Poll: Am I to blame

knight steel

New member
Jul 6, 2009
Master of the Skies said:
knight steel said:
Master of the Skies said:
Honestly, it sounds like you just made this scenario up.
What makes you say/think that am I not trustworthy?
Well that question doesn't help, it seems overly defensive because I just meant the scenario and wasn't thinking about you in particular. The scenario sounds tailored to a particular issue that comes up on online forums.
Sorry just all the hate they have been giving me has left me defensive so I'm sorry for coming across as defensive,and your right looking back at my post it does seem like something tailored made for a forum >_<
Zykon TheLich said:
You were offering a lift, it was their choice to walk home on their own instead of wait 15 minutes for your bro. What else were you going to do? Wrestle them to the floor to stop them from leaving?
Well according to them yeah thats is what I was supposed to do T_T

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
No, you're not to blame since you were looking out for your brother. I guess I can't relly blame on the girls either as they were drunk so they weren't thinking straight.


New member
May 28, 2009
The fact you told them they should go puts you partially to blame, then the blame shifts to them by leaving without the designated driver (on top of that it is rude, you gave up a night of drinking to drive them). I was not given enough information on the attackers to make an informed decision, for all I know your two lady friends could have instigated the attack, but I assume not.

Mad World

Sep 18, 2009
You're not to blame, I think. However, while it's their right to leave, you should have continued to advise against it. Nonetheless, you tried reasoning with them; yet, they still had the audacity to blame you for being attacked. Honestly, they sound pathetic. They're probably your typical snooty, attention-seeking girls who think that they're at the center of the universe. Would I be right?


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Nope, I don't see how it's your fault. You said you were sober, you said they should wait, they were too drunk to listen to reason.
I would say the only one was who was at fault was the attacker, although he could be only defending himself from them for all I know.
You can't look out for someone who doesn't want your help- simple as that.

Galen Marek

New member
Dec 5, 2011
I wouldn't blame you. You did the right thing. You stayed with your brother and requested they stay with you and wait. you did nothing wrong. If they had only waited a bit longer, this would of been avoided.

people are just impatient.

Smiley Face

New member
Jan 17, 2012
Well, if all is as you say, you acted reasonably. They wanted to leave, you advised against it, they took offense, there was nothing else that you could have done short of physically restraining them, which would have been wrong. They're adults, when they make poor decisions, it's their responsibility - even if they're drunk, because by choosing to get drunk and screw up their ability to make good decisions, they're responsible for all the poor decisions they make thereafter.


New member
Jun 19, 2010
Why on earth has anyone voted for an option other than "the attacker was to blame"?

OP isn't to blame because it was their choice to leave, and they aren't to blame because short clothing does not give permission to molest.

Surely, as with any other crime, the blame must lie with the perpetrator and no-one else?

knight steel

New member
Jul 6, 2009
Zykon TheLich said:
knight steel said:
Well according to them yeah thats is what I was supposed to do T_T
You mean they have literally said that you should have physically stopped them from leaving?
Yep that exactly what they said-they said that they were too drunk to make the right choice and as the sober driver I should have restrained them and stoped them from leaving by any means necessary.
JT-ham said:
Master of the Skies said:
Honestly, it sounds like you just made this scenario up.
I feel the same way. Sorry, OP. You almost had me convinced right up until you said that a bunch of randoms in a bar started yelling at you for "victim-blaming" and encouraging "rape culture". After that the whole thing just sounded completely tailored, like the sort of story that someone would invent after getting annoyed in a thread about gender issues.

Since we've only heard about this scenario from the perspective of one person - and to be honest it does sound like something that's being posed as a hypothetical to start a discussion rather than a thing that actually happened - I didn't bother voting. A little too far-fetched.

If you are telling the truth and this whole bizarre thing actually happened just as you said it did, you of course have my apologies.
Yeah I admit looking back on what I typed it does sounds absurd/made up but I promise you it did happen-also I read your comment in your avatars voice which gave me a good laugh so thanks for that :D


New member
Nov 3, 2008
Yea...I don't know what to say but if someone expects you to ditch your intoxicated family member alone for their own problems then they are people who have really messed up priorities. Honestly if they can't see that then you should really rethink your consideration of them as friends.


