Dude, we have a cheeto in office that a good chunk of the nation believes is Hitler's second coming, the odds of me calling the police and getting the three or four cops total out of god knows how many that are actually decent is not odds I would go to Vegas on, and we had one of the more well-planned shootings in history happen and it took police from another department to go in and do something at Parkland. I had an officer when I was a kid tell me that if a person attacked me, I should basically just let them because 'what damage could they do to a big guy like you?', and if I was to actually fight back, they would actually arrest me because that person was a female. I have absolutely no trust in government or authorities for good damn reason. The police are not in any way obligated to come protect you, and a good chunk of the people I've seen regarding the Parkland deputy's cowardice defend him for that fact.Casual Shinji said:Wow, and you really don't see a problem with this mentality? It's this level of paranoia coupled with an over abundance of firearms that breeds these kinds of situations. Where people have no trust and only fear for the government and the authorities and have guns to take the law into their own hands if need be.
When someone can actually convince me that these things are not detention centers and are intended to be extermination camps. Just going to assume as well that you're firmly in the "Trump is Hitler" camp.aegix drakan said:Soo........How many more children need to die from fully-known awful conditions in those asylum seeker detention camps before you stop sitting there and letting the government do it...?
Or are you going to wait until they install actual gas chambers and wait until someone somehow manages to leak that fact before you stop sitting there and letting them do it? Even though by then hundreds would have been killed in that time frame?
Just wanna gauge how far that point goes for you.
Means the next time he's attempting to commit a felony, he's not going to succeed, or be likely survive the process.If the guy already has contacts within the police, I am REALLY not sure how much good owning a gun will do unless the guy happen to be drunkenly assaulting their home without his own gun and somehow the cops don't stick up for him after he's dead and lock them up and throw away the key after the fact.
But a 5-rounds-in-6-seconds handgun is perfectly fine?Also, if they DO need a gun, I am fine with people (with at least some safety training) owning handguns or shotguns for home defense. They don't need a shoot-5-rounds-in-6-seconds rifle.
Take it you've never lived in an area with high gang activity?Hell, I struggle to see why ANYONE needs a rifle like that unless they're in a warzone, or deep in wild coyote/mountain lion country, or unless 30-50 feral hogs are raising their backyard.
I really, really don't want to go into the really, really, really longwinded and probably unwelcome discussion involving waging a war against a government, so I'm just going to say this. Your entire argument with this basically amounts to the government being so powerful, there is no point in resisting, so why bother? We have Hitler in the Oval Office, supreme court is stacked, and we have death camps within the decade. At what point in that is anything anyone does actually going to stop said Hitler? It's too late so we shouldn't even try, right? Just let it happen.See, I understand that instinct especially given how rotten the cops and government are in the US (and in a lot of other places too)...
But face it, if the cops really do want you dead, your gun might buy you, what an hour tops before a van of SWAT guys come in with kevlar and armor-piercing burst-fire rifles and flashbangs that they will use to murder you anyway, now even MORE motivated to kill you and anyone around you because you shot back.
And as for taking on the government...They have drones that can take you out without putting themselves at risk, not to mention tanks, missiles, a literal standing army of crack shots with long range rifles, armor, and full-auto guns. Your single gun is worthless. Heck, a full on militia army would be worthless.
The idea that gun owners will stand up to government tyranny is almost laughable because
a) The government has way more people and weapons and tech that will make any direct violence against them pointless.
b) The government has been snatching rights away and doing horrible things to people (mostly minorities, and undocumented people) for ages now, and its only been ramping up in the past few decades (NSA spying on everyone, etc), and not only have they not fought back, but the most hardline gun nuts tend to be GOP loyalists who LOVE that tyrranical shit. FFS, these kinds of nuts are the same ones who formed roving militias to go pretend to police the border (even illegally holding migrants/asylum seekers at gunpoint and lying that they were border patrol) with humvees and guns and I am SHOCKED there weren't people gunned down.
So...While the sentiment is understood, and I don't have a direct beef with YOU in particular owning a gun (although I still think having the ability to mow own 9 people in 30 seconds is unceccesary)...
I SEVERELY doubt the whole myth about 'responsible gun ownwers are the last bastion against the government when it becomes a tyranny'
You know as well as I do that's not even close to the truth, and there is everything the common man or woman can do to fight a murderous, tyrannical government.
Believe what you want.erttheking said:You?re not going to sit there? No. That?s exactly what you?ll do. You?ll sit there and do nothing. Hard liner 2nd amendment advocates love to talk shit. To talk about how badass they are and how they?ll take down cops and the army. And when corrupt police shoot unarmed civilians they sit there and do nothing. Hell. They defend the police. When the army kills civilians, they sit there and do nothing. Hell. They defend the army. When civil rights are violated, they sit there and do nothing. Hell. They voted for the people who cause those abuses. You will not be different.
No, I am not John McClane. John McClane wasn't even John McClane. John McClane was nothing more than a cop in way over his head.You are not John Mclane.
Again, believe what you want.You?re just a guy using internet tough guy rhetoric. If you ever witness police abuse, I promise you this.
You will sit there and do nothing.
So, you're going to use that new gun of yours to do something then?Because all this abuse has been going on and I don?t see you taking up arms. You aren?t following through.
You underestimate knives. Actual point, a truck, in the span of five minutes, managed to kill 86 people and injure 458.Saelune said:Ohio shooting, less than 30 seconds, 10 people killed, 27 injured. How is that better than one person being killed with a knife, maybe 1-3 others injured with cuts?
I literally just cited the metric shitload of defensive gun uses. To think that, moderate estimate, six digits of instances haven't overtaken mass shooting deaths in protection from theft, rape, or murder is... I don't even know what to tell you.You don't want to talk statistics, cause you only want it when it suits you, not when it doesn't. Unless you can prove guns save more lives cause of 'good guys with guns' than injure or kill, then you have no ground to stand on.
That makes it even worse in my mind, not better. I'm not a fan of your country's take on crime and justice. But I totally concede that's a moot point.Agema said:Your direct experience means approximately nothing in the entire scheme of an entire country's worth of crime and justice,
I never said the USA didn't, m8.and even still it's meaningless without comparison to the USA (as if to imagine the USA doesn't have major corruption and cover-ups!)
Suicide proves murder?Kwak said:Proved in suicide statistics.
Is that all this is going to boil down to? I'm some NRA robot spouting from some mythical handbook?trunkage said:Well, I've never been into this 'people don't argue in good faith' on this forum. Until now.
You're literally making stuff up. I know, your just speaking from the NRA manual. Doesn't make it okay.
Who is the one not arguing in good faith here? Re-read what I said and you will find I never said anyone thinks it'll magically cure all homicides. Probably my wording, so here's a rewording. People believe murders will drop several orders of magnitude with stricter gun control being enacted in this country. I think people will still be the same murderous assholes they were even if you could manage to enforce the restrictions desired, and then we still have the whole thing about shit cops and the apparent Neo-Nazi at the helm of the most powerful nation on Earth. Doesn't seem smart to me.Gun restrictions are against gun violence. No one thinks this will cure all homicides.