Poll: Are you finished with Bioware now?


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
You're kidding right? You swapped the questions in the poll? Imma say 50% of the no's were miss-clicks.

Anyway, I don't understand the backlash against the ending. The DLC thing is kinda suss, but I don't really care that much. I never liked/finished an ME game before anyway.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
Of course not, Bioware makes some of the best games in the business and sust because they really dropped the ball on the ending to one of my favorite series is no reason to give up on the company.

Besides, I believe the real problem was EA. From my understanding, the ending was meant to be much longer and more intricate, but EA pushed Bioware into developing the multiplayer and kinect functionality instead. The current ending (everything after the laser) was cobbled together from the original.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
SL33TBL1ND said:
You're kidding right? You swapped the questions in the poll? Imma say 50% of the no's were miss-clicks.

Anyway, I don't understand the backlash against the ending. The DLC thing is kinda suss, but I don't really care that much. I never liked/finished an ME game before anyway.
To be fair, 50% of the yesses were also probably miss-clicks. That just means it's a shitty poll.

As far as the subject of the poll, No, I'm not done with Bioware, but I am done with posts by whiny babies who can't handle any ending other that, "...and they lived happily ever after." Make no mistake, all of the complaints I've read are people saying, "I wanted to win and save the galaxy and lead the parade like Jar-Jar at the end of The Phantom Menace. Grow up!

Sexy Devil

New member
Jul 12, 2010
Pumpkin_Eater said:
endtherapture said:
Pumpkin_Eater said:
endtherapture said:
There were a lot of other problems with ME 3's story, but I'll agree with pretty much any fan pitched ending being better than the actual one.
They could've done literally anything, my favourite theory was using the Citadel to reconfigure the Mass Relays to somehow launch the Reapers into the Galactic core, where they stay forever.

What we got was just depressing and illogical. Any MacGuffin would have been better than that.
As weak as the Reapers were portrayed during ME 3's game play and in the codex, the Citadel fleet could have just blown them all up. Apparently now 4 comparably sized Alliance ships can down a Reaper with focused fire.
Sovereign was using the Citadel as cover so that nobody could get a clear shot without killing massive amounts of civilians, that's why it was wrecking the Citadel fleet so badly.

To answer the OP, depends. If I like what I see then I'll buy their other games, if not then I won't bother. Same as usual. Not going to let 10 minutes of a 30 hour game and a sequel that we all knew was bad before buying it ruin that.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
Recent Bioware Games:
Mass Effect 1: Loved everything about it
Mass Effect 2: Loved the first time round, after that it got boring thanks to the crappy cover based combat. DLC added some interesting stuff to it with LotSB though.
DA:O: Loved everything about it
DA2: Combat was bad due to its inconsistency (Sometimes my guy would do the Origins thing of auto attack once I ordered him to, other times he'd force me to spam click to fight) - the poorly designed encounters (Spawning in waves of enemies is really cheap and bad, and when all those enemies have moderate to high health, at least 2 buff their allies constantly and all knock you back every time they hit you - and there's at least 6 of these things - that's not a challenge. That's just annoying) and other small discrepancies (Crappy Boss fights: All turned into a swarm of enemies attacking you with one powerful enemy attacking you or flying away and sitting on a rock shooting fireballs at you among other problems). The world was tiny, and that annoyed me. The art style was terrible IMO, and ruined the darkspawn and undead and Flemeth. Qunari looked better - at least the Arishok did - but most just looked too cartoony for my liking (Not just talking about textures, but animations too. Watch the undead walking - they look retarded, and most Qunari other than the Arishok just look... urg). Story was all right, but anything interesting in it lasted about 15 minutes before it was shoved off screen for the next big thing, and the end fights felt really forced (What happened with Meredith I'll accept - she was nuts. Orsino though... I was fighting alongside him, the templar's had barely even made it into the room, they were getting their asses kicked, and he somehow turned into a harvester - something that used to be a crazy scary thing that you never really knew how it was made, except by strange magic deep in Amgarrak, but now is just something apparently any mage can conjure up). An alright game apart from these things, and I loved the inclusion of party members into your conversations, but otherwise Bleh.
ME3: Awesome and fun, the ending was all that let it down - and it REALLY let it down, though not so much as to ruin the whole game (It tainted it, but not destroyed it).

So yeah. I'll enjoy new Bioware games. Thus far they've made one mistake in my books recently, and a couple of minor mistakes in other games, but overall I'm still enjoying their games.

Flailing Escapist

New member
Apr 13, 2011
I'm done with buying new games from Bioware. If I did it would have to be highly recommended by my friends because I really don't trust reviews of Bioware (or EA) games anymore. Maybe most game reviewers and I just have different tastes.

I returned DA2 about 2 months after it came out and I'm seriously considering doing the same with ME3. I can easily find games I enjoy (or at least don't hate) more that this, even after being a fan of the ME series since the beginning =/


New member
Sep 11, 2007
Pumpkin_Eater said:
Your thread title and poll question are mismatched. I misvoted after reading the thread title.

Mass Effect 3 was unforgivable. Bioware is like the zombie of a loved one, it's for the best if it gets put down.
What he said about the poll question. I miss-voted as well.

And yes, I, unlike most BioWare fans, enjoyed Mass Effect 3. Commercially, it is a juggernaut. And you know what? It's fun. The multiplayer is well-made, and a total blast, and the single-player had a lot of tear-jerking and intimate moments that made me both happy and sad.

I don't get why people are making such a big stink about this game. I mean, I've run into a fair share of bugs that made me wish they tested it longer, but the game is fucking amazing. Get off your white horses, we have a sci-fi epic large enough to challenge Star Wars, and it's something that was birthed entirely from the gaming industry. That is a feat no matter how you slice it, and I think folks need to just calm down and see the big picture for once.

