Poll: Did You Kill Paarthurnax?


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Reincarnatedwolfgod said:
Delphine is *****, the blades are useless even if you do kill him, and the grey beards can locate word walls(in other words they have a use unlike the blades). Also is Paarthurnax is one of the few interesting if npc's in a game filled with mostly bland, uninteresting, and utterly forgettable npcs.
Eh all you have to do is shout in a city and wait a bit and then you get a letter from "A Friend" telling you where a word is. So they're really not that useful. And once you run out of word walls... well then what?

And I never found Paarthurnax all that interesting. I skipped through most of his dialogue because he just. Drones. On. And. On. And doesn't get to the goddamn point. So I guess basically I just don't really care. Although the only Dragonborn I have that got that far in the quest line had him glitch and he was IMMORTAL so I just used console commands to get through it so hey he's alive woo.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
He helped me with a lot of information and he became my friend so no, I didn't kill him regardless if the Blades or Greybeards wanted me to.

The overall main story of Skyrim I found rather lackluster so there isn't more to say about it really. I enjoyed the Guilds storylines way more.


I love this highway!
Nov 21, 2011
omegaweopon said:
I sadly did kill Parthunax the first time, because I was kinda swept up chasing quest markers. Thanks to the inclusion of SkyHavenTempleEnhanced, now I don't need to do that! (I was going to install "The Paarthurnax Dillema" but this mod looks more solid)

Not this time. No. Never again. Paarthurnax risked too much to help me. I'll risk enough to help him.
Does "SkyHavenTempleEnhanced" also give Paarthurnax some dragon buddies who started learning the way of the voice? "The Paarthurnax Dilemma" gives Paarthurnax five disciples; two of them sitting right next to him and three more circling overhead. I attacked him once to see how I would hold up against them...
They wiped me clean off the cliff.

Not that I didn't see it coming, I had several mods running to increase the difficulty of dragon combat after all.
I might have held up against them if it wouldn't have been for that one mod that gave them a knockback when landing or swooping down. Ragdoll physics are not not your friend when you're on top of a mountain.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
solemnwar said:
Reincarnatedwolfgod said:
Delphine is *****, the blades are useless even if you do kill him, and the grey beards can locate word walls(in other words they have a use unlike the blades). Also is Paarthurnax is one of the few interesting if npc's in a game filled with mostly bland, uninteresting, and utterly forgettable npcs.
Eh all you have to do is shout in a city and wait a bit and then you get a letter from "A Friend" telling you where a word is. So they're really not that useful. And once you run out of word walls... well then what?
After the gray beards have no use I still see no reason to kill Paarthurnax. I like Paarthurnax's voice and the blades are assholes.


New member
May 14, 2012
my recation was something around the lines of: wait, these milk drinkers want me to kill the Bro-Dragon? Hells no!

I got tried of killing characters I actually liked back in Oblivion, no way I'd ever kill the Bro-Dragon. Killing the Grey Prince was hard enough.


New member
Oct 30, 2012
There was no reason to kill him. Really, they introduced him in one of the coolest ways, weaving story in gameplay together.

First time you meet him the very first thing he does is teach you fire breath. How cool is that? I also like some of the dialogue with him. He asked the question, "What is better? Someone who is truly good, or someone who is evil but fights their nature every single day to not be evil?" At least I think that is what he said, don't remember the exact quote.

His name is even badass. Ambition, overlord, cruelty. Yet, he is still on the side of the dragonborn. I also felt sorry for him, stuck up there away from his own kind for all those years. It was sad.

Also, if you need any other reason, his voice actor is the same guy who is... wait for it... fucking Mario. Still want to get rid of him? Sheesh.


New member
Oct 30, 2012
Madman123456 said:
I found killing parthunax rather illogical. While i found the philosophy of the greybeards rather moronic, what with the world coming after Alduin eats the current one having the same right to exist.

That's the same Bullshit as the "greater plan" philosophy which warns us away from "playing god" in some areas.
Sure, there are some things we may not want to pursue for our own good.
But we can not violate any rights of existences of whatever comes after us if we wanted to.
Neither can be act against or outside of any "greater plan" because if it existed, we would be part of that plan.
If someone saves the world, that person might as well be part of that greater plan in which this world isn't done yet.

Maybe Parthunax can help me bring some straight jackets to high hrothgar.

I believed the old dragon's story. He had the chance of betraying me, the choice of trusting him could've bitten me in the ass, literally.

I say his millenia long parole is over.
Couldn't have said it better myself, when Parthurnax asks about how I feel about the fatalistic philosophy of the greybeards, and you answer "I don't want the world to end, it's my world as much as anyone elses, and I like it." his response...