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
Oh my god yes you are totally to blame. You should be ashamed of yourself you filthy, filthy little monkey. What did those poor honey badgers ever do to you?

Sorry, what were we talking about?

OT: Wow, your fault because you couldn't keep their dumb asses in a bar after they'd turned its customers against you?

That should be your approximate reaction to that pair of twits, and if your friends are really your friends they'll get your side of the story instead of just taking theirs for face value.

Did they even bother to call the cops after that? There's obviously a rapist or two hanging out around that bar the cops should be keeping an eye out for. That's provided they're not making shit up and their bruises didn't come from them drunkenly stumbling over something. Either way, ditch the bitches; you don't need friends like that.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
So you warned them that they where likely to be assaulted, they yelled at you for somehow blaming the victim, and then they got assaulted.

I really do not see how this is in any way or form your fault. You did your part in trying to convince them to stay, they spit in the face of your advice and left anyways and got the natural consequences for their stupidity.

Dressing provocatively is going to make you a target for those types of scum, doesn't mean you deserve it or where asking for it. It's just like walking into a bad neighborhood alone makes you a target for gangs, but it's not like you deserve to be attacked. Those girls and everyone else shouting you down at that bar need to get their heads out of their asses.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Here's how I see it - you aren't at all to blame. Were you all sober, you wouldn't be to blame at all anyway, but since the girls were drunk, you had a certain responsibility, which I think you fulfilled by encouraging them to wait. So that's that out of the way.

The attacker is somewhat to blame, and so are the girls. They ignored your advice and furthermore ridiculed you for it, which is not something I feel is within the bounds of excusability, drunk or not. If you hadn't mentioned that they may be assaulted, and there was no reasonable expectation, it would have been entirely the attacker's fault, but seeing as you had warned them and established that there was a chance they would be attacked, they went aware of that chance. In the end, it's like standing at the edge of a cliff, falling to your death and trying to attribute blame. Of course your death is entirely because of gravity. But you also shouldn't have been standing on the edge, you idiot. So it's entirely the girls' fault, entirely the attacker's fault, and not at all your fault.

And if your friends blame you for they're all dicks. Without exception.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
It's their fault and no one elses, they got themselves wasted and unable to make decisions for themselves. I've never been in your position as my friends don't go out of their way to get smashed (though they do in the comfort of our homes not on the street) and i feel people that do abuse alcohol to that level shouldn't be drinking in the first place.


New member
Jun 16, 2012
Here are my two cents on the matter. (voted, the attackers are to blame btw. Since the attackers, well, attacked.)

You tried to bring them home if they were just patient, they wouldn't listen think they would be alright. That didn't happen.

You warned them this could happen, they started screaming at you and turns out you were right.

If i were you i'd probably laugh my ass off in front of them and say "told you so"


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Hey, you warned them about it, so I'd say it's their fault for ignoring your warnings. Obviosly most of the blame should lie with the attacker, but they were the ones who chose not to wait the 15 minutes you asked them to in order to avoid getting attacked. So no, you are not to blame for this.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
knight steel said:
I have tried explaining that to them but they won't listen-and I think insulting them would just makes things worse in general.As for distancing myself from them that's what I plan on doing but you see their friends with my other friends and we go to school/uni togthere making it harder to avoid them as I would like :(
Here is my advice. Try once more to politely convince them that you are not to blame and ask them to get over it (not in those exact words, pick wording that applies best to your situation). If they continue to blame you for the incident tell them that they are to blame for getting so drunk that they are incompetent, that you warned them about the dangers and are therefor in no way responsible for their problem and that you will not be going drinking with them again as they are a liability.

You won't get yourself in their good books, but at least they will be someone else's problem. If your/their friends make an issue of it, explain the situation to them once and from then on only answer that you want nothing further to do with them. If they can't deal with that I would advise you to get new friends.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
I don't believe you at all, but for a quick hypothetical lesson in tact: If you are concerned about a woman's safety and want her to wait, try not to call her a slut first.

If this isn't made up, I don't see why you would need to include such controvesial aspects. You could have said that you told them to wait, they didn't want to, they wound up getting attacked, and now they blame you for not trying harder to stop them. But no. You had to just throw in the fact that they were dressed like sluts, that you told them they were sluts, and this whole thing came about because a couple of sluts didn't want to believe they looked like sluts.