Poll: A Question To Atheists


New member
Jun 12, 2009
My mom is very open and not very religious. My dad is a bit religious but doesn't care that I am an atheist. He seems to think that suddenly one day I will change. But neither of them pushed it on me besides getting me baptised.


Flamboyant Homosexual
Apr 11, 2009
I was baptised and all, grew in a religi(Spelling fail) family, However under all these circumstances I turned Agnostic. I personally didn't care about religeon(fucking spelling) but couldnt give two hoots if someone else did. Its their personal opinion and I have no right to object to it, Unless you come flying at me with a bible demanding I convert in which case I'll be cruel about it.... Drink the "Holy Water" perhaps?


New member
Jul 3, 2009
My mom(who I live with) is agnostic and always gave me the option on what I want to believe. My father is atheist and also said he would support anything I wanted to do. My grandmother(who I see many times a week) is religious and I believe she grew up in a very religious household brought me to church once and I have not gone back. My aunt however tried to get me to like convert or something while I was visiting. She said it was because she loves me but if she did, she would accept me. Anyway, I myself am Atheist.


New member
Apr 5, 2009
Mom was extremely conservative, Dad is sorta liberal. I miss going to church. I think once we stopped going to church I become more and more Atheist, and now there's a part of me that still wonders if there really isn't a god.


New member
Mar 7, 2009
Mercanary57 said:
My father is a preacher but never talks to me about my Atheism, my mother is a Baptist but is open minded and just lets things be, and my sister is Baptist and attacks me for being an Atheist.
that would suck


New member
Feb 23, 2008
Graustein said:
Evilbunny said:
I grew up in a religious family and I still believe in God, I have just come to the conclusion that he doesn't care about me. I don't really know what that's called.
Possibly Deism: A supreme being created the universe, set it in motion, and is now not involved. Could be watching, could have a grand plan for us, but hasn't actually done anything since pressing the "go" button billions of years ago.
Well, not exactly. I think he might care about other people on this planet, just not me.

RebelRising said:
If I'm not mistaken, that's pretty close to Gnostism.

I'm not that familiar with it, though.
That's close, but not exactly what I believe. Thanks for the link, though. Interesting stuff.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
dallan262 said:
my best mates brother drowned at the age of 14
my friends flatmate drowned when he got pushed off a bridge
and a friend 2 weeks ago got killed when he got knocked down by a drunk driver
Oh, so people die because of other people or by an accident and it's a proof that God doesn't exist.

...Okay. I think that metals attracting thunders are the work of Thor.
Chrissyluky said:
i dont see why nihilism isnt mentioned so often people seem to forget athiests believe there is a meaning to life and an afterlife. i personally am a nihilist but grew up with my mom being a laid back catholic that almost never mentioned it.
I agree, it's not Atheism, and it can't be counted as one. It's definitely something worthy of having as an option.


The Basement Caretaker.
May 26, 2009
Science save us!

Well, Lets just say that theres some damn smug dead athiests if we're right. If not, Then someones right, but we'll never know till we cant tell everyone.


New member
Nov 2, 2007
No, my parents aren't religious themselves.
But they always thought that even kids should make these kinds of decisions for themselves (so I'd say they qualify as "open").
I actually attended Catholic and Protestant classes at my school (basically "testing" them) before finally settling on Ethics classes instead.

Insanum said:
Well, Lets just say that theres some damn smug dead athiests if we're right.
I sure hope that fear isn't your main reason for believing.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
My father is an ordained priest and served in a ministry for 6 years, I myself am a Humanist (someone who believes that something created the universe, but hasn't done anything since then). Although people love to argue about religion, I find that tolerance is the best method to live with one another.


New member
May 24, 2009
My family's not religious at all. Up until my little brother was 10 he had no clue on who Jesus Christ was or god, or that different people can believe if different gods.


New member
Nov 7, 2006
Insanum said:
GothmogII said:
Radeonx said:
Yes, I did. I had to get a conformation, because my parents forced me to, but I still am an atheist. My family wasn't angry about choosing my religion, and they were very tolerant.
You know, I actually found all that mess okay. Free money for mumbling out some prayers and hymns, eating free cake. At that point I still wasn't a believer mind you, I was just going along with things. Not be blip in the grand scheme. Even went to my sister's confirmation recently, and hey, whaddya know? More free cake, and tea this time!
Sorry to seem ignorant...Whats a conformation? I want free cake :D
Conformation is when you do something just because everyone else does it...

Now confirmation is a christian sacrament in which participants confirm their faith for the last time, making them adults in the church. Think of everything before as like your studies or training to reach this point, and then at the end of your journey you decide to follow Christ or not, people who receive confirmation are saying they will follow Him.

Sort of a weird thing for an Atheist to do, but I guess its one of those perks they'll conveniently make themselves pseudo-religious for in order to get goodies... like christmas


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Taerdin said:
Insanum said:
GothmogII said:
Radeonx said:
Yes, I did. I had to get a conformation, because my parents forced me to, but I still am an atheist. My family wasn't angry about choosing my religion, and they were very tolerant.
You know, I actually found all that mess okay. Free money for mumbling out some prayers and hymns, eating free cake. At that point I still wasn't a believer mind you, I was just going along with things. Not be blip in the grand scheme. Even went to my sister's confirmation recently, and hey, whaddya know? More free cake, and tea this time!
Sorry to seem ignorant...Whats a conformation? I want free cake :D
Conformation is when you do something just because everyone else does it...

Now confirmation is a christian sacrament in which participants confirm their faith for the last time, making them adults in the church. Think of everything before as like your studies or training to reach this point, and then at the end of your journey you decide to follow Christ or not, people who receive confirmation are saying they will follow Him.

Sort of a weird thing for an Atheist to do, but I guess its one of those perks they'll conveniently make themselves pseudo-religious for in order to get goodies... like christmas
You don't have to be psuedo-religious, I sometimes lie to my aunt and grandma (who are both deeply religious) because I know they would be upset and I would never hear the end of it. I even used to go to church with them, it's called paying lip sevice.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Up until I was about 12 my mother took me to church almost every Sunday, she was from a Catholic family and while we didn't discuss religion much outside of church it was a presence in my life. About that time my grandparents also stopped having us say grace at every meal, which I'm not quite sure why that happened. I was about 14 when I realized that there is no God or overseer to our lives, and my mother has slowly adopted the same viewpoint, however my dad is still religious to an extent although he doesn't go to church or anything. He just believes that there is a creator, doesn't preach about it and I respect his beliefs but I honestly don't see how you need to believe in God to not kill, rape, rob, murder, steal, and just be a generally shitty human being.


Albert Wesker
Jul 10, 2009
i am completely atheist and that is purely because i don't believe in God or any after life or anything. Just never have.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
My mothers a Christian and my dad does believe in God but does not call himself a Christian.

Myself, I am a Christian but I also add the Buddhist philosophy into my life as well.

I do believe most children go with or against their parents myself I went with my mothers beliefs but also added some philosophy into it as well.

My opinion on the matter though is that let people believe or not believe what they want.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Evilbunny said:
I grew up in a religious family and I still believe in God, I have just come to the conclusion that he doesn't care about me. I don't really know what that's called.