Poll: Do Metal fans like any other genres?


New member
Jan 27, 2010
I have noticed it alot.
I see a metalhead and s/he loves their metal and hates every other Genre of music.

For the record I love my metal but I also love my Jazz and Classical as well as GOOD techno (few and far between) and rock n roll.

So the Question is this:
Do you like any other genres?
If so what and Why?
If not Why?

Also only answer this if you enjoy heavy metal please.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
Heavy Metal? I enjoy. Death Metal? No. But yes, I do see metal fans in general that call every othe kind of music "das wussie" (inside joke). I enjoy just about every kind of music, except Country. Even Rap and Hiphop have a few songs I like. As long as you don't count Johny Cash, there are literall ZERO Country songs that I enjoy.

But back to your point about metal fans not likeing other genres of music. I consider it ignorant of them, as every genre of music (except Country) has talented musicians. Lady Gaga has such talent, and is why I enjoy her music, but hate the rest of Pop music. To alienate yourself and only listen to one kind of music is asinine, and I do think metal fans do it more often than fans of say, Techno, Rap or even Jazz to some extent.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Yes. I am a fan of metal, which would mean I am a metal fan, but I am not a metal head. Whay you really are asking, do Metalheads like other genres.
Personally, limiting yourself to one genre is dumb, but thats your loss, not mine.

Light 086

New member
Feb 10, 2011
I like many genres. Rock, metal, pop, rap... etc. I'm not a fan of screamo though, it just irritates me.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
I would consider myself an avid metal head. However, I also listen to rock (prog, grunge, alt to name a few subgenres), classical, blues and soundtracks.

I believe that anyone who really listens to music will be able to find more than one genre that they like.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
I like music.

Heavy metal is my main genre, but I've found at least one song of pretty much every genre (and sub-genre) that I like. Even in pop, rap, and country. Finding something I like in those three is rare but it does happen.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Cradle of Filth, Dethklok and, DMC are among my favorite metal bands but ya know who else is metal? Screamin' Jay Hawkins. The Notorious BIG and, Eminem.

In all seriousness, I can listen to anything. Brooks n' Dun, the aforementioned rappers (including the un-named D-O-Double-Dizzle but who would need to state the obvious) Sarah Brightman and several musicals.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
What I like is music that sounds good. Sometimes metal is good, but other times country is, too. Lots of Celtic music tends to sound good to me, but classic rock can really get me going, too. Then there's modern and hard rock--and we mustn't forget that blessed mix of Celtic and rock. A few hip-hop songs are good to me, and maybe one or two rap songs if I'm in the mood. But I'm also a fan of showtunes, stage musicals, symphonies, piano solos, string quartets, orchestral metal, epic soundtracks, techno, and electronica. And if I'm ever down or in a mellow mood, a bit of lounge music or jazz really hits the spot.

I don't really consider myself to be allied with any particular genre. I try to be open to anything--to judge a song solely by the way it hits my ear rather than whatever pigeon hole some picky, persnickety person might pluck it in.


New member
May 27, 2010
I like Metal and Techno about the same, and I like some old rock and some classical and some others. So yes, I guess I'm a metal fan and I like other genres besides metal.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
I like other sub-genres of rock and metal, but anything outside of that doesn't really interest me... unless it's funny, if a song can make me laugh I'll probably listen to it no matter the genre.


New member
Jul 19, 2008
I find that the people who don't like any other kind of music are usually whingy fourteen year olds (apologies for calling you that if you're not, anyone) who are trying to be 'metal'.

Short of covering themselves in it, I don't see how they could be.

I like all sorts of music though, I usually listen to metal but I like classical, some country, various different types of folk (and folk metal, duh) pop, rap, some dance music as well, and I use that to describe every genre under it, I don't know the difference and I don't care.

I hate dubstep though, it gives me a headache.


New member
Dec 31, 2010
While I'm not the biggest metalhead out there, I'm way into other forms of music. I'm way into rock in general, specifically ska, classical and prog rock. Basically, I'll like anything as long as it sounds good and isn't Rap/Pop/R&B/Hip Hop.
I even like classical symphony music and Broadway showtunes!

I've also got two other friends who are major metalheads. One, my best friend, will like anything as long as its good. He'll listen to showtunes with me one minute, then rock out to some hardcore heavy metal, and finish with some of the better old-school rap. On the other hand, my other friend can't stand any music other than metal being played around him at all times.

So, I guess its a case-by-case basis.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
I think that is a silly assertion. I personally like loud and agressive music, but I also listen to classic Stoner-esque rock like Pink FLoyd, Led Zeppelin, Black sabbath. I have a classical music background so I have a great appreciation for true classical music as well as modern incarnations and infusions such as...

I also get into some rock. I have appreciation for blues, Some extremely selective country such as Johnny Cash and country's thrash metal cousin Bluegrass. There are even a few rap/hiphop songs I do like.

More to the point I have appreciation for any music that is well made and requires an amount of skill and talent to create.

The notion that metal heads only like metal is sort of stereotypical nonsense, and if you do see it its more of the exception rather than the rule, though it is understandable because in many cases the worst case example is the most visible.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Yes, I am a metal fan, but I also like rock, and a bit of other genres like classical and a little techno.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Symphonic Power Metal is a genre that sits right next to Alternative Hip-Hop and House.

I love all genres, some more than others but metal for me isn't a must but a rather nice extra in my musical library. However replying more on-topic, I do love me some Heavy Metal as well but since it's not my favourite genre (or anywhere near it) my opinion isn't as strong as others.


New member
Sep 17, 2010
I listen to a lot of metal such as Death, Gojira, Bolt Thrower, Blind Guardian, Agalloch, and Drudkh. I also like Kenny Rogers, the White Stripes, Sigur Ros, MF Doom and Deadmau5.

You shouldn't assume that just because someone is a fan of X genre doesn't mean they don't enjoy other things. It's impossible to know someone's background in his or her musical taste just by going off a false preconception.

The Apothecarry

New member
Mar 6, 2011
I may love Tool, Chevelle, and Slipknot to death, but nothing beats a bit of classical music from a game soundtrack or some Eric Clapton.