Recent Bioware Games:
Mass Effect 1: Loved everything about it
Mass Effect 2: Loved the first time round, after that it got boring thanks to the crappy cover based combat. DLC added some interesting stuff to it with LotSB though.
DA:O: Loved everything about it
DA2: Combat was bad due to its inconsistency (Sometimes my guy would do the Origins thing of auto attack once I ordered him to, other times he'd force me to spam click to fight) - the poorly designed encounters (Spawning in waves of enemies is really cheap and bad, and when all those enemies have moderate to high health, at least 2 buff their allies constantly and all knock you back every time they hit you - and there's at least 6 of these things - that's not a challenge. That's just annoying) and other small discrepancies (Crappy Boss fights: All turned into a swarm of enemies attacking you with one powerful enemy attacking you or flying away and sitting on a rock shooting fireballs at you among other problems). The world was tiny, and that annoyed me. The art style was terrible IMO, and ruined the darkspawn and undead and Flemeth. Qunari looked better - at least the Arishok did - but most just looked too cartoony for my liking (Not just talking about textures, but animations too. Watch the undead walking - they look retarded, and most Qunari other than the Arishok just look... urg). Story was all right, but anything interesting in it lasted about 15 minutes before it was shoved off screen for the next big thing, and the end fights felt really forced (What happened with Meredith I'll accept - she was nuts. Orsino though... I was fighting alongside him, the templar's had barely even made it into the room, they were getting their asses kicked, and he somehow turned into a harvester - something that used to be a crazy scary thing that you never really knew how it was made, except by strange magic deep in Amgarrak, but now is just something apparently any mage can conjure up). An alright game apart from these things, and I loved the inclusion of party members into your conversations, but otherwise Bleh.
ME3: Awesome and fun, the ending was all that let it down - and it REALLY let it down, though not so much as to ruin the whole game (It tainted it, but not destroyed it).
So yeah. I'll enjoy new Bioware games. Thus far they've made one mistake in my books recently, and a couple of minor mistakes in other games, but overall I'm still enjoying their games.