Poll: Breastfeeding in public


New member
Oct 5, 2009
I like it, I think kids should be able to eat whereever...

However, one time, this lady just whipped her boob out and left it out for like 10 seconds, then grabbed her kid. Then she gave everyone around her a dirty look for staring at her boob. But she just left it out there. What are you supposed to do? Pretend her mammoth mammory was not there at all?

Kieran Shuttleworth

New member
Apr 23, 2011
You nay-sayers are pretty ridiculous.

A. Breastfeeding is on a completely different level to taking a shit in public or cramming your testicles into someone's face. Men are allowed to reveal their nipples in public, women should be allowed to show a breast that is mostly obscurred anyways so you dont really see anything anyway.

B. Those who say breastfeeding is optional, it is not that simple. Pumping breast-milk into a bottle may take alot of effort because it doesn't just pour out and oftentimes early on and babies early on will mostly reject feeding from a bottle or anything other than breasts.

How can modern society be so backwards towards such subjects. Maybe if you're that immature about breasts then perhaps you should go back to sexual education. In other words, I am for it.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
xXxJessicaxXx said:
You get embarassed by boobies? Are you five?
Hehe, 'boobies'.

Levethian said:
captainfluoxetine said:
Its NOT sexual, but some people seem unable to fathom this.
Since when does arousal have much to do with cognitive reasoning?

Of course we can fathom it, but it doesn't give some men much better control over their trouser-snakes, and can be distracting even if it isn't arousing.
I don't think he means in that sense, more that they deem it inappropriate because of the sexual connotations that normally come with tits. Not that people are actually getting stiffies over it.

Unless, of course, you're just taking what he's said literally for the sake of it.

Snack Cake

New member
Jun 9, 2009
OP: Sorry that you don't want to hear that this makes you immature, but it does. Also profoundly selfish. Do you seriously think that your right to not see a brief flash of a breast outweighs a baby's right to eat? Really? And seriously, do you think you'd like to sit in a restaurant bathroom for half an hour while you eat?


New member
Aug 19, 2008
I'll admit, it makes me a touch uncomfortable, purely because I don't want to accidentally place myself in a confrontation situation. It neither grosses me out nor gives me the horn, I just don't want to get someone coming over to me and accusing me of being a pervert because I happened to look up at the wrong moment.

It's something out of the ordinary (yes, I know it's natural, but the majority of the population aren't breastfeeding at any one time), and so your instinctive reaction is to pay it some attention. I'm all for it remaining legal, but since there are alternatives, mothers who breastfeed in public shouldn't expect special treatment.

Kieran Shuttleworth

New member
Apr 23, 2011
Ironic Pirate said:
Why exactly can't they just go to the bathroom to do it? When I need to take a shit, I don't just drop my pants and leave one on the ground for all to see, I go to the bathroom and do my business there.
Bathrooms are for the most part unhygienic, especially for an infant. And I think there is something about shitting in public that makes it considerably more frowned upon than an exposed breast, no matter the context.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Yokai said:
Nazulu said:
Sick of people saying it's perfectly natural. What the hell is natural anyway? What if I burp or fart in public? They're natural, aren't they. I try not to do it with people around me though because it's fucking annoying.
Try telling that to a baby. They tend not to concern themselves with what's socially acceptable. Of course, if you'd prefer, you can always listen to a shrieking infant instead...
Bloody brilliant! Just ignore the second paragraph of my post.

Same goes with breast feeding. The sound is annoying, I don't want to look at it and they don't want me to either, but it certainly grabs your attention though. If they try to cover it up a little though, I don't mind, cause at least they're being polite.


New member
May 28, 2009
There are certain places where I think breastfeeding isn't particularly sightly, like for instance a restaurant, but then again I personally feel like babies have little place in a restaurant, especially if you're still breastfeeding. Then again I'm not about to stand in the way of a baby's need for food, and a person's need to get out and not go doo-lally. I would prefer not to see it, but if I did, well that's just part of the whole motherhood thing. I must mention though that many mothers, well in the more economically advanced parts of this world, use these little blankets or have semi detachable clothing, which allows them to breastfeed without flashing the world (I mean really, it's not like they derive pleasure from it), so most of the time you're not seeing a whole lot.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
captainfluoxetine said:
Well I find knee high boots arousing but I don't move they're banned in public. I just control my bloody self.
I'm not advocating a ban, said in earlier post.

I guess your day-job ensures that you are mentally equipped to deal with mounds of blubber when needs arise.

I'd suggest that many men are not. Culturally, nudity is one of the most offensive things for westerners. Obviously it's insane, but understandable.
Woodsey said:
I don't think he means in that sense, more that they deem it inappropriate because of the sexual connotations that normally come with tits. Not that people are actually getting stiffies over it.

Unless, of course, you're just taking what he's said literally for the sake of it.
I guess my point was supposed to be that sexual connotations always come with tits, right or not.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Levethian said:
captainfluoxetine said:
Well I find knee high boots arousing but I don't move they're banned in public. I just control my bloody self.
I'm not advocating a ban, said in earlier post.

I guess your day-job ensures that you are mentally equipped to deal with mounds of blubber when needs arise.

I'd suggest that many men are not. Culturally, nudity is one of the most offensive things for westerners. Obviously it's insane, but understandable.
Woodsey said:
I don't think he means in that sense, more that they deem it inappropriate because of the sexual connotations that normally come with tits. Not that people are actually getting stiffies over it.

Unless, of course, you're just taking what he's said literally for the sake of it.
I guess my point was supposed to be that sexual connotations always come with tits, right or not.
"nudity is one of the most offensive things for westerners. "

Americans more than the rest of us it seems (judging by the posts so far).


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Get the fuck over it. It's breastfeeding. Nothing sexual except what you put into it.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
Wow, some people here are being ridiculous, it's 100% natural and in no way sexual. Baby's need feeding regularly and who are you to say that it's wrong?


New member
Aug 24, 2009
what do i care. their baby's hungry, and the food is in/around their skin-covered fat-tissue.
then again: do we really want our babies to be fed? can we really take responsibility for that? or shouldn't they choose for themselves when they're old enough?
wait, what?

what comes next? "breathing in public"?

Phlakes said:
I don't scratch my balls in public. It's just common courtesy. Nobody wants to see you doing anything like that. It's awkward.
okaaay... you adressing your sloppy intimate hygiene and feeding an infant has... what exactly in common? it's not like women feeding their infants are showing off their vaginas. (if that's what you're aiming at)

also, how is your t-bag related to wobbly milk-"cartons" for babies?
assuming you're a guy: do you also complain about hot girls/women wearing risqué necklines?

EDIT: and a cleavage actually IS sexual, as opposed to breastFEEDING. which is eating. which is not sexual.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Woodsey said:
"nudity is one of the most offensive things for westerners. "

Americans more than the rest of us it seems (judging by the posts so far).
Oh certainly. It's good to see the majority of opinion indicates a healthy attitude towards nakedness, but we should spare a modicum of understanding for those who find breastfeeding awkward, rather than be overly judgmental.

I don't think it indicates any kind of immaturity, selfishness, etc in the OP; just that he probably has a conservative background.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
I don't mind it, and I don't care.
If certain people find that kind of nudity objectionable, they can simply turn the other way.

As for the people likening it to whipping ones penis out, get a grip. The connotations are quite different.