Saelune said:
I know what happened when 'we' opened dialogue with the Nazis. They were allowed to annex the Saarland, and re-militarize the Rhineland without much protest. By the time of Ribbentrop-Molotov and the invasion of Poland Germany was not someone you could have a dialogue with. The strange last attempt of any dialogue was Rudolf Hess flying over to the UK and getting his ass landed in prison.
A much more recent example of this happening would be
National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie, 432 U.S. 43 (1977) which resulted in the court upholding free speech rights, and no Sudatenlands ended up getting annexed. It's almost like contemporary American politics are vastly different than WWII and that one cannot apply the same rules of engagement without sounding like a hyperbolic lunatic who sees a fascist behind every tree.
As for these people, they committed a litany of crimes against people and property and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Considering they were considerate enough to commit their crimes in front of cameras, it should be an easy prosecution. You can always write in to the DA's office about this if you think they're moving too slow on it.
TheIronRuler said:
Call up the boys, resurrect the Black Panthers and use your god-given right to carry firearms and scare the crap out of white people.
That's also an option. Those of us on the right will absolutely never give up our firearms, period, end of conversation, and the same rights to bear arms apply equally to those on the left.