Marik2 said:
2 guys on a car are shooting up Odessa and Midland. This should just be a thread dedicated to mass shootings. Let's see how far it will go till the end of the year.
Yea, and this time the guy had previously failed a background check and was able to go get one where no background check was required due to faulty background check and registration laws.
Like I said before this could help:
1) Requiring gun registration and licensing for all firearms.
2) Requiring background checks and registering every single time a firearm changes hands. This means including but not limited to:
a. Background check and new registration for any and all sales of firearms including gun shows, online, garage sales and yes, even to a friend or family member.
b. Background check and new registration anytime a firearm is given as a gift even to family and friends.
c. Background check and new registration any time a gun is left in inheritance.
3)Officers being able to confiscate any firearm that is in the possession of someone other than it's registered owner and be able to fine/ charge someone for carrying an unregistered firearm. The registered owners of the firearm can come claim it from the police if they want it back. Treat it like a stolen car with the same penalties and requirements.
We need to allow the police to actually be able to do something about firearms on the streets rather than keeping them powerless to help with their hands tied. Also stupid laws like Texas has that allow felons to have firearms in their homes needs to be ended and all the laws allowing guns in more places needs to be overturned. When I was a bartender, I was damn glad people were not allowed to bring guns in to the club. People do not need to be worrying about who is going to pull a gun when they are agitated. Guns do not belong in bars, hospitals or schools and it is stupid as hell for people to think they should be there. Even in the wild west they weren't that stupid, that was why they banned them from places in the first place due to all hell breaking loose when it was allowed. Stupid politicians seem to think that this wasn't tried already, it was originally that way and failed miserably and why they made the bans in the first place, but then again if you fail to learn from history you will be doomed to repeat it.
The sheer stupidity and necessity of it all is really the worst part about this. You keep having people say nonsense like " you can't do anything to stop it" when we have nations all over the place that already did while people are willing to just turn a blind eye and allow people to be slaughtered and do nothing. Like somehow a hunk of metal is more important than the lives of their loved ones. Of course nothing happens over night, but over time, everyone would be better for it they just have to be willing to make the needed changes to get us there.