Poll: Are you happy with your weight?


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
As many others in the world, I decided for New Years that I would revamp my efforts to become less of a fatty (I've always done little things before that but now I actually have a plan and a calorie counter thingy and whatnot).

I used to be a real fat kid. I'm about 5'9" (175 CM) and weighted about 240 (108 KG) pounds or so throughout high school and college. It was not pretty but in my defense...college cafeteria is always a buffet!!! NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM!!!!!

Since then, I have become slightly less of a fatty (but still a fatty) over the last few years. As of last week (my weight-in time), I weighted 206 pounds and am hoping to eventually get to my "Healthy" weight (according to the chart at the Doctor's office) of 170 pounds.

I now use my calorie counter app each day and have started running. There are also a few exercise classes I go to.

So tell me Escapist members, are you happy with your weight? Any good tips for your fellow fatties, skinnies, or supermodels? I swear we won't judge :D

EDIT: Apologies for those who already voted but I figured I'll hit this before the thread builds. I've added "I am a good weight but do not like my physique". Assuming I actually know what physique means, it means that you are "technically" a healthy weight but you are not built the way you want (so a skinny person wants more muscle, your ass is way too big for you, you have a "beer gut" even though you're at a good weight, etc.)


New member
Jun 30, 2012
Yes, I have a good weight. Could maybe even be heavier... My real problem is I lost a lot of weight awhile back really fast and still have too much skin around my belly and other places >.>

I think I just have to wait until it goes away, but for now I'm just focusing on lifting weights and doing situps to try and fill out

Bravo Company

New member
Feb 21, 2010
I'm pleased with my weight, I'm ~6' and weight 155 lbs with a slightly toned body, been doing 50 pushups and 100 situps a day to maintain muscle.

It is soccer season, which means playing soccer for about 3 hours a day, which leads to me eating a disturbingly large amount of food a day.


New member
Jan 20, 2014
I'm pretty happy with my weight. Wouldn't mind gaining muscle mass though, not really sure how to do it correctly though. Always end up getting confused from what I should be focusing on, how long I should be doing a particular exercise, if I'm doing it right and so on.

Be great to have a fitness coach/personal trainer to help me understand it all, but I don't have the money to make that a reality. Ah well, hopefully I'll figure it out soon.


Elite Member
Feb 22, 2012
I'm not sure any of these describe my current feelings accurately.

I'm a healthy weight, never been overweight, but I could stand to lose a few pounds following the festive over-indulgence and generally getting a bit sloppy with my diet during the winter (always happens), but I know I can do that easily, and have in fact lost a bit already. I'd also like to get back into the gym and regain some muscle (it's fallen by the wayside due to final year of university stress and workload), but I'll probably have to wait a bit for that.

Over the last year I've finally properly embraced the fact that I'll never be "skinny" (I'm female, if that wasn't clear), as it's just not the way I'm made. Even when I'm in incredible shape and at my lowest weight, my legs in particular will always look a bit chunky compared to, say, my sister's. Thankfully I've now got to the point where I can say I honestly don't care :)

EDIT: I should probably add that I'm 5'7 and my weight fluctuates between about 144 and 154 lbs. I'm always a lot heavier than I look - when I got down to 140 once, people genuinely thought I was ill.


New member
May 18, 2011
I'm one of those lucky gits who can eat a whole ox and stay skinny. So I suppose I could say I'm happy with my weight.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
I'm self conscious about my gut. I really should work off these unnecessary pounds while I'm still young enough to care. <_<


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat šŸ
Mar 31, 2010
I'm 5'9' and weigh around 58 kg (128 pounds) so in the ideal world I'd rather be a little heavier, but only if that extra weight was muscle. I'm fairly happy as I am really, I naturally have a slender frame and my body looks pretty good, I'm just about in the 'healthy' weight zone by BMI.


New member
May 14, 2010
I've pretty much always weighed more than I'd like. I tend to eat pretty healthy and balanced meals, but soda is my real downfall. I did get a heavy bag set up in my garage over Christmas so I'm trying to do boxing workouts regularly. That coupled with the sports I play is helping a bit, but I seem to gain muscle and never loose fat.

Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010
I'm generally happy with my weight. I'm still a size 4 or 6, depending on who makes the clothes, which is nice. But I could really do with a little more up top. Lingerie shopping for me is a lot like taking your 10 year-old cousin: more about humouring hopes and dreams than any actual need.

Mr Fixit

New member
Oct 22, 2008
I'm about 6'1" & currently I right about 240 pounds, but it's not a flabby 240, I'm very solid with plenty of muscle. I do have a but of a gut which I am working on. I'd love to get down to 220, but if I went any lower I would begin to look too thin.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
I may be slightly underweight but I'm happy enough - content at least. Which is good because I'm convinced I will be this weight forever. I have barely gained or lost anything in the past 5 years! My superpower is my stubborn metabolism - I can stuff my face unceasingly or workout like a maniac and NOTHING will happen!

It's kinda handy to not have to ever think about it or worry about it ever, but it's eerie at the same time 0.0

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
Kind of.

I recently lost just over a stone (about 18 pounds or so) of "relationship weight" and went down a dress size so I'm happier than I was.
Just from walking more and eating better food, I wasn't weighing myself constantly or anything.

I wouldn't mind losing a bit more but I'm quite tall for a girl (5'7"/5'8"ish) and I have a decent shape so I don't think I carry it badly, it's mostly my tummy that bothers me.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I try to hold in my stomach so I look a bit thinner than I actually am.

Current weight is 94.8 kilogram. I sorta chubbed up from when I was 88 kilogram a few years back. I'm not fat, just kind of flabby.
I don't exactly know my height, it's been ages since I last measured it, but it's over 1.90 cm.

I remember when I still had a subtle sixpack back in high school. *sigh*


New member
Dec 9, 2010
Exercise 4-5 times a week and eat healthy, so yeah I'm happy with my weight (although I am trying to increase my muscle mass a bit more now).

By the way if anyone is looking for a healthy snack food, try almonds. Started snacking on them recently so I could completely phase out biscuits/cookies from my diet, and they're amazing. They fill you up, and from what I understand they're damn good for you. Moderation is still important though. I find 23-25 a day is enough to keep me full.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
I voted "I am a good weight but do not like my physique". Thing is, I am 6'0 and weigh 170lbs., so I am about average for my height/sex. However, I am badly out of shape and the majority of my excess fat is in my gut. I have started to work out again (moderately), so I am hoping that weight gets redistributed eventually.
Oct 10, 2011
The doctor told me I was overweight at my last checkup, but I don't really care, I'm happy with my weight. Besides, being 6'4 means that my 270 lbs hardly even show, not that I would care if it did. Also I think a good part of it is muscle with all the work I do.

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
Over 192cm, and about 100Kg, so there's definetely some room for improvement for physique, but as it stands, the weight isn't too bad.

All I need to do know is get motivated.

