Poll: Are you finished with Bioware now?


New member
Nov 5, 2010
I can't actually say No because they might make a good game down the line that I'll take the time to play. Unfortunately, RTS games isn't one of them.

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
I never abandon a developer just because they make some stupid decisions or release some poor games. I will always view each game they come out with objectively. I am not going to punish them for their past.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
Phlakes said:
A couple weeks from now, once the dust settles, Bioware will still be Bioware. If you've been on the internet for any amount of time, you should know that this happens after every single game they release- fans rage, threaten they'll never buy another Bioware game again, and then a year or two later they have the next one preordered.

It's almost like they're being irrational and caught in an angry mob. What a thought.
Except me. I said a year ago that I was buying ME3 to finish the trilogy and then I was cutting ties. I'm sticking to that. Besides, there are far too many games to buy these days, my wallet will thank me.


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
Not sure. Only have a couple really minor problems with ME3 so far, and I am having a great time with the game (but, I am only 10 hours in, so the ending might change my mind). But, many of their more recent stuff has been rather uninteresting to me. If they make something that interests me, I might buy it, but otherwise, I will probably pick them up years later when they are $20, if at all.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Depends. I loved Mass Effect 3. Best Game I've played in years. Hell, I loved the entire series. But I couldn't give a fuck about the ending even if I tried. Story's over, moving on. I've got better things to do.

If I'm interested in whatever game (and the cash is available) then I'll try it out. Don't care who made it. Everything it fair game.

Matt King

New member
Mar 15, 2010
abandon bioware for making imo the best game ever made FUCK THAT SHIT
i don't like the ending but ehh i ignore it cus of how fucking amazing the game is


New member
Jul 5, 2009
I have every intention of getting more Bioware games, because unlike every fucker on the interent, I found Mass Effect 3 to be an incredibly great game, with an poor ending. So I don't judge the entire experience on how it ended. It just means when I replay ME3, I won't finish it. Like I did with Fallout 3. And Skyrim. And the MW game. And so many other games that were good but the endings weren't what I would have liked.

Bece I'm not a whinging *****.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
That depends, they said that they've got something planned with Mass Effect 3 that will make us "want to hold on to our games forever." If you ask me it's do or die time.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
hahahaha come on people, get over yourselves. i have seen so many forums of people making similar threads about every company under the sun. despite what they claim in the thread, the result is always the same. this will be the last game they buy from said company...until the next game comes out. then THAT game will be the last game they buy from said company. ill be looking forward to a thread just like this to pop up after dragon age 3 comes out, or the next mass effect game comes out. most people seemed to really like the majority of mass effect 3 and seemed to really enjoy mass effect 1 and 2. yet despite this, these same people claim they will never get a bioware game again because of the ending? "i really hated just one thing about the final game in the trilogy, thus bioware sucks and could never be redeemed." you people are silly. i havent held bioware in particularly high regard, since the days of baldurs gate 2, but im not going to just stop buying them, because im reasonable enough to realize that, while i have disliked some aspects of their games, the majority of their games have enough good things going for them that i can honestly say to myself that the game was worth playing in spite of its flaws


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Depends on their next game. If it's Dragon Age-y, definitely not. Dragon age was a huge pain in the ass for me.


New member
May 23, 2010
I voted no. I don't base that on the quality of their games, I'm pretty sure I'd still love ME3(didn't get it) and I can forgive DA2(ok, not really). I simply hate how they handle DLC(no, I don't care about first day-DLC). I hate that to get absolutely EVERYTHING you need to pre-order the game, buy figurines, buy books and of course buy all the normal DLC that they'll put out. This would be okay if I expected them to put out a complete edition someday, but I'm not expecting one since ME2 didn't get one.

Mister Six

New member
Aug 16, 2010
Done with them? Not by a long shot. Done buying their games? Oh hell yes. From now on their games are rent only until they've re-earned my trust. Doesn't matter if this "The Truth" DLC is like the second coming of Christ, even if its free, Bethesda pulled this same exact bullshit and then put-out Broken Steel, I'm tired of getting products that are sent out obviously missing parts or having the end game go to shit and then the Devs thinking they can put stuff out to fix, let alone charge us for this fix.

The fact that I've been a fan of theirs for so long is the only reason I'm giving them the chance to earn my trust again, otherwise I'd have dropped all interest like I did with Terry Goodkind.


I'm anticipating DmC. Flame me.
Jul 23, 2008
I absolutely loved Mass Effect 3. And I liked Dragon Age II as well.
So no, I am definitely not done with Bioware. I probably won't buy their Command and Conquer game because I just have no interest in that series, but I'll definitely follow their next RPG universe.

And I maintain that the idea behind the ME3 endings was brilliant. Implementation sucked ass, but the concept was great.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
I love the Dragon Age world and lore so i doubt i'll be able to resist Dragon Age 3.

Hoping for the best but expecting the worst at this point.


New member
Oct 7, 2009
ME3's ending was basically as disappointing as Deus Ex. However, the games themselves were still really well done, and I'd argue ME3 is possibly the best of the series (ending excluded). Dragon Age 2 was still a far greater let down, and I can't say I'm done with them. If they release more games that are just fundamentally as mediore as Dragon Age 2 was, then we'll talk, but for now, I can forgive ME3.


Desdinova's Successor
Feb 3, 2009
Not unless the next game they make is a Jade Empire sequel. If it's anything else, then yeah, I'm done. Mass Effect 3's ending was the penultimate nail in BioWare's coffin. The only way they can successfully redeem themselves is by actually following up on that masterpiece that was Jade Empire We deserve that much.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Of course I'll play Bioware games. DA:O, DA2, KOTOR, ME1, 2, and most of 3. And, while they've lost a lot of faith with me, I still want to see how Dragon Age runs. Though, it'll take some interesting offers for me not to buy used.


New member
May 13, 2009
Pumpkin_Eater said:
Your thread title and poll question are mismatched. I misvoted after reading the thread title.

Mass Effect 3 was unforgivable. Bioware is like the zombie of a loved one, it's for the best if it gets put down.
I agree Bioware has been operating in zombie mode since 2007 churning out its soulless spawn.

SL33TBL1ND said:
You're kidding right? You swapped the questions in the poll? Imma say 50% of the no's were miss-clicks.
Yeah but so where half the yeses so it balances out.