Nah friend, we done. You're looking at a system that is slowly eating itself in real time, in front of us. Fuck, they aren't even hiding it either. Mitch McConnell has given away the charade. He's gone on record stating his only goal is to pack the courts with right wing extremists. Who then go on to rewrite precedent long after he's dead to favor right wing ideology. Can't vote them out cause of gerrymandering. Can't vote them out cause of lifetime appointments. You have cops who don't do shit about Nazi (actual fucking Nazi) cause of "threat of violence", fuck lemme rewrite that for you "Nazi cowl police into allowing them to harass and punch down on others publicly". This IS our fucking Fallout-style future. I got a daughter to think of, and scientists that say "welp, we're all literally dead in 2050 if we don't take action right god damn now". What am I supposed to tell her when it's to late? That daddy is sorry that he didn't do something when he had the chance, and that is why her world is dying? That the moral fucking high ground was so important that it was worth watching the world burn?Dreiko said:At the point where society has crumbled away and order is a thing of the past and all that remains is a fallout-style justice at the point of a gun system. If you wanna live in a civilized society you let the proper authorities fight and you work to elect people who will police society to a satisfactory to you degree. (remember, police chiefs are elected, if someone is letting nazis harass parades and does nothing, they have to be voted out)altnameJag said:At what point is it okay to actually fight back?Dreiko said:You don't wanna cede the moral high ground, you don't wanna let them drag us down to their level cause they win if we do that.PsychedelicDiamond said:But when I say that people need to fight back then I am the bad guy.
The right balance is one where these people are ridiculed and scorned. Meeting them head on with our own armed politically driven forces is only gonna get more people hurt and escalate tensions.
We voted in Florida to give back voting rights to criminals, and they just added new roadblocks in order to superseded the will of the people. Ain't nothing changed. So I don't think it's time for words anymore. I don't think we're going to change things fighting fair. Fuck, I think those at the top of the Democratic pile haven't impeached Trump cause they make to much god damn money off pretending to fight him then actually doing a god damn thing about it.
And I'm starting to truly understand why those younger then I am are starting to make a damn fine point about guillotines. I can swing a hammer, I got the nails.