"hmm as good a reason as any." was just perfect. Plus the fact that he is straight with you about pretty much everything. Tells you about dragonrend, tells you about the elder scroll, if he had any loyalty to the dragons as a race anymore he wouldn't have betrayed so many of them, regardless of who they were aligned with. He proved his worth.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
The only dragon who didn't kill you on first site, and trusted you enough to meet him first hand?
Yeah right I didn't kill the guy!

Granted even if you did I don't think he had much ill will towards you. He did admit he should pay for his past and long forgotten atrocities.
Seeing as how I love dragons though, and also how I've never seen his crimes first hand I was far from thinking about getting revenge.

I'm a Khajiit. Why the fuck should I care about what a dragon did to a bunch of Nords?

Only regret about the character is that he could've been a really good source for giving the player an in depth detail about dragon culture outside of they wrote with a scratch mark language and managed to make voice into magic.

He is clearly old enough to know.
It's not like the Elder Scrolls had much about dragons other than being terrible lizards anyway.

Nick Lowes

New member
Mar 25, 2010
He was way to cool to kill. All he did was teach you and guide you. He never demanded I kill the blades. Perhaps if he had I would have been like "Hell no bro, you just wanna be Alduin Mk.II". And the way the blades demand you is so dickish. "Hey guy you just saved the entire world from doom, go kill that guy who helped you do it or we wont be friends anymore."

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
Nazulu said:
I was thinking about it, but then he told me something along the lines that "isn't it better to become good on your own" and then wanted to help the other dragons find the right path, or something like that, can't remember now since it's been awhile.
"What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"

OT: Never did, never will. All those years, all that knowledge and experience, gone because two members of a now defunct organization wish it to be gone? Nuts to that! Walnuts in fact!!


New member
Jul 24, 2011
I never killed him. He seemed like an okay person to me. He wasn't trying to oppose me, or get in my way at all. Killng him just because he's a dragon seems stupid, and arbitraty.

So I never saw the blades quest line beyond that choice.

I do have a soft spot for dragons that might've played a role, too. <.<


New member
Jan 6, 2012
He's a dragon and they remain a threat to the Empire, which the Blades are still of use to.

I've always sided with the Empire throughout the series and found it all the more important not to in the grand scheme of things with Ulfric either being an agent of the Dominion sent to weaken the Empire or an unwitting fool playing into their hands. The Empire needs to be restored and is in the interests of Tamriel, leaving a powerful dragon to be free to interfere in Imperial matters which the chance of him siding against it is a complication.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Let's see. The Blades have been so damn effective in their endeavors that there's two agents, both over fifty years of age and under deep cover, in all of Skyrim; Paarthurnax has played a significant role in saving the world, and is in the midst of helping you do so for a second time.

I keep scrolling down, but I'm not seeing the "Why don't you guys go @$%# yourselves" response the situation so deserves...


New member
Jul 12, 2010
I hated this "choice." It made no sense and more often than not just sat uncompleted until I got a mod to fix it. It made NO sense to me that Delphine or Esbern should have any kind of authority over you. Even if they do, I feel like they should have the common sense to realize that your judgement is probably worth hearing. Since they're convinced you can kill him anyway, why can't you persuade them to play along until he "defects"?

IMHO it just smells like uncompleted content that shouldn't have even been touched on.

Also, for anyone who might be interested this mod adds dialogue options (unvoiced) to convince the Blades to coexist with the Greybeards:


Lovely Mixture

New member
Jul 12, 2011
I find that this is the most compelling evidence that shows that Skyrim is just plain soulless.

The Blades ask you to kill a dragon who spent the last three thousand years atoning for what he is done, teaches you how to save the planet, and you can't tell the Blades to go fuck themselves.


New member
Nov 18, 2011
beastro said:
He's a dragon and they remain a threat to the Empire, which the Blades are still of use to.

I've always sided with the Empire throughout the series and found it all the more important not to in the grand scheme of things with Ulfric either being an agent of the Dominion sent to weaken the Empire or an unwitting fool playing into their hands. The Empire needs to be restored and is in the interests of Tamriel, leaving a powerful dragon to be free to interfere in Imperial matters which the chance of him siding against it is a complication.
But.. he won't. He follows the voice. The central tenant of that belief is that he won't use his voice for anything other than the praising of the gods or teaching of a dragonborn since a dragonborn is a gift from the gods. He and the Greybeards just sit on a mountain. They have nothing to do with the Empire.