Poll: A deal with the devil...


New member
Jan 14, 2010
MammothBlade said:
The devil solicits you at night, guaranteeing a fortune*. On one condition: you have to undertake a considerable handicap. Which do you choose? Bear in mind that all of these will be permanent and affect you for the rest of your life. Rest assured, the devil will honour their end of the agreement.

*[sub]All figures adjusted for inflation, if you happen to be reading this in 2050.[/sub]
I would do diabetes, if that didn't mean I would have to avoid sugar. I am addicted to my mountain dew.

Also, great avatar, is that from an anime?


New member
Apr 23, 2010
You say you want to be rich, you want to be wealthy?
Think I'd rather be poor and healthy.

Everybody want to be King, but they ain't,
And everbody want to get rich rite away...


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Doesn't anyone in this thread know what Schizophrenia is? If you all knew, I'm pretty sure at least half of you guys would retract your first answer.

Legs though. That's an easy one. Implants are actually getting better than normal legs now.


It's not that I LIKE you b-baka!
Oct 12, 2011
kurupt87 said:
Schizophrenia is not split personality disorder.

So, if the OP meant the second but then gave you schizophrenia you've been royally buggered.
Nope, I definitely meant the real meaning of the word and not split personality.

spartan231490 said:
Also, great avatar, is that from an anime?
Yeah, from Fairy Tail.

Legomaniac91 said:
The problem with this scenario is the phrase "the devil will honor his end of the agreement." From what I've read in comics and fantasy stories, I've learned that demons NEVER hold up their end of a deal. A demon will exploit every loophole to screw you over and steal your soul. Case in point: Johnny Blaze aka Ghost Rider. He sold his soul to cure his adoptive father's cancer only for the guy to die in a motorcycle crash. The point is if a demon offers some miracle in exchange for your soul; RUN!
Ghost Rider's father was just unlucky and probably a bit accident prone. Don't blame the Devil for something like that. You're hurting his feelings, sure his dealings are a bit seedy, but he's not some callous monster, he would never betray his word.

How's that for Devil's advocate?

Shanicus said:
hmm... considering I already have schizophrenia, does that take me out of the first option? Or would taking it just make it advance a hell of a lot faster then normal?

I would also like to know about the whole 'No legs' thing - where are they cut off, exactly? Below the knee or above the knee? If it's below the knee... well, I'mma have to pass on that option (unless prosthetic legs have knees now... haven't been keeping track of it, considering I have two working legs atm)
Sure you can still pick option 1, it makes your condition considerably worse.

They're cut above the knee.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Take my legs.

With that kind of money, I could probably buy a new par of artificial legs, at least.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Well, considering that my cousin died because he had schizophrenia, my grandmother has diabetes and I'd certainly wouldn't like to have my legs amputed (wich would be the lesser evil of the four), I'd like to keep being a decently healthy human being, thank you.


Dec 3, 2010
Take my legs, please!
Don't need them for playing games anyway. I'll get a butler to carry me around!


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Well, in all fairness, if you think the devil showed up to offer you *any* amount of money, you probably already have schizophrenia. ;)


The Friendly Neighborhood Nobody
Sep 12, 2011
Assuming Lucifer was real and the consequences were limited to only what you have listed...
I would have to say good-bye to my legs. I would probably end up spending a good half of it on prostectics, wheelchairs, and the sort. College would probably difficult considering how some of my classes are set up and I would be curious as to how driving will work out.
May 28, 2009
I'm somewhat surprised people (and I'm assuming incredibly misinformed people, if not outright stupid) are choosing schizophrenia over diabetes. Diabetes, whilst bad, is much easier to manage (especially nowadays), whilst schizophrenia is a severely debilitating condition. You would be a shell of your former self, would suffer from paranoid delusions and would be a risk to others as well as yourself. As others have pointed out, it has nothing to do with multiple personalities.

Diabetes requires you to not be a slob about your health, even if severe.

Lightning Delight

New member
Apr 21, 2011
Some_Jackass said:
...better yet, I'd whip out my fiddle and say "Let's make this interesting!"
I was really hoping someone would say this. You just made my day.

OT: I wouldn't take any of them because no amount of money could make up for not being crippled/insane/severely diabetic. Although, if I did have to choose one, It would be diabetes, because that one seems like it would be easiest to deal with.
Jan 27, 2011

I'm genre savvy enough to know that making a deal with a demon will ALWAYS screw you over. ALWAYS. Unless you can bamboozle him back. Which is next to impossible.

So no. No deal. Ever.

*also, I don't believe in demons/devils. Humans are capable of all the evil in the world already. An outside source tempting humanity is just unnecessary.*

ShindoL Shill

Truely we are the Our Avatars XI
Jul 11, 2011
Why the hell am I doing this for a few million dollars? I want something I can't get by working hard. Like immortality, or time-travel, or the ability to warp things physically and mentally, or all of the above. And why can't I say I'll use my mind-control powers to force ten others to sign over their souls instead of my one, and ACTUALLY DO IT?
aegix drakan said:
Unless you can bamboozle him back. Which is next to impossible.
Ambiguity in a contract favours the person who didn't write it. So let's look here (remember children, this was offered BY the Devil, so he wrote it):
1. Schizophrenia. It doesn't specify which subtype, nor does it say all subtypes.
2. Which type? Type 1 or Type 2?
3. It doesn't mention why, where or by whom. Does the Devil take them immediately? Because that is mutilation, not amputation. Does the Devil give me bilateral gangrene? The contract never said that. It said they get amputated. Do I get them amputated in 50 years by a doctor giving me cyborg legs?
All it is definite about is that I get money.
Feb 13, 2008
Possibly bucking the trend here, but I'd take Schizophrenia. It can be "cured", or at least pushed into submission. Diabetes would need insulin and no sugar (couldn't handle that) and I enjoy the use of my legs too much.

£5 million would set me up for enough that I could take care of my mind.

And anyway, with Schizophrenia - there really isn't a devil anymore - just another voice. And the insights I'd gain along with the mind-clawing pain might be worth it.

Probably not, but you have to try these things.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
Greetings, Escapist forums.

I'd like to announce that there is no such offer as described in the OP at this time; be advised, user MammothBlade is fabricating - there will be no payout for amputating your legs, regardless of the method used, nor will there be compensation for anyone with crippling mental disorders and/or chronic illnesses.
We'll take this modification to our business plan under advisement, of course, and salute MammothBlade for his ingenuity, but recent expenditures on extravagant new torture suites (reserved for hundreds of high-ranking politicians and members of the financial sector) make it unfeasible for the moment.

Have a pleasant day, and I'll see you all down here at your appointed time.
--The Devil