:
I am so sick and tired of these kinds of people. I know we have Freedom of Speech, but I'm strongly opposed to giving assholes licence to be assholes.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Why isn't it them that you don't want to be on this planet instead?
They're the ones that need to go, not you.
Ooh, even better!

Dreiko said:
PsychedelicDiamond said:
But when I say that people need to fight back then I am the bad guy.
You don't wanna cede the moral high ground, you don't wanna let them drag us down to their level cause they win if we do that.

The right balance is one where these people are ridiculed and scorned. Meeting them head on with our own armed politically driven forces is only gonna get more people hurt and escalate tensions.
Another good way to look at it. It's like saying fighting against bullies makes you a bully, it's just plain stupid.

Speaking of which...



Oct 5, 2011
United States
I'm buying a gun. Congrats Nazis, you made me do a total 180 on gun ownership. The second my student debts and car payments are taking care of I'm taking vacation time to go through MA gun ownership training and buying a safe for it. Clearly, it's needed to ensure my own safety.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Dreiko said:
And any ideology can be twisted into killing people. You had the gas chambers and you had the gulags and all those people sent to Siberia and so on. The thing in common those ideologies all have is their authoritarian nature. The more you approach it the likelier you are to become corrupted by the power you're messing with and commit atrocities.
This comparison doesn't work.

The gulags (as we call them in English) were concentration camps. They were, essentially, prisons. They were unusually harsh prisons with a very high rate of inmate mortality, but they were still prisons. Their motivation was not "ideological" except in the sense that some prisoners held in the gulags had been detained for political reasons. There was never any organised political intent to kill the imprisoned population. They were (with some possible exceptions, and we'll get to that) not victims of deliberate genocide, they were not victims of "ideology", they were victims of a prison system which sought to extract maximum benefit from them at the lowest possible cost, even if it meant people died.

The vast majority of "liberal" societies have used concentration camps. Some still do. Many US prisons, for example, are essentially concentration camps. They are designed to house a large, controlled population in a small space at low cost. Many also use forced labour. The actual concept of a concentration camp was invented by European colonial administrators as a means of controlling potentially rebellious populations in the colonies. All concentration camps have casualties. People die in prison. People die in detention centres. This is not ideology, it's pragmatism.

The Nazis had concentration camps. All kinds of prisoners, political and otherwise, went to concentration camps for all kinds of reasons. The concentration camps did not have gas chambers. People died in them (a lot of people, in fact) but those people dying was not the objective. The gas chambers were housed in extermination camps. These camps were not designed to house or contain people, but to kill them within hours of arriving and in as fast and efficient a way as possible. That was the only purpose of those camps.

There was genocide in the Soviet Union. Specific minorities were targeted for persecution and pogroms (although unlike the Nazi genocides, the goal was never to wholly eliminate those groups). For example, it's quite likely that Soviet agricultural policy specifically targeted Ukrainians for deliberate starvation as a means of consolidating power within the Russian Soviet, but note that even here I had to add that, because even there the goal was not the ideological elimination of "subhuman" Ukrainians but the maintenance of political control.

This idea that "authoritarianism" is the problem is only true in the sense that state killing is always authoritarian, whether it's in a democratic society or not. A prison is always an authoritarian institution, it's a place where people are detained against their will by the state. Border controls are authoritarian. Militarized police are authoritarian. Corporate hierarchies are authoritarian. Authoritarianism can exist quite comfortably within "liberal" societies. The problem with Nazism wasn't that it was authoritarianism and that the Nazi leaders got corrupted by power and thus were compelled to kill all Jews, it's that their entire ideology was based on a chauvinistic sense of superiority and a desire to exterminate others. It still is. That is something quite profoundly different to a simple abuse of power, or instrumental pursuit of "order" or "efficiency".

