sanquin said:
If it brings out what looks like a good game I will still buy it. But I will start to question their games a lot more now. With mass effect, dragon age and C&C I bought their games no question.
Then came SWTOR, C&C4, and now yea, gonna question whether their game really is worth it a lot more from now on.
C&C has nothing to do with BioWare. Furthermore, it's an RTS, which is a genre BioWare has not come close to. Why you bring it up, I don't know.
OT: BioWare is and has almost always been overhyped. Maybe with the exception of Baldur's Gate, the rest of their games are the next best thing since sliced bread, if you listen to people. They are good but not that good. And have never been on that sort of level.
But now they are suddenly flamed to hell for no good reason. I have tried no to spoil the ending of ME3 for myself but I can tell it's not going to be as bad as people make it out to be. Why? Because they love overhyping stuff.
Gamers in particular seem to be quite vocal about hating something but not so active about it. [insert pic about the boycott of MW2 or whatever it was] I don't suppose you have any idea how often I've heard that people will stop buying X's games over a perceived fault (and a variation - they would unsubscribe if it was a MMO, for example) - well, I've heard it
a lot. And I don't suppose how often I hear "I'm not getting game blah because I promised I won't be buyng X's games" - well, the exact opposite of "a lot". I'm starting to wander if the "I'm taking my business elsewhere" threat isn't just a different way of saying "I found a slight displeasure in something".
Phlakes said, it's just a fad. I'll try to repost the same poll a month from now to see if the results will differ.