Poll: Are you excited for the next gen consoles ?


New member
Jul 17, 2012
yes, but I'm definitely not going to buy the PS4 at launch. (well it depends on if my current money situation straightens out -_-)


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Flames66 said:
I'm not particularly excited about them, I have just bought a new PC which will be my gaming machine for the foreseeable future. I never have liked playing games with a controller, and wavy motion controls hold even less appeal, so I will be sticking with my mouse and keyboard until something drastic happens.
Next generation consoles mean that consoles are catching up to PC and finally our high performance computers get games that are more fitting to the strength they've got. That's my reason for being excited about the next gen consoles and I doubt I'll buy them unless there's som great exclusives for them.


Zombie Steve Irwin
Feb 22, 2009
Nope, because there are still PS2 and 360 games I have yet to play. Why buy a new console for hundreds of pounds when there and hundreds of hours of entertainment to be had on a teeny tiny budget for older consoles.

Theres also the fact that the steam sale ate my wallet and I now have even more unplayed games to try out. I doubt I'll be getting a new console for at least another decade.

Venom 3135

The Lemon Merchant
Nov 22, 2009
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
There's certainly nothing wrong with wanting to stick with Playstation. I had a PS1, and I'd have probably upgraded to a PS2 if my friends hadn't all gotten Xboxes for Halo, and persuaded me to do the same. Just bear in mind that Sony now is not the same Sony of ten-fifteen years ago. They're in a very different place financially, and they are not likely to go balls out on power for the PS4.
You've pretty much proven me wrong at every turn, which is fine. I'm certainly no expert, as I said, most of what I've said was from experience. But this last paragraph, especially the part about Sony not being the same made me realise that you're 100% correct. They do need to keep prices low from now on. And I don't mean low priced console, high proved accessories, they do seriously need to pick themselves up here with their prices.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
Is there no option for not being excited as am fine with current consoles?
I'm fine with them until I feel that they just aren't good enough any more. Graphics mean nothing to me, but if the next Fallout wants to make such a huge world that they need a better console then sign me up!


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Are next-gen gaming consoles VR helmets capable of immersing the mind directly in the game along with having the capability with appropriate software to micro-wave our brains should we die in game? No? Then no, I am not excited. Unfortunately, I do like consoles but don't have a Wii U so I can't vote.

Captcha: that's hot
What did I say?

Venom 3135

The Lemon Merchant
Nov 22, 2009
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
-another snip-
Hahaha, yes well I guess I'm not the kind to shut out everyone else's views and information.

It sounds like they've made better decisions than with the PS3. But I think we'll have to wait and see. I have faith in them, but at the same time, ok not that confident. Honestly, If I had the money I'd rather just invest in a gaming PC, considering the things Ive heard about them. I don't like the Idea of having to spend even more money to update it in the future. I don't know though, a lot of people say it can work out cheaper than console gaming, but I don't see how that could be the case. I also don't know a lot about PC's either.


New member
Aug 6, 2012
I'm PC exclusive, but I'm happy console gamers will be getting more technically impressive games. Oh and PC-ports will also be less restricted as a result.



New member
Nov 12, 2009
You should add an indifferent option to this pole. So far I'm not too excited about it. We know absolutely nothing about them apart from a few leaked tech specs and some pretty shitty pics of devkits. I don't expect anything new from Sony or M$ until next years holiday season. They will more than most likely announce them at E3 this year, but will probably release them next year close to the holiday season. Plus what about launch titles? The only games I've heard about that would be for the next gen are Watchdogs and Star Wars 1313. Are they just gonna touch up current gen titles and port them to the new consoles? That's hardly a launch lineup.

Idk, if the next gen consoles do come out this year I am definitely waiting a year or so.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
Basically no I am not I mean I am curious I suppose but its going to take something seriously impressive to make me buy on launch thats for sure as I have never done that yet especially as launches are usually filled with unreliable machines.

As for the games I tend to play now the tech is perfectly fine where it is I suppose it was fine during the PS2 era as well but it does look a little nicer now with HD sprites. For the SNES, PSX and PS2 eras I was pretty hyped and actually owned all or at least most of the consoles during these eras even this gen I bought a 360, Wii and PS3 and upgraded my PC but looking back now I hardly play on the 360, Wii and PC at all and not a hell of a lot on the PS3 (only reason I play PS3 over 360 is because it plays DVDS better and the online is free, oh and my 360 has red ringed once so I dont trust it).

Basically I dont game much anymore I may get them eventually if they impress me enough but at the moment I cant see it I will probably just stick with this gen and last gen and the one before that. If there is a really awesome game I must play for some reason I will endeavor to play it regardless if its on console or PC but that rarely happens.

As for gaming on PC well I dont know why but I have never been impressed by PC gaming it just feels off somehow like im working at playing a game and I dont like that plus I cant be dealing with all the DRM crap consoles are bad enough now,not being able to take your saved game easily around to a friends because its tied to your account has really killed a lot of the social gaming I used to do and if they make it harder still to take a game I bought round to a friends and show them well that will be game over for me.

Really all I feel for gaming at the moment is a giant `meh` and it will take more than shinier graphics to persuade me to carry on I have returned to my second love of gaming at the moment which is fighting games after being burnt out for 10 years or so on them and I am enjoying them and these dont exactly need cutting edge tech to be good or improve.

I do not know hardly anything about the PS4 and 720 or whatever they are going to be called so there is time for me to get excited once I am aware of specifics I suppose (and more importantly games) but I just dont see it happening just hearing that the new Xbox will come with Kinnect 2 fills me with trepidation like oh no they`re still peddling that crap? If it has improved to a degree so that it is actually usuable I will be impressed then, but not excited.


New member
Mar 5, 2012
Not really excited,but this will certainly "move" the industry,but I fear it might be for the worse.Development costs will skyrocket outside the milky way,because developers have to "show off the technology" and costs will become much,much more demanding which in turn will enforce the corporate mindset "we need to make more money no matter what to please the shareholders",which will squash any effort to make an original title,because it's too risky and the company can easily follow bankruptcy if it makes such attempts.

These are my cynical predictions of course,but I will also look into the other direction of the gaming scene where ideas and communities flourish under the banner of the PC gaming master race :p

Shadows Risen

New member
Nov 1, 2011
I'm looking forward to it but there's not a chance that I'm getting it at launch. Pretty happy with my 360 and new laptop at the minute. Definitely gonna keep an eye on the next-gen, probably get the 720 or whatever they decide to call it when the price drops (a lot) and there's a few good games out.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
This generation has been bloated with a lot of crap. And I'm not talking games, I'm talking console related issues.

Consoles have stopped being simple, easy to use devices, and have become overly complicated stuttering behemoths. And I have no faith that this won't continue on the same foot come next generation.

So I'm honestly not that psyched.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Having a long and storied past with consoles It would be a lie to suggest I am not somewhat excited by the prospect of new advents and capabilities new hardware invariably will provide.

However how the industry has behaved this generation, and every sign pointing to next gen will have even more negatives, its impossible to get excited.

When the industry stops getting excited at a new console generation for all the potential to developing new control mechanisms and restriction on their products, abuse their customers, legal side stepping and worse, and instead gets back to being excited at the potential of developing more expansive AI, wider procedural generation, deeper scripting capacity, expanded poly budget, more responsive physics and all the good things new hardware provides, Ill consider getting genuinely excited about a new console again.