If you want to indulge in some kind of horseshoe theory, an appropriate horseshoe would be to compare the deliberate starvation of Indians under the Raj as a result of cruel and negligent agricultural policy with the deliberate starvation of Ukranians under Stalin as a result of cruel and negligent agricultural policy. Or to compare the use deliberate use and promotion of torture in both US and USSR-backed puppet regimes as a means of maintaining ideological control. These are horrific, horrific crimes against humanity, but they were ultimately the product of instrumental political goals. For the Nazis, killing millions of people was the goal. It was not the means, it was the end, and that is fundamentally different.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Call up the boys, resurrect the Black Panthers and use your god-given right to carry firearms and scare the crap out of white people.

Legally owned and licensed firearms, held by organized law-keeping black citizens for the safety of their communities.

Police wouldn't risk starting a riot, they'd rather protect the nazis from getting lynched.

Y'know when Nazis marched in New York in the 30s Lansky was asked low-key by the US government to crash their rallies and beat them to pieces...


He delivered.

This shouldn't be made illegal by any means. Let this surface, identify the ring-leaders and plan retribution. If you allow this to bubble under your feet you will lose track of the movement.

I regularly play devil's advocate here when "white nationalists" (as if that's a thing, bitter poor whites turning to populism for salvation) gets conflated with nazis. It's more productive to have a dialogue with these people and understand why they are lashing out (hint: It's opium, mechanization and globalization), and maybe even address these issues... These nazis? Break them.
Sep 24, 2008
I don't know what kind of world we've living in, but this shocks and horrifies me more than active shootings. Probably because I grew up in the dangerous part of the Bronx and Brooklyn (family's there) during the 80's and 90's. I've dodged literal bullets before, so I guess I don't weigh gun violence that highly even though it often comes at the too high cost of innocent lives. But this... This is an attack on love and human rights. That's chilling to me.

erttheking said:
I'm buying a gun. Congrats Nazis, you made me do a total 180 on gun ownership. The second my student debts and car payments are taking care of I'm taking vacation time to go through MA gun ownership training and buying a safe for it. Clearly, it's needed to ensure my own safety.
Ok, you might be joking, but as a gun owner, I want to talk with you.

This is not a choice that should be done out of fear. After my incident with my mother, I thought for three months before I got my shotgun. The incident was nothing bad, mind you. She had an dementia episode, and all of the availible cops came to my condo late at night... which made me worried that if they did this while they were bored, what could happen if they all did that with another bored episode and we were getting robbed at that time.

I came down on the side of last chance prepardedness. My first instinct will always to be call the police if something happens. But if they can't get there in time, I had to be able to protect my family.

I wholeheartedly agree that it's the best idea to take some firearm training lessons. Don't consider it your one stop shop, though. Martial Art lessons will not only serve you well where ever, but can help get you in shape to have faster reaction times or to just peace out of a situation if need be.

But they want a war.

They want us to take up arms so they can strike as many times as they want claiming self defense, blithely ignoring everything that lead up to us taking up guns in response. We're not dealing with rational people here.

Talk to many people about gun ownership. If you have anyone in your life that owns one, really share your feelings. Talk to those in your life that don't have a gun. Share your feelings just as much. And if at the end, you still feel like a gun will best serve your safety, then do it. Treat it with all the fear and respect it deserves. But know that you chose it with a level head and due to reason, not fear.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
ObsidianJones said:
erttheking said:
I'm buying a gun. Congrats Nazis, you made me do a total 180 on gun ownership. The second my student debts and car payments are taking care of I'm taking vacation time to go through MA gun ownership training and buying a safe for it. Clearly, it's needed to ensure my own safety.
Ok, you might be joking, but as a gun owner, I want to talk with you.

This is not a choice that should be done out of fear. After my incident with my mother, I thought for three months before I got my shotgun. The incident was nothing bad, mind you. She had an dementia episode, and all of the availible cops came to my condo late at night... which made me worried that if they did this while they were bored, what could happen if they all did that with another bored episode and we were getting robbed at that time.

I came down on the side of last chance prepardedness. My first instinct will always to be call the police if something happens. But if they can't get there in time, I had to be able to protect my family.

I wholeheartedly agree that it's the best idea to take some firearm training lessons. Don't consider it your one stop shop, though. Martial Art lessons will not only serve you well where ever, but can help get you in shape to have faster reaction times or to just peace out of a situation if need be.

