Poll: Are you finished with Bioware now?


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Vote: Depends on if I'm getting any of the many diverse and uniquely satisfying (bleak or nice) endings I had expected Bioware to be capable of doing, for the 100+ hours I'd put into the damn series.

This is a huge factor. It's gonna' take a basket of money at my front door to make me buy their next title if they don't check my vote. Or at least the gaming equivalent to a basket of money.


New member
Aug 10, 2011
I hardly think a shitty ending to an otherwise great game warrants that I will never play their games again. Yeah, the ending was a whole different level of shit (especially for me, because apparently I managed to get the worst of the worst by accidentally killing everything in the planet. Seriously, fuck you guys for not even making it clear what kind of bullshit I was about to do), but when I look back upon some of the rest of the game and see how bonded I became with some of the characters, I realize that Bioware made something amazing. Which just goes to show how fucking terrible that ending was.

But they're one of the better studios, just working under a really shitty publisher. And I'm feeling that there's sort of a George Lucas affect going on somewhere over there, where one person is making really stupid decisions that no one will correct him on.


New member
Aug 10, 2011
SajuukKhar said:
romxxii said:
From now on, BioWare is just another game company.
that is what they, and every other game company, have always been.
Did you really not understand what that guy meant by "just another game company", or are you just looking for an argument?


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Bioware fans are the only fanbase I know of that partakes almost exclusively in bashing the company they claim to like.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
I dislike the ending of Mass Effect 3 a great deal. We were promised an ending that would take our choices through the trilogy into account and wouldn't just be an A, B or C choice.

What we got was an ending that took none of our choices into account and was just an A, B or C choice.

However I'm not going to say I'll never buy a Bioware game again, up until that final moment I enjoyed Mass Effect 3 a great deal

What Bioware have lost though is the "buy without question" mentality about their games I used to have. Previously if I owned the platform the game was coming out on then I'd buy the game without even needing to think about it.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2009
In a word: nope.
in a spiel:... well... I was going to rant on about throwing my toys and such but in the end I really don't care. I'm sitting here at uni procrastinating from study and I realise just how little the reasoning behind my answer matters. so nope is all you get =)


New member
Sep 26, 2010
JoesshittyOs said:
Did you really not understand what that guy meant by "just another game company", or are you just looking for an argument?
Ohh I understood, he was implying that Bioware at some point in the past was some "better then most" game company and have no since fallen to a "average" game company.

Secondly I wasn't "looking" for anything. I was just pointing out that Bioware, and all other game companies, are just that, game companies. they never were this "better" company before.

Crazy Zaul

New member
Oct 5, 2010
When that whole thing happened with finding out Bioware were making C&C next and everyone was like 'OMG Bioware might stop making RPGs!' I thought 'Noooooooo' But I hadn't started DA2 yet at the time and now I wouldn't be that bothered if they did change. Whether its EA or their own decision, their games are getting closer to ceasing to be RPGs anyway. Might as well make way for Obsidian and a bunch of smaller devs like CD Project and whatever those guys that made KOA are called. Unless DA3 is actually good (LOL, like that's gonna happen) or they make Jade Empire 2 which is unlikely.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
endtherapture said:
Before ME3 came out, a lot of people said it would be the last Bioware game they ever purchased.

Now...after Dragon Age 2, ME3 and THAT ending, how many of you are actually going to abandon Bioware?

I honestly can't see myself buying anything more from Bioware unless Dragon Age 3 is in the style of Dragon Age Origins, then I'm done.

How about you?
Well if this poll is representative, 30-50% of the Bioware customer base was there for Mass Effect 3.

I voted yes on impulse, but considering the third option, 'never say never', you never know.

I'm running out of game companies, so many I don't want to even touch any more.


New member
Dec 7, 2008
SpaceBat said:
You know, I can't help but find stupid questions like these to be hilarious and somewhat irritating. Why the fuck is everyone so insanely fixated on the fucking ending? Have you not played the rest of the game? I keep hearing people say "Mass Effect 3 was excellent, until that ending. Therefore Mass Effect 3 is a terrible game." and I'm having trouble understanding their line of thought.

It's like people believe that a bad ending always automatically nullifies everything that comes before it for everyone. It doesn't.
I am not done with Bioware (although I haven't played DA2) and if they can dish out the same quality games such as 99% of Mass Effect 3, I see no reason why I should.

The problem is, being the end of not just the game, but the entire Shepard story-arc (and the climax of the whole series building up to this point), the ending needed to be satisfying, if not amazing. It needed to be what the developers promised and sold us on. It needed to be what they advertised it to be. It absolutely failed on every conceivable level and had all the hallmarks of something changed in a hurry at the last minute, poorly thought-out and badly written.

