Poll: Are you finished with Bioware now?


New member
Dec 7, 2008
Adam Jensen said:
Mass Effect 3 ending was just the final straw. The game itself was rushed. It needed at least another 6 months in development. Then there was Dragon Age 2, the whole DLC thing Bioware is doing, online passes, multiplayer etc.
Bioware is not the same company it was 5 years ago. They no longer care about making good games, thanks to EA. Now they make games for the "wide audience". EA is gonna bury them to the ground. Which is a stupid thing to do.
EA should have bought them because of the games they used to make not because of their name. Name means nothing once you start making shitty games. And Bioware makes shitty games nowadays, followed by a lot of shitty decisions after the game's been released.
Making them do all those idiotic things is gonna ruin their reputation, which will make gamers lose all respect for them. And eventually people will stop buying Bioware games.
At least Activision has enough sense not to interfere with the work of their best developer (Blizzard).

And the sad thing is, the destruction of Bioware is exactly what has to happen in order for other good developers to understand that no matter what, they can never sell out to EA. Just look at how low the creators of Baldur's Gate and KoTOR have fallen.
I imagine that the folks who actually sold the company to EA are quite happy with their decision. $$$!!!


New member
Jan 13, 2009
I'd say so, not because of the ending or previous games though. It's this fucking DLC shit that is driving me nuts. There is more timed/preorder exclusive items for Dragon age 1 and 2 than all the DLC for every other game I own.

This is unacceptable.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Can't vote, no option for "Waiting to see resolve of ME3 endings Issue". If they fix the endings, I'll go back to being cool with them. If they don't....


New member
Apr 7, 2011
tendaji said:
No, I'll still play Bioware games, because despite the 10 minutes of game that I did not like, the other 27 hours of gameplay I did enjoy of ME3, and the 80 hours of gameplay I put into the full trilogy I did enjoy. So an ending was flopped, in the end I really don't care, because I was entertained by the game and that is good enough for me.

Also I misvoted because your pole is different from your topic.

This is the most rational thinking statement I think I've heard concerning the "Mass Effect 3 massacre".

OP: Who cares? So it wasn't what you thought it was going to be. Companies cannot appeal to everyone. I enjoyed/enjoy every moment I have with the Mass Effect trilogy. Just because the ending wasn't some over the top conclusion to every little thing building up to the finale doesn't effect me. I know how my story begins and ends. The process of how I get there, still more enjoyable than most modern games.

If you want to boycott, then sure, shun away the companies. Didn't we learn anything from the Mass Effect 3 endings? No matter what choices or stances we stand on, it's not going to change the outcome.


New member
May 6, 2011
SajuukKhar said:
Kahunaburger said:
Hey, guess what overused repeating .gif I get to use again.
How cute, dodging the issue entirely due to a lack of an actual response

How very typical of you, it seems to be your defense to most things.

The only thing that has ever defined what a RPG is is that you are playing a character in a fictional setting and you get to make decisions with you character.

The mode of gameplay be it dice-roll based or more player-skill instead of character skill based like in Skyrim, or if your actions have a meaningful impact on the story has always been irrelevant to the definition.
So in other words, Halo: Reach multiplayer is an RPG? You learn something new every day.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Kahunaburger said:
So in other words, Halo: Reach multiplayer is an RPG? You learn something new every day.
At the most broad levels of what defines a RPG it would be possible to make an argument that it is and it would fit within the definition of what constitutes a RPG.

That is the problem with the word RPG, and really genres in general.

As time goes on and games ever increasingly adapt features of other game genres into their own the lines of what constitutes what become blurred.

the entire genre system as-it-is is flawed and needs to be thrown out and reworked.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
I have been playing games since 1994 and I don't think there really is anything wrong with Origin or day 1 DLC.

I went back and played BG1 and 2 about 6 months ago and really.... they haven't aged well at all.


New member
Mar 20, 2011
Meh, I gave Mass Effect 3 a miss simply because I wasn't interested for in finishing the series off right away, and I'm in no rush to really do so. I'll see what Bioware does for it's next big project before I pass judgement.

Dragon Age 2, while definitely a step down overall for me, was still quite enjoyable, even without the DLC (no bow users on my team though..), and Mass Effect 3 still sounds like it's a fun game, even with the crappy sounding ending. The Old Republic seems to be doing well, even if it seems to stick too closely to familiar MMO mechanics, even with the dialogue trees, and in a couple of months I guess we can see if the Star Wars name is really the only thing keeping people in that game or if it's really all that.

