Leg End said:
Just because we don't have your regulations, doesn't mean we don't have regulations.
Well, maybe consider that your regulations are not enough?
I mean, someone who is a paranoid schizophrenic who has been deemed not responsible enough to manage their own back account can still own a gun. Someone with a decade long track record of domestic abuse can buy a gun. Someone who is known by the FBI to be consorting with KKK filth and arguing about starting a race war with guns can still open carry right down the street. Some dude who thinks 'gunz are cool lawl' can take exactly zero safety courses and leave his loaded gun on a counter within easy reach of his kid or dog with zero respect for how dangerous it is.
These are all no-brainers. None of these people should have their guns.
But due to the minimal regulation, they all can. All of these people (the last one less so) are people who are very much a danger to other people, and the fact they can own a semi-auto-5-rounds-per-9-second-large-ammo-clip-rifles just makes it so much easier for them to snap and kill someone.
Hell, there are people who think a gun registry is 'too much', and that boggles my mind.
Seriously, these kinds of massacres are unique to the USA, to the point where many mass shootings don't even make the news anymore because they're so frequent.
Why is that? Why are these massacres a uniquely american thing?
Are Americans just naturally evil and predisposed to mass murder?
Is American culture just naturally violent, enough that mass murder is seen as 'just a thing that happens'?
Or is it the fact that there are loopholes all over that let actually deranged people buy and keep guns, and the fact they can acquire rifles that can mow down 9 people in the 30 seconds it takes for the cop outside to intervene?
My money's on the last one.
I'm not going to sit there, letting government take people away to be disposed of.
Soo........How many more children need to die from fully-known awful conditions in those asylum seeker detention camps before you stop sitting there and letting the government do it...?
Or are you going to wait until they install actual gas chambers and wait until someone somehow manages to leak that fact before you stop sitting there and letting them do it? Even though by then hundreds would have been killed in that time frame?
Just wanna gauge how far that point goes for you.
I'm not going to stand there when someone and their child are being murdered because the bastard doing it seems to have familial and friends of the family connections deep within the local police, to the extent that even other officers not in on it don't even fucking know why that person hasn't been nailed to the cross by a DA.
If the guy already has contacts within the police, I am REALLY not sure how much good owning a gun will do unless the guy happen to be drunkenly assaulting their home without his own gun and somehow the cops don't stick up for him after he's dead and lock them up and throw away the key after the fact.
Also, if they DO need a gun, I am fine with people (with at least some safety training) owning handguns or shotguns for home defense. They don't need a shoot-5-rounds-in-6-seconds rifle.
Hell, I struggle to see why ANYONE needs a rifle like that unless they're in a warzone, or deep in wild coyote/mountain lion country, or unless 30-50 feral hogs are raising their backyard.
If you want to know why I'm so absolutely hardline in favor of firearm ownership, it's because my life experiences have taught me that government is filled with corruption, rapists, child abusers and murderers, the police are likely in the pocket of someone or are willing to turn a blind eye to serious crimes that they agree with being performed, and that if you want to make sure something or someone protected, you do it yourself because you can't rely on anyone else to.
See, I understand that instinct especially given how rotten the cops and government are in the US (and in a lot of other places too)...
But face it, if the cops really do want you dead, your gun might buy you, what an hour tops before a van of SWAT guys come in with kevlar and armor-piercing burst-fire rifles and flashbangs that they will use to murder you anyway, now even MORE motivated to kill you and anyone around you because you shot back.
And as for taking on the government...They have drones that can take you out without putting themselves at risk, not to mention tanks, missiles, a literal standing army of crack shots with long range rifles, armor, and full-auto guns. Your single gun is worthless. Heck, a full on militia army would be worthless.
The idea that gun owners will stand up to government tyranny is almost laughable because
a) The government has way more people and weapons and tech that will make any direct violence against them pointless.
b) The government has been snatching rights away and doing horrible things to people (mostly minorities, and undocumented people) for ages now, and its only been ramping up in the past few decades (NSA spying on everyone, etc), and not only have they not fought back, but the most hardline gun nuts tend to be GOP loyalists who LOVE that tyrranical shit. FFS, these kinds of nuts are the same ones who formed roving militias to go pretend to police the border (even illegally holding migrants/asylum seekers at gunpoint and lying that they were border patrol) with humvees and guns and I am SHOCKED there weren't people gunned down.
So...While the sentiment is understood, and I don't have a direct beef with YOU in particular owning a gun (although I still think having the ability to mow own 9 people in 30 seconds is unceccesary)...
I SEVERELY doubt the whole myth about 'responsible gun ownwers are the last bastion against the government when it becomes a tyranny'