But they want a war.

They want us to take up arms so they can strike as many times as they want claiming self defense, blithely ignoring everything that lead up to us taking up guns in response. We're not dealing with rational people here.

Talk to many people about gun ownership. If you have anyone in your life that owns one, really share your feelings. Talk to those in your life that don't have a gun. Share your feelings just as much. And if at the end, you still feel like a gun will best serve your safety, then do it. Treat it with all the fear and respect it deserves. But know that you chose it with a level head and due to reason, not fear.
Don't worry, this isn't an impulse purchase (that would be impossible anyway, MA has a lot of barriers to purchase for exactly that kind of reason. Also, firearm training isn't optional in MA, you need to go through it if you want a gun license. I've done my research on this front) I've been sitting on this one for a long time.

And when I say "when I have my loans and car payments taking care of" I mean "I'm going to do this in three years." Trust me, this isn't impulsive.

And as much as I get that they want a war, well Ghandi suggested that if Nazis come up to you, you should just let them kill you. Ghandi was full of shit. I have never been the type of person who goes looking for a fight. But if someone kicks my door in with intent to do harm, well, I'm not going to die for the sake of holding the moral high ground. And I mentioned that I was going to be buying a safe, that's because whenever I am not using it, it's going to be locked up in a place that only I know.

Trust me, I'll be doing a lot of talking to people when my loans are paid off and I'm actually going to start taking steps towards the purchase. Which, again, is going to be a couple of years. And don't worry, I've been very critical of those who treat guns like toys instead of tools of death. I'm not a hypocrite.


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
evilthecat said:
Dreiko said:
And any ideology can be twisted into killing people. You had the gas chambers and you had the gulags and all those people sent to Siberia and so on. The thing in common those ideologies all have is their authoritarian nature. The more you approach it the likelier you are to become corrupted by the power you're messing with and commit atrocities.
This comparison doesn't work.

The gulags (as we call them in English) were concentration camps. They were, essentially, prisons. They were unusually harsh prisons with a very high rate of inmate mortality, but they were still prisons. Their motivation was not "ideological" except in the sense that some prisoners held in the gulags had been detained for political reasons. There was never any organised political intent to kill the imprisoned population. They were (with some possible exceptions, and we'll get to that) not victims of deliberate genocide, they were not victims of "ideology", they were victims of a prison system which sought to extract maximum benefit from them at the lowest possible cost, even if it meant people died.

The vast majority of "liberal" societies have used concentration camps. Some still do. Many US prisons, for example, are essentially concentration camps. They are designed to house a large, controlled population in a small space at low cost. Many also use forced labour. The actual concept of a concentration camp was invented by European colonial administrators as a means of controlling potentially rebellious populations in the colonies. All concentration camps have casualties. People die in prison. People die in detention centres. This is not ideology, it's pragmatism.

The Nazis had concentration camps. All kinds of prisoners, political and otherwise, went to concentration camps for all kinds of reasons. The concentration camps did not have gas chambers. People died in them (a lot of people, in fact) but those people dying was not the objective. The gas chambers were housed in extermination camps. These camps were not designed to house or contain people, but to kill them within hours of arriving and in as fast and efficient a way as possible. That was the only purpose of those camps.

There was genocide in the Soviet Union. Specific minorities were targeted for persecution and pogroms (although unlike the Nazi genocides, the goal was never to wholly eliminate those groups). For example, it's quite likely that Soviet agricultural policy specifically targeted Ukrainians for deliberate starvation as a means of consolidating power within the Russian Soviet, but note that even here I had to add that, because even there the goal was not the ideological elimination of "subhuman" Ukrainians but the maintenance of political control.

This idea that "authoritarianism" is the problem is only true in the sense that state killing is always authoritarian, whether it's in a democratic society or not. A prison is always an authoritarian institution, it's a place where people are detained against their will by the state. Border controls are authoritarian. Militarized police are authoritarian. Corporate hierarchies are authoritarian. Authoritarianism can exist quite comfortably within "liberal" societies. The problem with Nazism wasn't that it was authoritarianism and that the Nazi leaders got corrupted by power and thus were compelled to kill all Jews, it's that their entire ideology was based on a chauvinistic sense of superiority and a desire to exterminate others. It still is. That is something quite profoundly different to a simple abuse of power, or instrumental pursuit of "order" or "efficiency".

