Poll: Are motion controls killing gaming?


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Personally i think they are killing gaming, every major company has motion controllers now and they are going to pay much less attention to thier main audience, you know the ones who don't like flailing their arms around in front of thier TV like retarded apes and play games to have fun.


New member
Jun 23, 2009
I agree that it is. I didnt like having to shake my controller in Uncharted to throw off an attacking enemy.
If he got jumped on I let him get his brains eaten. Serves him right for being too slow.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
I find this offensive. So, because the Wii has motion-control, it's somehow not fun and only for retarded apes?

Frankly, I see some major holes in your argument. Games are not for you alone. Wherever the money is, the industry will go. And that's GOOD.

I'd argue more, but I'm sick of typing the same shit. So I'll TL;DR

No. Motion-Control is not the death of gaming, and anyone who thinks so needs to get off their "Imz t3h HARDC0R3 GAM3R LAWLZ" platform.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
I don't think that it is such a big deal. Sometimes motion sensors can be fun and sometimes a pain. Quite likely any games that are on a motion sensor console will also have another game for non-motion controls (like overlord)


New member
Jan 26, 2008
Uhhh... no. If anything, increasingly complex and samey Sony and Microsoft action titles are killing gaming.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Motion controls are nice, but not every damn title needs to have motion controls added in. Nice and pleasant from time to time, but unnecessary all of the time


New member
Dec 25, 2008
its an in thing now but just a fade they will move on, its like the wireless remote everyone has it now, lets find something better, so on


New member
Sep 28, 2008
No. Games are dying because you touch yourself at night.

I kid, but that is as good a reason as motion controls killing games.
Darkrai said:
Most developers can't get it right.
Which is why they keep trying. Edison didn't get the lightbulb right the first time, the Wright Brothers didn't get the airplane right the first time, and A.G. Bell didn't get the telephone right the first time. But look at how popular they are today, because those guys didn't give up on something others thought impractical or impossible.


New member
Jun 18, 2009
yes they are, such a stupid way to game, yes one or two are good, but the amount they are bringing out now is just annoying


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Flying-Emu said:
I find this offensive. So, because the Wii has motion-control, it's somehow not fun and only for retarded apes?

Frankly, I see some major holes in your argument. Games are not for you alone. Wherever the money is, the industry will go. And that's GOOD.

I'd argue more, but I'm sick of typing the same shit. So I'll TL;DR

No. Motion-Control is not the death of gaming, and anyone who thinks so needs to get off their "Imz t3h HARDC0R3 GAM3R LAWLZ" platform.
Someone needed to say it and I thank you for that. These pricks think that no one who likes motion controls can be a 'hard core' gamer


New member
Jun 21, 2009
Wait, killing? As in causing games to lose life and slowly no longer exist?
Or do you just mean "hey, who doesn't like motion controls and thinks it is causing some games to be worse for it"?

The first I don't agree with, as it's quite clear games with no motion controls are doing just as well, if not better, then they ever have despite Wii being so well selling, Eyetoy existing, and Project Natal being shown off.

Are there games that are bad because developers force motion controls onto them where they don't belong or screw up implimentation? Yeah, but there are also games that do it right. Wario Shake and all it's shaking is fun, people are quite happy with Conduit, Tiger Woods and Madden managed to entertain me for a while with motion controls and I don't like either of those sports.
Some games with standard controls have been screwed up because of poor button placement, set-up, and use. Doesn't matter if it's the Wii Remote or the Dual Shock, A game developer can screw up controls with either and hurt or kill a game.
Developers need to make sure the controls work well no matter what they use, standard buttons or motion.

Not all games on Wii use motion controls and Project Natal is going to be more about user interface that it will ever be about games. Sony and Eyetoy, well I don't expect much from that.
They won't kill gaming, they won't some how be responsible for gaming as a whole to collapse, and huge money making games like Modern Warfare, Grand Theft Auto, Super Mario, and so forth will still be made and focus on standard controler set-ups.

Now what will kill gaming? Sports done outside, evil things those. Did you know you can can plat football outside for free just like you can on Wii? It's far more interactive to kick the ball then just pressing A/X buttons.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
Maybe, if all games become motion controlled it might seriously hurt gaming overall. Most motion controlled games are cheap and gimmicky and if all games become like that I might just give up gaming. They either need to make better games that happen to use motion control (rather than rely on it entirely) or keep making games that don't use motion control.


Chocobo Wrangler
Jul 3, 2008
Motion controls are not killing games, stupid motion controls are.
And even then I wouldn't say it was killing it, just making it annoying.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
I said yes, just out of the fear that developers will make games only using the gimmicky motion controls. Basically like what happened when the DS first came out; barely any games were played the normal way, instead relying solely on the touch screen. It isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the majority of those games also sucked hard. I don't want to have to literally jump through hurdles to play a game...


New member
Mar 20, 2008
Flying-Emu said:
Frankly, I see some major holes in your argument. Games are not for you alone. Wherever the money is, the industry will go. And that's GOOD.
While I agree with the rest of your post, I disagree with this.

This whole "go where the money is" is killing creativity. I mean, small development companies might have great ideas but publishers will say "just make another FPS" because a new idea might not sell as good as "halo clone #8999"