So yeah, probably not going to be pre-ordering any games, but I'm willing to see if Bioware can do some good things in the future. It's not like they can't learn from past mistakes, right?


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Nah. I still enjoy bioware games. I really want a sequel to jade empire though. More fighting styles, more character interaction, bigger parties and more closed fist individualism >:)


New member
Nov 19, 2010
Phlakes said:
A couple weeks from now, once the dust settles, Bioware will still be Bioware. If you've been on the internet for any amount of time, you should know that this happens after every single game they release- fans rage, threaten they'll never buy another Bioware game again, and then a year or two later they have the next one preordered.

It's almost like they're being irrational and caught in an angry mob. What a thought.
Indeed, good sir. I've been having heaps of fun playing through ME3, I'm loving the combat system. Even though the dialogue options and characterisations aren't quite as strong as from ME2, I'm willing to excuse that based on the fact that they needed to pack a ton of new mechanics in and make room for all the characters.

The ending and the appearance of a Prothean Deus Ex Machina device are less forgiveable, but nowhere near a deal breaker for the whole company. They'll be able to redeem themselves, I'm sure.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
It really does depend. I'll say it this way, I will, but not at full price. I bought DA2 for $20 on Amazon. I bought ME3 out of the gates, and I really like the game, though I don't know this fabled ending that is pissing everyone off since I haven't had time to play it. With DA:O, they kind of hit their epitome, and I don't see them bouncing back as long as they continue to change games all the time. I was mad at the changes made between ME1 and ME2. ME3 is like ME2, which is still a good game. I was a bit livid about the changing from DA:O to DA2 though. It's like waiting to see the sequel to a movie you love, but they changed the actors in it and now it's just bad.

I am the first guy to say that games should be judged on their own merit and not compared to predecessors, but c'mon. You can't change everything about a game when that everything is what made your previous iteration sell. Also, while TOR was fun, I don't think it was different enough from WoW to make the money worth it, that is why I canceled my subscription after the first month. The only thing different was the fully voice acted bit, but it's not 1994 anymore, "full talkie" isn't a draw to a game like it was back then. I have to say that it depends on the game. I might look at a new franchise from them in the future, but I'm not making any promises.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
I think the being done with group is sad that Bioware isn't making traditional RPGs anymore. They are going for a hybrid approach. Same reason why I can't get into Bioware's D&D games that well, they become so repetitive and they just don't feel like D&D to me.


New member
May 6, 2011
SajuukKhar said:
Kahunaburger said:
So in other words, Halo: Reach multiplayer is an RPG? You learn something new every day.
At the most broad levels of what defines a RPG it would be possible to make an argument that it is and it would fit within the definition of what constitutes a RPG.

That is the problem with the word RPG, and really genres in general.

As time goes on and games ever increasingly adapt features of other game genres into their own the lines of what constitutes what become blurred.

the entire genre system as-it-is is flawed and needs to be thrown out and reworked.
Alternately, you have a definition of "RPG" that only you use. Most people use the term to refer to games with a set of mechanics that originally came from P&P RPGs.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
I will articulate a megapost later, but for now:



New member
Mar 30, 2011
nah, actually, I'm relieved they're done with ME3. I'm not upset at Bioware making bad (well, mediocre) games; I'm upset at them making bad sequels to good games, thereby hurting the quality of series that I liked a lot.

Once they're done with Dragon Age 3, they can't really ruin anything anymore, since it'll just be new stuff (which I will be able to approach with lower expectations, since there won't be any ME1 or DA1 to live up to).


New member
Mar 13, 2012
Ziggy said:
mirage202 said:
Lately I seem to get a hell of a lot more enjoyment out of indie titles (Starfarer and Towns for example) than I am from big budget AAA games.
How is Starfarer? From what i have seen it looks great, but i'm not compatible buying a alfa.
Highly addictive and bags of fun. Being an Alpha it is nowhere near finished, but already has a huge amount of stuff in. A large list of single missions, and a teaser of the main game.

I agree with the people saying its like a 2D Mount & Blade in space, plus it is only $10 for buying in early.

Graphical style and gameplay are "sort of" like S.P.A.Z, on a much larger scale, with more control over the AI ships.

Swny Nerdgasm

New member
Jul 31, 2010
With the exception of Jade Empire I have yet to find a Bioware game that I haven't enjoyed, so I doubt i'd pass up on their next game, unless it's a sequel to Jade Empire...