If you want to indulge in some kind of horseshoe theory, an appropriate horseshoe would be to compare the deliberate starvation of Indians under the Raj as a result of cruel and negligent agricultural policy with the deliberate starvation of Ukranians under Stalin as a result of cruel and negligent agricultural policy. Or to compare the use deliberate use and promotion of torture in both US and USSR-backed puppet regimes as a means of maintaining ideological control. These are horrific, horrific crimes against humanity, but they were ultimately the product of instrumental political goals. For the Nazis, killing millions of people was the goal. It was not the means, it was the end, and that is fundamentally different.
That the famine colloquially referred to as the Holodomor was an intentional attempt to starve the Ukrainian people is a notion that even most western historians disagree with. Yes, it was a horrible famine that was, among other things, the result of decisions made by the government of the Soviet Union. Collectivization of farms led many farmers to burn their harvest and kill their livestock, the encroaching fascist death cult from the west meant that ressources were mostly allocated to urban areas and the arms industry... but there is very little that would indicate that their was a deliberate effort to kill Ukrainians. Stalin did a lot wrong. I'm not gonna deny that. But he wasn't a comic book villain who was going out of his way to starve his own people.

And again, Stalin did some truly horrible things. Many good people, hell, many good communists, were killed in purges based around little more than paranoia and political grandstanding, leadership of the secret police was given from one corrupt brute to the next, decisions were made in regards to East Germany that were actively harmful to its development as a socialist nation, the human rights abuses in Soviet labour camps, even if partly caused by ressource shortages as result of the war, were atrocious and there is no justification for the rampant antisemitism following the Soviet Unions worsening relationship with Israel.

But if there is one thing to be said in defense of Stalin it's that he wasn't Hitler and he does not deserve to be mentioned along with Hitler the way he often is. Even his most brutal, most inhumane policies were, on some level, based on realpolitik. Realpolitik tainted with paranoia and distrust of his own people, yes, but you could see how there were political reasons for what he did especially seeing how he had to lead the Soviet Union through the aftermath of the Civil War, the great famine, a war against an enemy who planned to kill and enslave the entire slavic race and colonize all of Eastern Europe and the beginning of the Cold War. Unlike Hitler, whos specific brand of cruelty, much like that of the modern far right, was based on a cultish belief in esoteric racial hierarchies, pathological narcissism and literal occultism.

There is a certain pattern to that, you know. The farther you go the left the more scientific and the more theoretical will the ideologies get. Marxism is a science, rather than a doctrine and so are most other, more obscure leftist theories. However, the farther you go to the right, the more will you drift into spritiualism, occultism, religion and other form of superstition and the less connection will these ideologies have to factual, material reality. Even past Hitler and Mussolini, the two grandfathers of the modern far right, rightist philosophers like Evola, or, for a modern and rather influential example, Aleksandr Dugin (Look him up, he's had great influence on neofascist propaganda mouthpiece Lauren Southern) promote a worldview that is religious much more than political, an apocalyptic totalitarian dogma hiding behind notions of national and ethnic identity.


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
Lil devils x said:
In Detroit, an armed white supremacist group called the National Socialist Movement (NSM) descended on the annual Motor City Pride Festival, where they held placards, gave Nazi salutes and displayed armbands with swastikas.

Dressed in black with a number carrying firearms and shields, the NSM marchers tore apart pride flags and pushed over at least one counter-demonstrator.

"Literally f****** Nazis are at Motor City Pride right now, please be safe out there y'all," one user tweeted on Saturday afternoon. "Even if they deserve it, do not engage. Our safety at our Pride is the most important thing."
Hey, actual right wing organized violence! Line them up, charge them with whatever you can prove, and sentence appropriately. Use the investigation to search their computers and phones to see how and where they organized, and get anyone planning violence with criminal conspiracy charges. Assuming of course that the article is accurate. I wonder if there's any live footage of the event out there with enough on either side of events to show context?

