Poll: Are you finished with Bioware now?


New member
Jul 1, 2011
I was never really started with them to begin with. I liked DA: Origins, and the first Mass Effect, but I've never really played anything else that they've done. I'm perfectly willing to give any new IP they come up with a try, although all this backlash against ME has made me reluctant to finish those games.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
I will probably still buy Bioware games but I am not a fan as such, I buy them because I enjoy playing quite a few of their games they tend to offer a solid experience rarely disappointing and rarely exceptional. They do seem to want to make action games instead of RPGS though these days but I can accept that.

The only thing I dont like about Bioware now is the ugly EA logo on the box I really hate that company (since 1990) and anything with its logo makes me think twice, dont know why but it actually makes me feel slightly nauseas when I see their logo at the start of a game.


New member
Jul 9, 2011
You know, I can't help but find stupid questions like these to be hilarious and somewhat irritating. Why the fuck is everyone so insanely fixated on the fucking ending? Have you not played the rest of the game? I keep hearing people say "Mass Effect 3 was excellent, until that ending. Therefore Mass Effect 3 is a terrible game." and I'm having trouble understanding their line of thought.

It's like people believe that a bad ending always automatically nullifies everything that comes before it for everyone. It doesn't.
I am not done with Bioware (although I haven't played DA2) and if they can dish out the same quality games such as 99% of Mass Effect 3, I see no reason why I should.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
You're only as good as your last title.

And from what I reckon, ME3 was pretty damn good. [sub][sub]Apart from you know what.[/sub][/sub]


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Ah! I misvoted because the subject line didn't match with the poll question!

Not done with Bioware. They made a game that was awesome all the way through and only messed up in the last 5 minutes.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
I'm not going to "be finished" with a developer just because of the last 5 minutes of a trilogy, which up until that point I absolutely adored.

As well as that they have Dragon Age as well, and previous titles such as Baldur's Gate and Jade Empire (and even the Sonic RPG was reasonably good) I don't see myself being finished with them anytime soon.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Mafoobula said:
Even if it's free, the next couple games Bioware makes would have to be pretty spectacular to restore enough of my faith in them to make up for ME3.
Even if it's free it wouldn't make a difference anymore. They are now fully assimilated into EA.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
sanquin said:
If it brings out what looks like a good game I will still buy it. But I will start to question their games a lot more now. With mass effect, dragon age and C&C I bought their games no question.

Then came SWTOR, C&C4, and now ME3...so yea, gonna question whether their game really is worth it a lot more from now on.
C&C has nothing to do with BioWare. Furthermore, it's an RTS, which is a genre BioWare has not come close to. Why you bring it up, I don't know.

OT: BioWare is and has almost always been overhyped. Maybe with the exception of Baldur's Gate, the rest of their games are the next best thing since sliced bread, if you listen to people. They are good but not that good. And have never been on that sort of level.

But now they are suddenly flamed to hell for no good reason. I have tried no to spoil the ending of ME3 for myself but I can tell it's not going to be as bad as people make it out to be. Why? Because they love overhyping stuff.

Gamers in particular seem to be quite vocal about hating something but not so active about it. [insert pic about the boycott of MW2 or whatever it was] I don't suppose you have any idea how often I've heard that people will stop buying X's games over a perceived fault (and a variation - they would unsubscribe if it was a MMO, for example) - well, I've heard it a lot. And I don't suppose how often I hear "I'm not getting game blah because I promised I won't be buyng X's games" - well, the exact opposite of "a lot". I'm starting to wander if the "I'm taking my business elsewhere" threat isn't just a different way of saying "I found a slight displeasure in something".

As Phlakes said, it's just a fad. I'll try to repost the same poll a month from now to see if the results will differ.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
endtherapture said:
Before ME3 came out, a lot of people said it would be the last Bioware game they ever purchased.

Now...after Dragon Age 2, ME3 and THAT ending, how many of you are actually going to abandon Bioware?