Can we, as gamers, stop being jaded for just a moment? I think we'd be much happier for it.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Any answer other than the last answer is the wrong answer.

You should never say that you'll buy the next game from a developer without the name of the game even being released, nor should you close yourself off to a developer just because their latest game in a now-closed series happened to be shit.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
Hitchmeister said:
Make no mistake, all of the complaints I've read are people saying, "I wanted to win and save the galaxy and lead the parade like Jar-Jar at the end of The Phantom Menace. Grow up!
You obviously haven't been reading many complaints then have you:
-Plot Holes
-Disregards players previous choices almost entirely
-Is not what the Devs promised us
-Massive Deus Ex Machina
-No options that many Shepards would pick (Where is a 'Stuff you' option, where he lets the fleets engage the Reapers, and hopefully win)
-Forced destruction of Relays in some endings (Control, why do the Relays blow up?)
-No context as to what happens to the universe after your choice
-Shepard survives a Reaper beam to the face, whilst previously a Reaper beam from a destroyer (About 1/5 of the size of Harbinger - the Reaper that shoots you with its more powerful beam) would kill you if you were anywhere near it

Ask a lot of people and they would be more than happy for it to be required for Shepard to die in the end, just so long as all the other problems are fixed. Make a bittersweet ending if you want, but make it well at least.


Trapped inside a Game.
Sep 30, 2009
Pumpkin_Eater said:
"small snip"
Mass Effect 3 was unforgivable. Bioware is like the zombie of a loved one, it's for the best if it gets put down.

Basically, being dissapointed by sequels to two of my favorite games is a very big sign here. I won't be foold again into buying another one of their games.


New member
Sep 11, 2010
well the mass effect series is over and dragon age is going down hill into the ground. so yeah unless they announced kotor 3 or jade empire 2 yeah were done


New member
Sep 24, 2010
I currently have a unopened copy of mass effect 3 sitting on my desk. I pre-ordered after getting confirmation from Bioware forums that it would not use origin unless I bought a digital copy or chose to add it. This was a lie.
I have no interest in purchasing anything from then and quite frankly i am disappointing in myself for making this purchase, In the future i plan to shun them like the plague.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
can't wait till the next Bioware game and every one that says their done, buys it and starts bitching about it on the forums XD

but in answer to your question, I was never 'in love' with Bioware to begin with, they got kind of a hit and miss record with me (DA:O, win. ME1, to boring for me to care. KoToR, see ME1. ToR, I like) so no, I'm not done with them, sides, Atlus makes better games anyway :p


Wrote Some Words
Jul 16, 2009
It's too soon to tell, I'm still hoping (that is hoping, unfortunatly not expecting) some amazing and clever move where the "real" ending wil play out over time with DLC and/or patches.

If it doesn't, then I'm not going to be able to trust them to deliver on a story, yes I might play a mindless shooter they develop... but Bioware doesn't really develop them, they do stories. And if their writing standards really have fallen as far as Mass Effect 3's ending... sorry, I can find better writing elsewhere and I can go to Call of Duty for fun mechanics. Two months from now, there will be three parts of Mass Effect I remember: the end of a certain sub-plot, a moment where a certain character's level of badass goes so far off the scale that it needs a telescops to see even Shepard's pitiful amount of badassery... and the ending of the game. This means that whenever I look at the box(/steam page) of a Bioware game in the future I'll be thinking "yeah, this story will be a hell of a journey... but I don't think I want the sour taste it'll leave at the end.

Of course, if they do perform an amazing feat with ending DLC then make us pay for it, EA will die. Yes, gamers are famous for raging furiously, frothing at our collective mouths before quietly buying the next game out despite our threats of boycott, but everyone has their limit. If EA (maybe other companies coud survive it, but I mean EA specifically with their current - if arguablly incorrect - reputation as greedy, exploititive bastards) makes us pay extra for the end of a game we've bought, they will go bankrupt after their next realease (when maybe one person buys it).


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
I will give them one more chance, but only ONE more chance.

They screwed DA2 for me and killed my Mass Effect 3 ending for me.

I mean even if they do release a new ending or DLC ending I will still only give them one more chance before I don't trust them anymore.


Tank Ninja
Feb 19, 2006
Will you ever play a Bioware Game again?
Of course, I replay Baldur's Gate I, II, SC and TOB sometimes once a year. Though I suspect you meant new Bioware games.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Phlakes said:
A couple weeks from now, once the dust settles, Bioware will still be Bioware. If you've been on the internet for any amount of time, you should know that this happens after every single game they release- fans rage, threaten they'll never buy another Bioware game again, and then a year or two later they have the next one preordered.

It's almost like they're being irrational and caught in an angry mob. What a thought.

Pretty much this.

I haven't even played the game yet. I'm waiting for a friend to totally finish so's I can borrow it =P. However, it sounds like the game was stellar up until the ending. The ending is an important detail, but a bad one does not undo all the good before it.

Also, I really liked Dragon Age II... so much in fact that I barely noticed the flaws until everyone else nicely pointed them out to me. So, I'm probably just blind... or weird... or something.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
I was in the same pool that unless ME3 was amazing I was never buying another Bioware game.
and I'm willing to stick to my guns. No Dragon Age 3, No Mass Effect 4, No KotOR 3/4 whatever. I'm done.

Marcus Kehoe

New member
Mar 18, 2011
Bioware has lost a lot of credit but they still have not made a bad game, only good and above one's. Bioware just dragged it's feet with ME3 and wasted the potiental of a truly great game to make an above average game.