Poll: Are motion controls killing gaming?


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Killing no not yet, if sony ands microsoft go doen that rout as mainstream possibly yes dunno about you but I like sittting on my ass using a controller or using my keyboard + mouse not jumping around like a twat waving my wrists. And games restricted to motion controll have yet to prove to me they are not linear atall from start to finish same fests no advancement of mecnahnics.


New member
May 16, 2009
It's not the motion controls themselves, but how they're being implemented.

Nintendo seems to be keeping up a record lately of simplistic newgrounds style mini games consistently... it's where the money is, and for anyone who enjoys a game that actually had some work put into the development, it sucks.

Motion controls can be good, I actually have high hopes for project natal.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
I don't mind motion controls but it's like me using a keyboard: Sooner or later I gotta rest my wrists. If I do that whilst playing my console, my arm subconsciously droops and I lose contact with the motion sensor (which can be frustrating in the middle of a fire-fight or whislt trying to play 'One' with Metallica). I keep pressing buttons frantically but only end up with a red X on the screen.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Flour said:
Flying-Emu said:
Frankly, I see some major holes in your argument. Games are not for you alone. Wherever the money is, the industry will go. And that's GOOD.
While I agree with the rest of your post, I disagree with this.

This whole "go where the money is" is killing creativity. I mean, small development companies might have great ideas but publishers will say "just make another FPS" because a new idea might not sell as good as "halo clone #8999"


There are plenty of 'creative' games out there right now. NoMoreHeroes, Braid, lots of small-time devs are getting creative games out. Just because they're not broadcast like the Indy 500 doesn't mean they're not being made.

That was part of my point. It doesn't matter where the industry goes; so long as you're willing to dig, you'll find good, wholesome, innovative games.


New member
Sep 1, 2008
Wait, what? How could motion controls possible kill gaming? That's the dumbest thing I've heard all day.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Motion controlling is just like constant, unoriginal FPS titles or generic JRPGs being pumped out by the gallon.

They aren't doing it right, so they should stop until they perfect it.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
What games (besides possibly sports games) are made better by incorporating motion controls? Most of the best games on the Wii (SMG, TP, MP3, etc.) use motion control seldomly (usually wiggling your wrist every now and again), but aside from that, I can't think of any games that are genuinely better for requiring motion controls.


New member
Jun 9, 2009
azazcyh said:
Motion controls are not killing games, stupid motion controls are.
And even then I wouldn't say it was killing it, just making it annoying.
Yeah, I agree aswell. If they're done well, they can be good fun and different. I think the OP is getting at the fact that we don't want to come home from work and then work some more whilst playing. We want to relax, and if ALL games become about motion-controls, how do we play when we're knackered?

As long as motion-controls don't take over ALL gaming, then I think they're fine.


New member
Sep 1, 2008
it isn't a matter of yes or no. Games like MadWorld implement it very well, in making it a core part of the game and not promising something it can't follow up on (i.e. crap that can only be done with the Motion-plus attachment). Inversely, there are a number of games royally fucking it up that just puts a damper on the concept being innovative and fun.

Short answer: Hell no, motion controls aren't killing games.

Long answer: Hell no, good motion controls aren't killing games.

Chicago Ted

New member
Jan 13, 2009
No. I feel that developers right now are not using motion controls right. I'm also not that fond of them.

But they are a step in the right direction in the evolution of gaming. If the technology keeps advancing we will eventually have virtual reality and other amazing technologies like that. I believe we will see this in our generation...

Assumming we don't kill ourselves first though.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
I enjoyed Madworld, Super Mario Galaxy, No More Heros and Punchout Wii, so no. People who enjoy motion controls play games to have fun to, why else would they play them?


New member
Oct 14, 2007
It's a paradigm shift, and people will have to deal with it.

Seriously, whining about it is akin to having whined when that bothersome extra button that at one point became the standard(NES) instead of that sole lovely one(Atari); and then the six button controller came in(SNES), followed by all sorts of 3D sticks and whatnot(PS1,PS2,Dreamcast,Xbox), blah, blah, blah...

That's where gaming is going and there is no going back. While I personally don't like it(I really don't), I feel that that is indeed the wave of the future...and that it makes me feel old.


Top Todger
Jun 25, 2008
bouncymike999 said:
you know the ones who don't like flailing their arms around in front of thier TV like retarded apes and play games to have fun.
How is flailing your arms around in front of your TV like "retarded apes" not fun?

When I used to have a PS2, I had some of the most fun I've had on that console with a group of friends using the Eyetoy, it never felt like a chore or not fun.

That's not to say I didn't play other games too, in fact I played normal games a lot more and only used the Eyetoy when the mood took me, which was quite rare, and when I sold my PS2 collection I had over 150 normal games, but only 2 Eyetoy games.

I've been gaming for 26 years and I haven't noticed any of the many, many games I enjoy playing being killed by motion controls, in fact I don't even have any games with which you can use motion controls.

You're being paranoid if you honestly think the development of motion controls is killing gaming, you're jumping at shadows which aren't even there.

Amusingly, your predictions that motion controls will be the death of gaming, because every developer will ignore the majority of the market, reminds me of Chicken Licken.

"Oh noes! Teh sky iz fallin!"


New member
Jun 3, 2009
Sony's motion controls are very subtle and work well with the game, Wii however.... I am hating nintendo for releasing it, and i was a hardcore nintendo fanboy