I honestly can't see myself buying anything more from Bioware unless Dragon Age 3 is in the style of Dragon Age Origins, then I'm done.

How about you?
I am certain That it will take a lot more than Hype and good word of mouth for me to purchase another Bioware game, I will certainly not be buying anything they make on release date like I did with ME3, it has been the only time Ive broken my rule of not buying on release date, and I suffered for it.

So yeah, I wont be BUYING anything with their name on it, until Ive gotten the chance to experience it completely to my satisfaction.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
How about instead of being 'done' with Bioware or anything so over-dramatic, we just stop convincing ourselves that every game they make is going to be gaming Nirvana before it even comes out, only to set ourselves up for inevitable nerd rage when they don't live up to expectations all the time. I know this is a problem with all fandom, but why do we seem to do this with Bioware more than any other?

I will continue to buy Bioware games whenever their premise interests me. I will continue to enjoy them so long as the majority of what I play is good (which has so far proved to be true for every game of theirs that I've played, in my opinion), and for the few parts that disappoint me I will continue to accept that it is not the end of the world!

If they really have alienated you that much then by all means, boycott them. I'm just making the observation that I haven't seen this much fan-rage since Episode 1. Yes, DA2 was unpolished to say the least and ME3's ending left a lot to be desired, but anyone would think Casey Hudson had come round all our houses and taken a shit in our pillowcase from all the bile. It can't be good for our blood-pressure you know.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
I'm giving them half a chance for DA3. I didn't hate DA2 like most people did, in fact I liked it. However the travesty that is the ME3 ending shall not go ignored.

SpaceBat said:
You know, I can't help but find stupid questions like these to be hilarious and somewhat irritating. Why the fuck is everyone so insanely fixated on the fucking ending? Have you not played the rest of the game? I keep hearing people say "Mass Effect 3 was excellent, until that ending. Therefore Mass Effect 3 is a terrible game." and I'm having trouble understanding their line of thought.

It's like people believe that a bad ending always automatically nullifies everything that comes before it for everyone. It doesn't.
I am not done with Bioware (although I haven't played DA2) and if they can dish out the same quality games such as 99% of Mass Effect 3, I see no reason why I should.
The problem is when a game has a shit ending it negates most of the replay value. I wanted to replay ME1 and ME2 as soon as I was done with them. I wanted to see how things played out if I made different choices. With ME3 I've seen that all the outcomes are shit. There is no point to play again when I have the choice between smelly pile of shit a b or c.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
Mass Effect 2 remains my favorite game ever. Mass Effect is third. Almost all their other games are high up on my favorites list. It's too soon to say where ME3 stands, but I think it would also be top 5 material if not for the ending. It was 99.9% an outstanding game.

I voted "It depends on what their next big game is".


New member
Jul 29, 2011
ME3 didn't "kill" my view of BioWare.

Aside from 5 bad minutes the rest of it is a solid game.

But saying that, and as i've said before, after Dragon Age 2, SW:TOR and then that last 5 minutes of ME3 .... it's highly unlikely I will be buying anything else by them on release.

I'll wait a month or so and see what gets said about a game before purchase.


New member
May 13, 2010
Just buy all future Bioware games used from Gamestop, then watch the DLC online. Problem solved.


New member
Feb 13, 2011
Your thread title and poll question are worded differently so I accidentally voted wrong. But, no I'm not done with Bioware. As long as they keep making games I enjoy why shouldn't I keep buying from them. I loved Mass Effect 3 from beginning to end, even with the lose threads in those endings.

And, I actually liked Dragon Age 2. Dragon Age 2 was really a great improvement in many was from Dragon Age: Origins. It just needed more time on it's development cycle to clean up all the bugs, recycled dungeons, and a little longer final act.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2009
I was done the very second someone at Bioware put their pen to an EA contract. EA destroys developers and their IPs. It's not even like Bioware will actually be Bioware in 12 months times, Ea will own the studio name and IPs and the actual devs will be somewhere else.