I understand that this was maybe some ironic tribute to Deus-Ex by having an identical set of choices at the end as the old classic forced upon you by a deus ex machina in both the literal and literary sense, but really the customers deserved a lot more effort for their money.

So yes, when the climactic centerpiece of the entire series falls flat this badly, it ruins the entire experience as a whole, and thus not just the game, but the whole trilogy.

So, this makes two horribly disappointing titles back-to-back from Bioware which I've been burned on. There won't be another. They will not likely see another cent from me. I may purchase future titles from them used, but I do not forsee ever buying any more DLC or new games.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
I voted no, though in the unlikely event that the suits at EA stop forcing the Sims mold onto BioWare and let them make games the way they used to, I would.

Of course that's not going to happen and the best we can hope for is the suits to keep pissing off the fan base enough to make the brand name not worth their while, discard whatever talent remains and they in turn start a new studio and make a couple of games before they cash in again.

Conza said:
I'm running out of game companies, so many I don't want to even touch any more.
Haha, tell me about it; BioWare and Blizzard were my two exceptions to the 'Nothing from EA/Ubisoft/Activision brands.' Now there are no exceptions


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Zaul2010 said:
When that whole thing happened with finding out Bioware were making C&C next and everyone was like 'OMG Bioware might stop making RPGs!' I thought 'Noooooooo' But I hadn't started DA2 yet at the time and now I wouldn't be that bothered if they did change. Whether its EA or their own decision, their games are getting closer to ceasing to be RPGs anyway. Might as well make way for Obsidian and a bunch of smaller devs like CD Project and whatever those guys that made KOA are called. Unless DA3 is actually good (LOL, like that's gonna happen) or they make Jade Empire 2 which is unlikely.
Considering the term RPG covers just about every game type in existence they cant be moving away from RPGs.


New member
Sep 25, 2010
Yes, depending on the game I was never into DA so I avoided both of those titles but I loved the ME series so I'm definitely looking to see what they do with any new games.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Mass Effect 3 ending was just the final straw. The game itself was rushed. It needed at least another 6 months in development. Then there was Dragon Age 2, the whole DLC thing Bioware is doing, online passes, multiplayer etc.
Bioware is not the same company it was 5 years ago. They no longer care about making good games, thanks to EA. Now they make games for the "wide audience". EA is gonna bury them to the ground. Which is a stupid thing to do.
EA should have bought them because of the games they used to make not because of their name. Name means nothing once you start making shitty games. And Bioware makes shitty games nowadays, followed by a lot of shitty decisions after the game's been released.
Making them do all those idiotic things is gonna ruin their reputation, which will make gamers lose all respect for them. And eventually people will stop buying Bioware games.
At least Activision has enough sense not to interfere with the work of their best developer (Blizzard).

And the sad thing is, the destruction of Bioware is exactly what has to happen in order for other good developers to understand that no matter what, they can never sell out to EA. Just look at how low the creators of Baldur's Gate and KoTOR have fallen.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Kahunaburger said:
SajuukKhar said:
the term RPG covers just about every game type in existence
So, what do you think RPG means?
A role-playing game (RPG and sometimes roleplaying game) is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting, or through a process of structured decision-making or character development. Actions taken within many games succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines.

That is what a RPG is by definition.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
I lost interest in Mass Effect when it stalled the RPG aspect and said let's make the combat more like every other shooter.

Doesn't mean I condemn them enough to never even glance at another game they make. If it seems like it could at least be interesting, I'll consider it, but if it seems like more drivel, then I don't care.


New member
May 6, 2011
SajuukKhar said:
Kahunaburger said:
SajuukKhar said:
the term RPG covers just about every game type in existence
So, what do you think RPG means?
A role-playing game (RPG and sometimes roleplaying game) is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting, or through a process of structured decision-making or character development. Actions taken within many games succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines.

That is what a RPG is
Hey, guess what overused repeating .gif I get to use again.



New member
Sep 26, 2010
Kahunaburger said:
Hey, guess what overused repeating .gif I get to use again.
How cute, dodging the issue entirely due to a lack of an actual response

How very typical of you, it seems to be your defense to most things.

The only thing that has ever defined what a RPG is is that you are playing a character in a fictional setting and you get to make decisions with you character.

The mode of gameplay be it dice-roll based or more player-skill instead of character skill based like in Skyrim, or if your actions have a meaningful impact on the story has always been irrelevant to the definition.