Poll: Are you finished with Bioware now?


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Well maybe. Not that ME3 had any sort of impact on that because ive yet to play it and ive tried like hell to avoid having it spoiled, though Im confident ME3 will not make a dent if I was to abandon Bioware.

My problem with Bioware is that while they have good writing overall, Many times Im simply not impressed with it due to the overwhelming levels of unmitigated hype people place on it.

What gets me with bioware though is that their gameplay in their games is just awful and unbearably tedious.

Heres my experience with every Bioware game including ToR since ME1.

Lock your party members into place where they do not follow you. Run like hell to the next cut scene trigger, Have party instantly transported to cut scene trigger area, kill off whatever mobs were able to follow you. follow up with victory cut scene. Move to area victory cutscene directs you to, Wash rinse repeat. The writing can be good, but honestly the gameplay is so awful it just gets in the way of what your actually enjoying in the game which is sad because really all your doing is playing an actor in an interactive movie.

So if Bioware keeps structuring their games in that manner, it will not take very much more before I give up on their offerings, because I have a very low threshold for repetitiveness.


New member
May 26, 2010
Depends on whether or not they are willing to fix what amounts to poor writing and execution of the ideas present in the ending. The supposed direction of the ending seems like it could be interesting, but the end result was more of a slap-dash assortment of notes and brainstorming ideas that forewent any proper fleshing out, and therefore are horribly inconsistent with the story and its overall quality, rather than being something as profound as the PR team seems to want to believe or spout. I am often very forgiving of flaws, I criticize though I very rarely complain outright, but I have never come across one terrible flaw such as this that ruined my otherwise pleasant and passionate experience with a series.

I regard Mass Effect 2 to be one of the greatest triumphs in storytelling of this gaming generation, and yet Mass Effect 3, while very good in its own right, until those final 10 minutes or so, commits one of the worst sins of writing by providing an ending that makes little sense, by disregarding the majority of what had led up to that point, and thus leaving glaring gashes of inconsistency that many, including myself, had felt tear right into their gut.

Until the ending is given its proper due care, I will never again buy a Bioware or EA made game, nor will I buy DLC for the game, nor will I play its multiplayer. I play games these days primarily for their story content and characters, and Mass Effect had been for me, up until this point, the best story told of this gaming generation, with some of the most memorable characters I had ever encountered in a game. This is no longer the case.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
endtherapture said:
Especially when this is the second unsatisfactory game from Bioware.
This is the unfortunate truth, they've churned out nothing but pure crap for the last year.

Dragon Age 2, a huge disappointment, infact, completely completely rubbish and pointless.
Mass effect 3, haven't played yet but its on the list, i just refuse to buy it after buying DA2
SWTOR, 6 years for that? for a studio with a long history of success, i wonder what they've been doing for the last few years. Many other developers have produced much better results with alot less money and a hell of a lot less time, SWTOR's biggest selling point is the fact that it is starwars, like galaxies before it, the community will forgive a huge amount of mistakes and failings before calling it a day. So longs Jar Jar doesn't make an appearance I would say there is still some gas in the tank before people run out of patience.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
SajuukKhar said:
romxxii said:
From now on, BioWare is just another game company.
that is what they, and every other game company, have always been.
See, before all this happened, the name Bioware carried something along with it. They weren't just any other game company; they were one of the few that were known for stellar writing.

While Mass Effect 3 still great, the endings have shown me personally that the hype of the Bioware ultimate storytelling experience is far from infallible.

Long story short, honeymoon's over.


New member
Sep 22, 2010
I really don't get the severity of the blacklash. It really seems out of proportion to me. I get not liking the ending to something, be it a novel, movie or vidoe game, and I get being all pissed about it, I don't get starting up a petition (though tying it in with charitable donations was nice), the threatening to sueing, and even boycotting. I'm sorry, at the end of the day did the ending to Mass Effect 3 really cause anyone such emotion distress that they are incapable of normal functioning from here on in? Really? You can't just get over it? That what it seems to have done to some people. And if that's the case than yeah, I really don't get it.


New member
Jan 25, 2011
If they make a good game then sure. As it stands, I'm not terribly interested in any thing they develop. ME2 was a little shaky for me but still servicable. DA2 was more bad than good all up. I haven't played ME3 and I don't plan on it.
Unless they regress back to making games I enjoy, I doubt that I will be playing anything they make in the future.


Silly Deerthing
Feb 13, 2011
I'm not sure were I should vote in the poll above; but this is my logic with EAWare now.

I will no longer support them as a Pre-Order Collectors Edition buyer any more. I'll still consider buying their games, once they drop below $30. Which in most cases will be in 2-3 months anyways.

Radox Redux

New member
Aug 22, 2011
This is my first post on the forums (I think), but I just had to reply to this. I've been 'done' with Bioware since the Dragon Age 1's ending. I had spent that entire game treading the line between getting my two most used characters in the game (Alistair and Morrigan) to both like my character (despite opposing each other), the both dumped me in the ending because I refused to make choices, which completely ignored everything in the game up to that point. I felt as though the entire ending basically undermined the rest of the game, and I was being forced to bend around the characters needs rather than having them develop.

Then Dragon Age II happened. No further elaboration needed. I didn't waste my money on it after playing the demo.l I've never seen a sequel that so studiously targeted and eliminating what made it's predecessor appealing, in my life. It was like the entirety of Bioware had a collective brain hemorrhage.