Lil devils x said:
In Washington DC, seven people were taken to hospital after fears of a potential gunman at the pride event sparked panic.

Hundreds of people were gathered at the Dupont Circle for the parade when people started running after hearing what they thought was a gunshot.

"As the officers were going to the scene, there was a crowd of people going away from it and some of the individuals in the crowd said there was a man with a gun and that someone had fired a shot," said Guillermo Rivera, a commander with the Metropolitan Police Department.

A man was taken into custody and is facing a gun possession charge, he said.
Elizabeth Hernandez, 19, was among those celebrating in the city when she said she heard "pop, pop" and suddenly barricades were being thrown over and a crowd of people starting running frantically from the area.

"Everything fell and everyone said 'Run!"' said Ms Hernandez, of Falls Church, Virginia.
Mayor Muriel Bowser tweeted that she had been briefed by police and there were "no shots fired".
I might be reading between the lines here, but basically someone heard a loud noise, people freaked out and caused a stampede and somewhere in this they found someone they could charge with a gun possession charge for a gun that presumably was not discharged (and therefore he didn't shoot it to start the stampede) as no shots were actually fired?

I suppose that brings up the question of where the initial noise came from? There are some obvious missing details here.

Lil devils x said:
To me it looks like he is trying to take a piss on it tbh.
I'm not sure. I know you're not used to peeing standing up (for obvious reasons) but it's...awkward...to pee straight down (and otherwise he'd be peeing on the column and trickling down to the flag). And it'd splatter all over his shoes. If he were a step or two back, I'd agree with you. I'm sure that's what he's trying to imply in the image (which he seems to be posing for), but it's unlikely he was or was immediately about to start pissing on that flag without moving first.

Lil devils x said:
How is it that men taking other's property and destroying it is not arrest worthy? If they push people down and steal their flags and destroy them, should they have not been arrested at that point? I see this happening frequently, but police rarely arrest them, why is that somehow okay to do? That should be considered theft assault and property damage should it not?
I said as much when it was BAMN and similar groups doing it in CA, and I agree with you here.

I suspect there will be certain folks who are more...partisan about who should be allowed to do that to whom though.

Armadox said:
in hopes that the Left finally has enough of it and raises their fist.
Finally has enough of it? Er, there are folks in CA who'd like to have a chat with you. Before, you know, assaulting you, likely with an improvised bludgeon.

Hawki said:
This is actually kind of terrifying.

I've said in the past that "Nazi" is a term used too liberally, but these are actual fucking Nazis who aren't even trying to hide that they're Nazis.
Agreed. If you wanted to literally punch Nazis rather than "Nazis" this was a fine opportunity.

trunkage said:
Instead of blaming the Left when they try to combat it.
Honestly, I'm fine with "combating it", so long as they can actually target the extremists they claim to want and not just, you know, anyone wearing a MAGA hat, or not knowing how to answer when asked if they're "proud", or just verbally expressing disagreement with their views (you know, "Nazis" as opposed to Nazis). That's always been the big problem with violence on the left, it tends to be poorly aimed.

Neurotic Void Melody said:
We can at least all breathe a sigh of relief nobody came armed with milkshakes. In the hands of an unhinged leftie, they might as well be communist nukes filled with mind-control gas that boasts an additional bonus of infertility for anybody unlucky enough to be born cis.
On the upside the milkshake thing is a deescalation from the usual improvised bludgeons and assorted aerosols (because pepper spray is expensive when you probably have some insecticide already!)

erttheking said:
I'm buying a gun. Congrats Nazis, you made me do a total 180 on gun ownership. The second my student debts and car payments are taking care of I'm taking vacation time to go through MA gun ownership training and buying a safe for it. Clearly, it's needed to ensure my own safety.
The best defense against a bad Nazi with a gun is a good QUILTBAG with a gun? =p

To be fair, they'd probably think twice about armed protest if they knew the folks they were protesting would be armed as well.