Poll: Be honest, do you actually treat girl gamers the same online? (Minor update)


New member
Aug 1, 2010
I once was playing Halo 3 (Before the release of Halo: Reach) and I had started an online match. My mom decided RIGHT as the match began that she needed me for something, and so I left for a bit. When I came back, two or three guys started saying nasty shit.
Mostly along the lines of that I had dicks in my mouth.
If I tried to speak, they'd respond "I'm sorry, I can't hear you over all those dicks in your mouth."
Eventually, I called them immature bastards, and left the match.

Most of the time, I don't talk to the people I'm playing with, and just assist the best I can. Usually they have nothing to say back.

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
I don't think I've ever met one but if I do meet one and they can kick ass like most male gamers then hot damn, power to ya!


New member
Sep 8, 2010
Nope, but i treat a$$hole$ the same. And yes, some online girls do act like a$$hole$ ('course, nowhere near the number of guys that do...)


New member
May 28, 2009
The only female gamers that I have any extended interaction with are in my guild in GW. And I treat em like any other guildy.


New member
Mar 26, 2011
Online? Heavens no. I'll make sexiest jokes as we play, giving them a hard time, etc, but I will ease up on the sexest jokes if they get all QQ-y about it.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Don't really treat them any different from anyone else I meet, oh except for if i'm around friends, who most of them have the odd habit of sharing their undying love for other men, then I follow suit.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
If they want to play a game, then I'd treat them normally. However, if they are a "GRRL GAMER DONT HIT ON ME SILLY BOYS TEEHEE" I go like this-

I like Girl gamers, but not GRRL gamers. They infuriate me even more than the people who think FO3 was the first FO and FF7 was the first Final Fantasy.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
More often than not I don't have a clue whether they're a girl or not. Chances are I'll actually get along better if they are. Basically if the other player's a good sport and I'm not stressed I try to be a good sportsman. It all works out rather well. ;D


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
I only really have one girl who I regulary game with online (mainly playing Civ 5), and I treat her exactly the same as I do with the males I game with. Theres no real difference to me.


Ooooh...I has custom title.
Jul 18, 2009
Gf is a girl gamer. Soooooo yes. I also really hate anybody who does the annoying 'typical' response.

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010
yes for the most part, the only thing I do different is not send them a friend invite because I just think they are properly sick of so many guys sending them invites the moment they find out they are a girl.


New member
Sep 29, 2011
I don't treat them any differently than i would in real life. I'm a pretty friendly guy but if something gets said that pisses me off i'll let you know. No matter your gender.

That said I don't actually do much online gaming. I prefer single player.

However i did play WoW for a while and my Dranei Warrior girl did get hit on a few times by guys who thought i was female. (I wasn't really trying to SOUND female at all but i don't use mic EVER) Most were nice but I got a few sexist remarks flung my way.

I am also a resident of Second Life (or at least I was I haven't been inworld in a while) and My sl avatar is female. Mostly out of boredom I decided to see if I could pass myself off as a woman. I did surprisingly well. I eventually had to change my profile to say that i was "80% lesbian" to get some room to breathe. (I didn't say 100% cuz i was working as a "dancer" in a nightclub and it helped my tips to lead them on a bit.) People on Second Life seemed much more accepting of women than x-box live and similar services seem to be. I received much fewer sexist remarks and far more good natured flirting.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Bambi On Toast said:
I think your experience on Halo was a rare occasion. I played World of Warcraft for 2 years and almost all of the time the girls would be treated nice instantly. When one speaks all of a sudden the whole realm wants to be their friend... that's prepubescent kids for ya. If I see anyone making sexist comments, they are usually joking around in an attempt to flirt.

We should be more worried about people like you who pretend to be girls online when they're not in real life. So many people do this and it's really sad.
And they act like this if a random boy comes along too? What you describe is not a group treating a girl just like anyone else. What you see is a bunch of people taking their chance to talk to a girl with the protection of the internet. I wont say the MMORPG are more mature and thus treat girls better. I think they are more relaxed and take more time before making up what to say.

Honestly I treat girl gamers and guy gamers the same. I don't play much online though, the only game I frequently play online is Killing Floor and I could care less if my team is made up of guys or girls. I was nicer towards girl gamers before though. Now I don't care anymore. Now I only judge them by their personality.