It was a forgone thing by this point that Mass Effect 3 was the last Bioware game I was going to play (if only to vindicate my purchasing of ME1 + 2). In fairness, I actually thought Mass Effect 3 was pretty good, but I find it disturbing how many lies have been revealed to been told to customers prior to it's release, both concerning the game's story (and ending) and the DLC. (Being forced to download Origin didn't help).

Regardless of ME3 being quite good, I have no investment in any BW games right now, and I don't see any reason to buy any of their future products. There are better RPGs and games in general. So, for the foreseeable future I am indeed done with Bioware. Actually I thought it was just me, and I'm surprised enough people share this viewpoint for it to be 'a thing' as it were.


New member
Mar 16, 2011
Andy Shandy said:
I'm not going to "be finished" with a developer just because of the last 5 minutes of a trilogy, which up until that point I absolutely adored.

As well as that they have Dragon Age as well, and previous titles such as Baldur's Gate and Jade Empire (and even the Sonic RPG was reasonably good) I don't see myself being finished with them anytime soon.
I think WotC owns the right to BG, so I doubt Bioware is making the next one.


New member
Mar 22, 2011
Thread title: are you finished with bioware?
poll question: will you buy a new bioware game?

this has made this poll obsolete as many people i am sure have made the wrong choice.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
Blunderboy said:
Yes I will but I voted no because the way you did the title and the question is stupid.
Pretty much this. Please learn to match them up. As it stands now, the results are invalidated by it.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Honestly, I was done with them before. I'd played some of their bigger titles over the years like KOTOR and Mass Effect and honestly I was never that impressed with any of them. Stellar universes and back stories (though to credit them for that in KOTOR would be a bit silly), but they're always paired with mediocre writing, terrible plots with cliched twists all on top of mediocre gameplay. Frankly, I'd found their titles to not be worth my money and time after the original Mass Effect.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
Stealthfighterx said:
Andy Shandy said:
I'm not going to "be finished" with a developer just because of the last 5 minutes of a trilogy, which up until that point I absolutely adored.

As well as that they have Dragon Age as well, and previous titles such as Baldur's Gate and Jade Empire (and even the Sonic RPG was reasonably good) I don't see myself being finished with them anytime soon.
I think WotC owns the right to BG, so I doubt Bioware is making the next one.
It's not so much about the next Baldur's Gate, but that they have a good track record which includes the previous Baldur's Gate titles.


New member
Jul 27, 2011
Unless they turn a complete 180* with both their customer service and games, I don't see myself buying much Bioware merchandise in the future.

The customer support for many of their games is ATROCIOUS, but the one that stands out is SW:TOR. They shut people out, didn't answer vital questions and were just plain rude and obnoxious to the community.

From the gaming side, they've dug themselves into a neat little niche. They seem themselves as "The RPG Guys", but really don't have much elese to offer. Yes, ME3 was a pretty good game by itself, but its combat was LITERALLY a copy-paste from ME2, no new abilities were added (Apart from the DLC Character, which you have to fork out an extra $10 for), combos work the same and it gets extrmeley repetitive after a while.

Every mission is push your way through waves of weak troops, then add a little bit fromt he next tier, then combine a fwe tiers of difficulty and then at the end have you "big bad" (Banshee, ATLAS or Prime), with a few small troops. That's on the Instanity difficulty, it doesn't present much of a challenge.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
romxxii said:
See, before all this happened, the name Bioware carried something along with it. They weren't just any other game company; they were one of the few that were known for stellar writing.

While Mass Effect 3 still great, the endings have shown me personally that the hype of the Bioware ultimate storytelling experience is far from infallible.

Long story short, honeymoon's over.
No.. it really didn't.

Bioware's name never carried anything beyond the nostalgia love that the fans had for their past games.

Bioware really hasn't changed, nor has their writing gotten worse.

The only thing that has changed are the people playing their games in that they have been allowed to stew in their nostalgia for longer and longer and thus with each progressive game they appear to get worse only because people nostalgia love for their past games grows more and more.


Silly Deerthing
Feb 13, 2011
SajuukKhar said:
No.. it really didn't.

Bioware's name never carried anything beyond the nostalgia love that the fans had for their past games.

Bioware really hasn't changed, nor has their writing gotten worse.

The only thing that has changed are the people playing their games in that they have been allowed to stew in their nostalgia for longer and longer and thus with each progressive game they appear to get worse only because people nostalgia love for their past games grows more and more.
In short; just say that you are trying invalidate his opinion by your own better-then-thou opinion.

Every game has its own set of issues, but BioWare games used to be better over-all. (again - just an opinion shared by many-many others).


New member
Feb 12, 2010
I don't think I'll abandon BioWare entirely, but they've seen the last of my pre-orders.
I will not pre-order any BioWare game, I will not pay release day prices either.

This is what BioWare has done by releasing stuff that betrays or angers the fanbase. Yes, they have my money for ME3, but in doing so they've damaged my trust that BioWare is going to put out something I want. I didn't like the things I had heard about DA2, and I'm glad I ended up never buying it. I really enjoyed the hell out of the majority of ME3. If I had enjoyed the last bit that I really thought was dumb, then BioWare would likely be getting DLC and pre-order money from me.